Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps

I agree, it’s awful! I’m hoping they might go back to the old one if enough people complain.

Moderator Edit: Formatting

First Steps

I agree!  It's awful.  I'm hoping they'll go back to the old tracker with so many people complaining.  I don't really want to get an Apple Watch.  I've heard there are some inconveniences with that too.


  • Interesting that now when I try to “vote” or like a specific complaint about the new sleep data, it doesn’t allow me to do that. I think we would have many more people “voting” if their vote was truly being recorded.
First Steps
I wasn’t able to either
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
Yeah it was work to post a comment. There were lots of steps involved. And no response back from Fitbit either. Too bad.
Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

This UI change is a dealbreaker that will lose many long-committed users (I'm 70 and have been with Fitbit from its start).

The sleep interface has become an important feature as I realised its core connection to good health.

I am aghast like many others at the new "Googly" minimalist interface.

Worse still, I am a biphasic sleeper (I get up for about 40 minutes between 3 and 4). The app no longer amalgamates the two sleep phases. So my scores have gone from Good-to-occasionally-Excellent to ... Fair. All the time. This is horribly demotivating. Please fix.

I totally agree!!!
First Steps

How many users have to express dislike for the changed data format before you change it back? This is ridiculous!!  CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!!!!

First Steps

This is not an improvement and I'm not sure who would have thought it was. Please, put it back to the graph we were using. Also, change the steps graph back to the way it was. Neither of these changes have been helpful. I am in need of a new Fitbit, but I will not continue to use this system if I have to study to read. As of now heart rate has not been changed. I'm hoping you have no intention of changing that. If so, I'll be done with this tracker. 

Stepping Up

I agree!!! Please bring back the original  version...PLEASE!!!!

First Steps

My wife and I agree.  The sleep stages was much easier to read and helpful in the original version.  Please give us an option to revert.  Thank you 


New Sleep Timeline Graphis are Horrible! You sell a product, we but it, you change it without regard to those who paid for it. That is Rude and completely wrong! Why would you do that? Never mind, I'm puting this down as a lesson learned. Good bye! You've lost yet another customer!

First Steps

I also have don't like the new sleep reporting. The old one was much more informative.

First Steps

Bring back the sleep graph page.  I do NOT like the new format.  Or give us a choice of how we want our sleep page in our app is shiwn

First Steps
The new sleep graphs are too academic and complex to be helpful for the majority of people. The app would benefit from offering more simplified graphs that are accessible for the majority of users (similar to the old ones)
First Steps

I want to add to the voluminous votes against the new changes to the sleep screen!  It is horrible and unreadable and since this change has happened, I literally don't view it anymore.  That aspect of Fitbit was my main "go to" every single morning.  I am astounded that Fitbit would make such a dramatically awful change to their otherwise beautiful entourage of daily reports.   

First Steps

New sleep module - awful!

Not only is the resting heart rate stats gone now - why?! - but the look is awful. Looks like a video game from the 1980

First Steps

It cut me off mid review:

new sleep stats screen is awful. Looks like a video game screen from the 1980s. Did someone thing “retro” would be “cool”?

it’s WAY harder to read and most importantly- YOU CAN’T TRACK RESTING HEART RATE ANYMORE!

that’s an important stats that’s just been pulled without warning and for no reason. 
Full “restoration” during sleep is tracked by a heart rate below your resting hear rate. I track that stat every day - or at least I did before it got pulled. 🤷🏼‍:male_sign: 

please restore the previous look and data!!


I LOATH the changes.  I check my phone each morning to see how my sleep was - and now have less info - and it's harder to read. 

It WAS simple and told me the basics. 

I'm looking to change companies if I can't go back.

Also, the web sites' data is more difficult too. 


🙈‌What a disappointment, waking up to this new screen layout.  Before I knew in a spit second what was my sleepquality. There was some room for improvement but I can live with it... Now I am looking at a mixture of graph, text and pale colors , Trying to make some sense of it takes too long. I absolutely hate it , and not because I don't like change. I spent my life as a professional product developer , trying to come up with new stuff. This new Fitbit layout is work of an amateur really....‌😱

Whilst we are at evaluting Fitbit. I also don' like the data reporting , comparing to a very "short term personal average", really makes not sense.    Thats useless information. Of course there is some variation over the days , you find some ups and some downs a,so , what to do with that information ?   How to evaluate , compared to "average data" of other people, to know where I am and find some targets to work on. and  how about finding out if your personal data improve over a longer period of time. That would really show if your efforts to live - sleep - eat - exersise are paying of . Fitbit....nothing of all that, going back in time if available at all, is so timeconsuming and without oversight  so , its useless...

Moderator Edit: Formatting

First Steps

Latest update is not User Friendly. No more Dashboard on my PC ☹️, and there is no option available to "upgrade."  As countless others have stated Sleep graph is very hard to read.  You have to go to "Week" to see breakdown of sleep type. And then you must be expected to remember what those quantities were when you go back to Daily sleep log.  

Stepping Up

The new sleep summary and timeline is really awful. Please revert back to the old one. It was much easier to read. This is not progress. Sleep is the main reason I have kept with Fitbit so if this does not change I will look outside if Fitbit for my next watch. Charge 5 generally is not as good as charge 4 and now you’re also updating the app to make it less useful. 

Recovery Runner
100% LucV
Recovery Runner

"I have already started researching other brands as an alternative. Has anyone seen the sleep interface or oxygen variation graphs on other trackers ?"

I too would like to know this. I'm done with FitBit after this latest update/UI disaster. 


Has anyone been asked to take a survey after reading or comment?  Its short and worthless. Don't bother. Two options:  Product Support and Other.  Click OTHER and it says Thank You, you are done.  Click PRODUCT SUPPORT and you get a list of 6-8 options about what did to contact FITBIT and continued use or not of the product. Click next arrow and you get THANK YOU and you are done.  Total waste.  

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