Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
The update made something that was comprehensive & useful into a mess. How was it approved? People are not opposed to change, I assure you, it's that this is a far inferior "update". The new sleep interface is hard to read, disorganized, cluttered, provides less information and less sleep history. Do the right thing: revert back to the previous app
Stepping Up
Same! I did not like all I needed to click "accept" to in order to be able
to comment, but this one was worth it.
The new design is ugly, hard to read, doesn’t track percentages and doesn’t track over time. As a metric it is functionally useless.
First Steps

Stop!  Sleep update unbelievably bad. Hard to look at much less decipher. Each new update just gets worse and worse.


The new sleep graph is awful.! The UX designers took an elegant, easy to interpret sleep chart & turned it into an ugly mess. The color scheme is hideous & it has less information/usability than before. This is NOT the improvement you think it is.

First Steps
The recent software update has resulted in most data , especially all the sleep data, presented in a difficult to read, data missing and hard to find mess. The new lines scales and button graphics are hard to decipher and often lack a similar quality of details. Please revert back to the previous version… which was clear and complete.
First Steps

I have a really hard time reading the new sleep tracking! I've always liked how the graph was set up and how easy it is to read, but now it just seems messy, confusing, and jarring! Overall, the updates seem to have been getting worse all the time, but I can usually adapt. This has me wanting to switch to non-Fitbit watch, it's so bad!

Recovery Runner

Absolutely terrible redesign - give your UI/UX teams a break and revert these changes.

First Steps

I absolutely HATE the new display for the sleep app. Why do companies insist on "improving" things that don't need "fixing"? Bring back the original format please!

First Steps

Awful and hard to see! Didn't they test it on a smartphone!! SpO2 small dots on a white background! 

Recovery Runner

The new sleep stat presentation/display is absolutely awful!  Who thought this was a good idea?  I have been a fitbit user since 2015, seems it is time to look at other non fitbit options!

Recovery Runner

I am very disappointed and angry with the sleep stat change,  it is horrible!  

First Steps

I agree that the old display for “sleep” was much better. I also use it daily and now with this ”update” can’t see previous days to compare etc it is now very disorganized and in informative. Please return to the previous display! This was the most important display to me! CHANGE BACK PLEASE!


Totally agree!  I HATE the new/updated interface.  I am going to quite fitbit!

First Steps

Back to the Fitbit app’s sleep display: I meant to say that it is uninformative when it comes to viewing times in deep sleep, rem or light sleep. Also we can no longer compare to other days easily. Besides not being able to enlarge the display, the colors are too similar and harder to see the differences. The graphics are very confusing - definitely NOT an improvement, and the sleep display was one of my favorite features before this “update”!


Absolutely horrible. The app keeps getting worse and worse. I wish they would stop making this terrible updates, and I agree that some testing with users should be done prior to roll out!


The sleep update is absolutely awful. Uninspiring, no colour. Change for change sake. The old version was much better, colourful, said what it needed to, kind to the eyes. 
Please change it back ASAP 


First Steps

Someone said that they got the old sleep summary page back! Please give the old one back to me too!!! It is so much clearer, organized and useful.
I tried voting on some comments others made about the sleep app but the number of votes never changes. What am I doing wrong with voting?


I commented then came back to stop the email notifications I was getting, that were many on this topic,...only to continue to get them...and get them...and get them. Please Fitbit get your systems right! Its not rocket science 🙄

Recovery Runner

The new graph is definiely very difficult for people with poor eyesight to read.  Terrible design and absolutely a downgrade.  

Recovery Runner

Bad design and there are multiple posts with lots of negative feedback but I doubt they will change it back.  Have you ever seen Fitbit change back any of their new features? I am moving forward now in the process of looking for a better tracker.  

Stepping Up
There have been several app update missteps lately, but the recent change to the sleep tracking is terrible. It’s hard to read, it doesn’t add anything that the old one had, and nobody wanted it - all things that should have been considered before the update was rolled out. Listen to your users and give us updates we actually want
First Steps

I agree the update is not an improvement. I chatted with fitbit support and was able to increase the font on my phone so I could see the tiny words. But no solution for the colored graph. I mean that was such a quick tell tale of how I slept. Red awake, light blue ...

Now I get ...


super funny that I email the screen shot and there's the colors, mustard, purple, darker purple, black. I mean why did they change the colors of all things?
I have the latest app and there's still a problem.

First Steps
The new sleep graphs are horrible. There is no reasonable way to compare a group of nights of sleep. Horizontal bars I could see how they compared. Can't be done now. The Restlessness and Oxygen Variation is a statement not the graph I was seeing as a premium member.
First Steps

Has anyone done research on and willing to share what good alternative brands/ models are available to switch to? Would be interested to hear suggestions as I am most certainly switching given how much I used the sleep tracking and assuming this will not be corrected/reverted.

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