Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

Health metrics with my app FitBit ver 3.90 does not work anymore. Am I the only one with this problem or they broke old version as well?

Recovery Runner
I’ve used a Fitbit since it began, always with Apple hardware. I can’t get the Fitbit app to remain on my device any longer. I have to go through a reinstall of the app each time I want to check my data. Since the changes they’ve made to the data is not too useful anyway, particularly sleep, I’m looking to find a new tracker more like the original Fitbit. Sorry I can’t be helpful, perhaps they will get some tech help to help them get this back on track.

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner
I’m in a similar problem to you. The app stays on my device but it might as well not be. On top of the sleep data problems now I have problems with the exercise data. I just drove back from a short holiday yesterday - a drive of 2 hrs 20mins. According to my app I went for a 20min walk half way through the drive. The day before I had a 2 hr cycle ride, 16.2 kilometres recorded as a 25 min ride of 0.66 kls even though my heart rate stats graph showed the ride with 32 mins of rigorous exercise and 1hr 16 mins of moderate exercise. Nothing adds up anymore - it is just throwing out random data.

I really wish the app wouldn’t stay on my device as that would make the decision to call it a day with Fitbit/ Google that much easier but after 10years it’s a hard wrench but there comes a time when you have to say ‘enough is enough’.

Sent from my iPad

100% agree. I struggle to read the graph and find the whole experience extremely frustrating and unpleasant. 

First Steps

Please bring back the old sleep app. I used to check mine everyday but now it’s so hard to read I don’t bother anymore. Starting to not love my Fitbit. 

I have no data of my heart rate while sleeping. I used to have this before the last update. I haven’t cared for the ascetics since the update before that but loosing important data that i once had (and they can provide) is whats frustrating for me.

(Please excuse typos from cell phone)

When will companies realize that constant "improvements" are not required to retain customers. Most times, all they are is a way to disrupt our lives! And who really needs that in time like these? If you want to retain customers, and collect new customers, try reducing your device and subscription costs. Affordability matters! 

If you my my opinion, put ALL of the information on one long page! Make our lives easier by not making us search forever for the same data! 

I have, for many years now, taken screenshots of my weeks for my medical records. Now I can't, thanks to this unnecessary update.

Just my two cents. 

Keeping Pace
Yes! So true!
First Steps
Well said. I agree.
First Steps

Bring back the old sleep and steps displays. The new ones are terrible. No color, hard to read, and makes it so much more difficult to figure out our data. Or at least give users the choice of which they want to use!

Why would the application designer/art director approve an interface with no contrast or option for color? Bring back dark mode and let us customize our displays!

Awful update!



First Steps

Bring back the old sleep and steps displays. The new ones are terrible. No color, hard to read, and makes it so much more difficult to figure out our data. Or at least give users the choice of which they want to use!

Why would the application designer/art director approve an interface with no contrast or option for color? Bring back dark mode and let us customize our displays!

Awful update!



Recovery Runner
Fitbit no longer cares about this topic (horrible sleep app update).

They have provided NO public recognition of the damage they have done in
the form of an apology OR in the form of a plan to correct the
condition(s). Their customer [non-]service has proceeded to discontinue
customer's ability to open a problem ticket (because they really DON'T want
to hear from us). In calling or chatting with support, they are fully aware
of the massive outcry about this and only say "we have let the development
team know".

They don't care because they have already made their money off of us. They
don't even offer to revert the app in exchange for paying the Premium
subscription price. NOTHING. HORRIBLE.
First Steps

Can't agree more. Sleep tracking is all I care about and I bought the charge 6 prior to it's release due to the rave reviews on the sleep tracker... Then out of the blue it lost it's teeth.

Got more detailed info from my $30 "faux health watch" I'd bought in 2021.

Don't fix what ain't broke: newer doesn't always mean better.

I agree. 110%. They do not care!
First Steps
New sleep display update is terrible, difficult to read and not as clear
First Steps

Thank you @jtpryan for confirming it was the signing in to Fitbit with Google (after downloading Google Fit and Google Health Connect) that brought back the old style sleep stats. I was hoping Fitbit had just changed it back for everyone and I could remove my Google sign in, but I'll keep it as it is now, so I don't need to go out and find a new tracker just yet. I hope others have success with this work around.

I don’t understand how to make this work.

I have added google fit. But how does this connect with fit bit and get me the old views back?

Cheri Contes Gouret
Recovery Runner
It didn’t work for me so I think it is because have an IPhone (Ios) not
Android phone.
It did not work for me so I guess it’s because I have an iPhone.
Same! I cannot seem to connect google fit to Fitbit on iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @mitch265, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about restoring the previous sleep screen on the Fitbit app with us. Because this product feedback was already requested on this board, I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Apricot2, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about bringing the previous sleep screen on the Fitbit app with us. Because this product feedback was already requested on this board, I’ve moved your post hereThis will help us to make sure the product feedback shared here doesn't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


Hard to tell if these comments are doing any good, but what the heck, I'll throw mine on the pile!  I've been irritated by the new Sleep page since the update happened a few weeks ago.  Finally prodded myself to find a way to send feedback about it, and am glad to find I'm not the only one!  Look -- the update is just bad design.  Even apart from the visual (which is much worse than the previous version), it now makes us have to click separately on Oxygen variation and Heartrate to see those results and graphs.  The former page had everything on there at a glance!  Making users have to go through MORE clicks is not good website or app interface design. It's clunky and frustrating, and it's wasting my time.   In addition, the previous version was all much easier to read -- the colors were better, and the light on dark was just easier on the eyes.  Most good apps and sites have options for a dark version or a light version, which work well for different people.  But I don't see any way to adjust or customize the new design.  Ideally: get rid of the new design and bring back the old page style (with everything on it).  Acceptable: give us the OPTION to choose how the results are displayed to us, and give people the option to choose the old design, even if you keep the new design as a choice as well.  What you need to realize is that if a couple thousand of your users came here to complain, there are A LOT MORE out there who are dissatisfied, but who for various reasons don't know how to make their displeasure known, or don't have the energy to find out how.  We're the tip of an iceberg of annoyed customers.

Recovery Runner
there is a way to reverse it. I saw a link in a post on the Fitbit chat
group on Facebook. I tried it and it works (and thank God it reverse the
damage done by the Fitbit update)

it can't posted here as the moderators won't allow it

The way the new sleep data presents is very difficult to read.  Please bring back the old bar graphs.  They are so much easier to interpret and view. 

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