Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps

Are there any real alternatives to Fitbit that don't require charging every day? That's why I don't have an Apple watch.  I never take my Fitbit off, except to shower.  I place it on a charger during and that's enough.  I never have to deliberately charge it.

First Steps

The recent changes for the app that has changed the way sleep data is presented, has very little information that we can gather at a glance from it. The older style of it was much more useful compared to this. Please change it back or improve on it.

Enough with the battery comments. Google, we know you are intentionally destroying Fitbit
Sent from my iPhone

this new format is horrid!  Bring back the old sleep/oxygen format or I will be looking for a new tracker.  Whoever thought this was an 'improvement' needs to give their head a shake!  Horrible, cant understand it, wretched!

Moderator Edit: Formatting

First Steps

Totally agreee! I want the old one back. If you change anything it should be for the better, this really isn't.

Recovery Runner

Maybe if we had never seen the lovely, colorful sleep chart and it's benchmark overlays, this new washed out display might be appealing.   This "update" was a real step back in quality of display, and I hope they can switch back as quickly and unannounced to the old one as they did to this disaster.  AND while they are at it, lets get back the old Estimated oxygen variation.  They say my results were low, but the graph looks like the Himalayas dropping to the Mariana Trench two hours later... I think I died from the results shown.

First Steps

By far the worst update in the last 4 years of using a Fitbit. Main page was already an eye full and now the sleep summary (literally the only reason I’m paying premium) looks like I need an engineering degree to dissect data that should be readily available in one screen. Please bring back the old version as I am this close to moving over to a whoop.

First Steps

I agree with many of the comments here. The new sleep graph is terrible. I use my inspire2 to track my sleep and find the changes they've made to be completely counter intuitive to that need. The old graph and set up was clear and concise. Very easy to use. Please change the chart back.

Recovery Runner

All I have to say is... "WHAT THE HECK!!"

I hate this new sleep display.  It's sooooo hard to read. There needs to be distinguishing colors within the sleep portion. 

I can't make heads or tails; easily, because all the colors just blur together. 

You know the old saying developers... " if it ain't broken, don’t fix it." I just want to know who's hair-brain idea this was?



I totally agree. The 4.15 release ruined the Sleep profile presentation, which was both beautiful and fun to see every morning. I tried to find a 4.14 download to restore the old functionality but was blocked. Please bring the old App back!  I have deleted the app and put my Fitbit back in the drawer.


I despise the new sleep interface changes and I cannot express how devastatingly disappointed I feel  

The old sleep interface was near-perfect and visually effective, and now it is ruined. It takes far longer to interpret my sleep data now, compared to the old design... so it is completely baffling why Fitbit would ruin a previously fantastic set of features.

Fitbit Community was never on my radar, but I was so frustrated with the change that I took the time and effort to engage with Fitbit community for the first time because the change was just so inexplicably bad - if that isn't a sign of a terrible design change, I don't know what else is.

I don't know what went on behind the scenes to facilitate this change, and unfortunately, I really do not expect my feedback to be taken seriously. I want to express that Fitbit is actively shooting themselves in the foot and proactively insulting a large proportion their previously-satisfied customers. I know that plenty of customers are upset and resentful, but will not take the effort to provide their feedback about this change. However, I am not one of them.

I was previously willing to recommend Fitbit to others for sleep, and considered getting other products. If an update like this is permanent, I will never recommend a Fitbit to others, much less buy another product in the future. I wasn't aware of alternative products Whoop Strap or Oura Ring, but they're looking much more appealing now that I've done more research and compared their sleep data interface with this awful new one. Fitbit needs to be aware that a large chunk of Fitbit users specifically bought their products for sleep and instantly liked the old UI for sleep data, so a change like this makes no sense.

Once again: the old sleep data interface was basically perfect. I desperately want the old interface back. Fitbit: please stop compromising the trust and satisfaction of your current consumers with awful sleep data interfaces changes like this, or we will start to look elsewhere for products better UI.

Well Said!
First Steps

Ugh. The new sleep statistics display is terrible. Why was it changed?? It is not clear, difficult to understand and ugly to view. 

I'm now looking at alternatives to Fitbit because there are so many.

Big mistake.

First Steps

Please change the new sleep chart back. It is absolutely unreadable now. I am really bewildered how anyone in graphic design could have approved it. I can't understand the data anymore, so I'm not going to be able to justify renewing premium.

First Steps

I hate the new update to sleep information- it’s so hard to decipher and doesn’t allow the same level of detail. 
Not happy that such changes are made with no notification and no way to revert back to the earlier much better version.  
Please revert to the previous sleep display. The new one is no improvement 

First Steps

Bring back old sleep log layout.

Never commented on anything before, but had to express my disappointment and frustration with the new sleep data layout. The old layout was great, I could access the information at a glance, it was exactly what I needed. This new layout is a struggle for me to access, I have to stare at it for ages. It is not at all user friendly especially as a person with dyslexia 

First Steps

Absolutely awful sleep update. Given that so many people have shown their disgust with it surely Fitbit should take notice? However, I’ve come to the conclusion that bad ideas are rarely reversed eg VAR in football.

First Steps
Please change the sleep feature back to its original format. The new format is awful, difficult to read and very badly designed. It’s putting me off using this device.

Due to chronic insomnia I have a habit of falling asleep on the couch and waking after 2-4 hours and then moving to the bed.

The new sleep summary doesn't seem to be picking up the first half of my sleep anymore and only shows sleep from the time I moved to my bed.

Oh and the new interface is visual equivalent of scratching your nails down a chalkboard. Did the UX programmer not go to design school?


I coul not agree more. I hate the whole of the new app. I also cancelt premium. 

First Steps

I agree, the new sleep report layout is terrible!!!!

I use the sleep reports as an aid to help monitor my sleep apnea, and the previous report clearly showed waking periods and times in the time asleep tile which was separate above sleep stages.  This was extremely helpful as I could easily read into my waking episode's and compare this to the oxygen graph. 

Please change it back. 

If it stays as the current layout, I will be forced to leave Fitbit and search for a new health metric provider. 


The new graphical display illustrating sleep data is displayed in a bar chart that is virtually unreadable. Way too small. Please return the old view, there was nothing wrong with that. Or the choice between different views.

First Steps

+1 I preferred the old design with all the red lines etc

First Steps

Absolutely agree, the new design is completely illegible, same with the sport activity part. Why ruin something that was totally good!

The new design is much more messy, you really have to spens some time readin it, low colour contrast, not even saying that it is ugly. 

Main problem that is is rally not user friendly. Before I could have a quikc glance and get all the info I need. Now due to messy design I have to spend more time getting the same info!

First Steps

Agreed, this was the absolute best feature on Fitbit and did not need fixing. Please restore the old functionality.


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