Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
Recovery Runner

I am so frustrated with all of these updates. This newest sleep update is the worst! It’s so difficult to read. I agree with everyone that if it wasn’t broke, don’t fix it. I do not plan on renewing my premium subscription if they don’t revert back to how things used to look.


I’m right there with you! Been using Fitbit since 2018 and a Premium subscriber since it came out.  This is the first time I felt a need to register and comment.

Stepping Up

WTH???? The new sleep graphics is total garbage. Very disappointed. The last version was very user friendly. The new graphic is overly complicated and hard to decipher . Why Fitbit "fixed" something that wasn't broken makes no sense. Nothing more than change for change sake. 

Total BS

First Steps

The swim mode says to find my stats (strokes, etc) in the fitbit app by they aren't there, or are buried so deep I can't find them


New app design is design to make new app unusable. The sleep graph is a total joke. One more step in sunsetting Fitbit. App dev truly does not care about usability. 

First Steps

I am horrified at the change in the display of the sleep data!!!  Why change it??  It was formerly easy to read and compare data from previous days/weeks.  This new display is almost unreadable!  When I awake in the morning the first thing I do is check my sleep score—the last thing I want is a complicated chart to try to read!!!  I am beyond frustrated at this change as I was with the change that occurred with the general display some time ago.  Please change the display back!!!  

First Steps
I’m right there with you - wasted 45 minutes trying to get to the bottom of the problem
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I'm trying to find my swim data even though the watch says it's on the fitbit app.  Overseas programmers?

First Steps

I totally agree.  This was definitely a downgrade.  So, disappointing.

First Steps

HATE THE NEW SLEEP TRACKER!!! I really liked being able to scroll through one graph that dipped up and down and especially see what time and for how many minutes I was awake. Now I can only see the time stamp and have to do mental math to add the minutes. It’s so much harder to read. CHANGE IT BACK!

First Steps

I couldn’t agree more, as someone who is dyslexic I’m really struggling with reading the sleep graph and it’s making me wonder what the point in having a Fitbit is in the first place if the developers aren’t even going to TRY to make it accessible?

First Steps

Hate the new sleep app.  It’s horrible.  Change it back.   I won’t be bothering with it now.  It’s useless 


Congratulations, Google! You’ve done it again. Your campaign to undermine the visual and concise data reports of Fitbit continues. Now you have made the sleep feature unreadable and unusable. Kudos.

First Steps

I agree.  Sleep app horrible now

First Steps

I agree I will dump Fitbit and premium membership unless old design is resorted

First Steps

I agree, this update totally RUINED the sleep data presentation. Awful. Revert this back. What did you think this would improve???? The updates to the main view a few months ago were bad enough, but this change to the sleep view makes me mad and extremely disappointed. This view is practically unusable. Horrible user experience. 👎 👎

First Steps
I miss seeing how much time I spend above/below my resting heart rate! Please restore this feature!
First Steps
The new sleep update, presents a visual that is too busy, making the display barely legible. In addition, the sleep numbers don’t add up to the total displayed and none of them baby correct since the start and stop times are more than an hour less than the total.

I’m not keen on the new sleep pages. 
I would like to be able to edit sleep records. Sometimes it records me as asleep when I’ve just been sitting still. 
if I can’t delete these records it means my sleep data is inaccurate 

First Steps

Sleep tracker update is not as good as it was. I would prefer it be switched back to the original format.

Stepping Up

The new sleep display graphics are a total mess, and it proves that even a smart and profitable owner like Google is capable of a massive mistake. How did this even happen? Moreover, there are competitors in the marketplace with now have much better user interfaces by comparison. The Fitbit sleep interface was better than Apple's, (I have used both of them) but now the fitbit goes in the drawer and the Apple goes on the charger for use tonight. Nice move Fitbit, way to help out your customers, (excuse my sarcasm).  

First Steps

The new update is extremely hard to read. This is not an improvement in ANY way. The last thing I need to start a new day is to look at a graph that hurts my eyes. Please revert back to the previous design.

If the new update remains, I will not renew my premium membership.

I too hate the change to the sleep data chart. The top issue that makes it unusable is the lack of hourly tick marks. Without these you cannot easily figure when you woke during sleep and for how long you were up.
Stepping Up

Very disappointed with the new Sleep report. I sleep with a BiPap ASV and want to see my O2 graff and not "low". After almost 10 years with a Fitbit I may have to look at an Apple watch to see what there sleep report gives me. Also miss the information on each sleep cycle the new chart is worthless on my Iphone. 

First Steps

I wholeheartedly agree -- I'm looking for another watch from a company that cares about how I can read their records!  The info I could get until this last update was presented well.  Now?  Ridiculous to try to read it!

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