Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
Evidently an employee of Fitbit to say they prefer the new design. There is
no way anyone in their right mind prefers the new design. It is horrendous
to the extreme. I keep checking to see if it is April 1 because this must
be some kind of joke. Fitbit is treating its customers extremely poorly
with this shoddy backwards update.
First Steps

The new format is horrible. Less information and the graphs are useless. Why would you take something that works and change it for the worse? Please go back to the old format. This new one is awful!  

First Steps

If somebody feels the same data is there and can be seen easily at a glance, they must not be using the same features that I am.  In my case, data is not there, and hunting for it is frustrating and pointless.

Recovery Runner

New changes in the layout of the sleep app are the worst updates I have seen in the 4 years I have been a fitbit user.  I do pay monthly for a premium subscription so I can get detailed sleep information.  Now the update doesn't provide the details I am paying for...dotted lines on a faintly colored graph and no possible way to get specific clock times for the sleep cycles.  Is this an April Fool's Day joke?  It's difficult to read the vague information.  Someone clearly is not in tune with user needs who pay for the premium app extras.  Here's an idea:  Instead of pushing out an update and getting complaints afterwards maybe try sending out a trial to receive actual user response and if it is overwhelmingly negative then send your designers back to the drawing board.

Stepping Up
The average benchmark range for “women your age” is no longer displayed in
the benchmark display. It has been replaced with “for typical people like

What the heck does that mean? Typical in what way? Activity level, average
heart rate, average weight, average amount of sleep….? What is “typical?”

My guess is this was done to reduce their cost by having a single display
for every entered profile category. Perhaps some profiles don’t fit a
prescribed category and they are considered “other” and their benchmark
category is just called “typical people like you”….. meaning typical

Less personable, less definitive and less trustworthy for the end user.

Just my opinion.
First Steps

I agree. If I work at it long enough, I can uncover some of the data that used to be easy to find on the previous version (such as looking at trends instead of today's), but I don't want to waste anymore time on it. I won't be renewing my Premium subscription though. That is the main reason I liked Premium, the sleep data. The new graph looks like something a sleep researcher would find useful, but not so much for me.

If Fitbit was going to make such significant changes, why don't they do us users the courtesy of explaining what and why this was done and how to use the new version. It may have been written and posted already, but it is not helpful if it is buried somewhere. 


85% of why give fitbit my money for their products, and sometimes premium etc. is for the Sleep Tracking Interface they provided.

This new one is PURE TRASH!!!! I don't even check it anymore as it gives me fkin anxiety looking at it.

Bring back the old format/UI for sleep timeline, benchmark, 30 days etc.

This one is terrible - the dots, colors, lack of data, the way it's displayed/tabbed out. It's very bad. All my friends hate it too. 

First Steps

Return to the old sleep layout. The new one is so ugly. Return to the old one immediately.

Base Runner

I gotta say, it's not great.  But let's stop the rant and suggest improvements.  I mean, this is NOT life changing by any means.  Perhaps another thread should be started for people to make constructive comments on improvements.    "I'm going to get a new tracking device?  Really? So throw out all your tracking history and move to a new platform because you don't like the colors?  I'm curious, where are you going to move to?  Because I'm not giving up 5 days of battery life over some colors, that's for sure.  After 3 days of the new interface I don't really have issues with it, suggestions for improvements, yes.

Lets keep it positive.



You sound like a Fit Bit employee.... 

There's been plenty of times corporations rolled back/revamped/changed options for updates/products when the user base had a big outcry. 

There's plenty of good feedback on this and other threads. It's normal to be upset and voice the issues at a huge corporation when u payed loads of $ for multiple devices and paid packages, as you'd expect someone with such resources to be a lot more competent, and this update is completely tonedeff to users and terrible design.. it's very unprofessional. 

First Steps

So after several days with the new horrible sleep graph today I woke up to another change. It just has 3 sections for awake, restless and asleep. The sections have markers for the time in each section. I've been trying to get it to drill down or slide because what is not there at all is deep sleep unless i just didn't have any??

I still prefer the last display prior to the recent change...

First Steps
My suggestion for improvement? Just bring back the old interface. Easy

I agree. I currently pay for the subscription and all I've seen so far is downgrades. Even the new readiness score should work with my Charge 4. I’m seriously considering just buying a cheap Xiaomi watch and moving on from FitBit. The removal of an altimeter from the Charge line is also a deal breaker for me. The new interface is ugly and hard on the eyes. 

Recovery Runner

If anyone says that the new version is better than the old one needs to have his head examined. You are not right!

Base Runner

This sleep tracking update is so bad I uninstalled the app. I want the details it used to provide, it's useless to me without those. I now have a very overpriced pedometer on my wrist that is of no use to me otherwise. If all I wanted was a pedometer I could have bought one in the dollar store. I bought the Fitbit for the stats and they are actively taking them away to try and create some new "wellness" experience.  They're ruining the user experience and ignoring feedback from long-time customers. I'm actively comparing models on the competitors websites and hope to have a replacement device by next week. 

First Steps

I agree with the other comments 100%. There is too much going on and is VERY hard to read. The yellow for the time awake? You can hardly see it. I want to see each stage separately to find out the exact times I was awake. You have "fixed" something that was not broke so you should give us the option to change it back.

Base Runner

I uninstalled the app. If they won't give me that stats I want to see, then I'll get them from another device. There are a lot of other devices out there. 

Base Runner

There are some sales on right now. I'm actively comparing other devices. This was the last straw for me. 


I suggest if anyone has a Premium subscription that they request a refund because this new data format is not what they subscribed to.

Stepping Up
The improvement would be to bring back the old version.

Oxygen saturation variation graph no longer displays the range that is
considered “within range.” It simply shows the graph data (meaningless to
the end user) with a summary word: low or high

Providing “normal” range lines as shown in the previous version would be
an improvement.

On the benchmark page “typical people like you” is not very helpful. An
improvement would be to replace this with more specific nouns and
adjectives of which there are prescribed average data: For example, instead
of “typical people” you might remove you might be more specific: women,
men, transgender women, transgender men, Caucasian, Black, Hispanic etc
and age if you have these data. It would be a vast improvement.
The previous design in my case provided “women of your age” This gave me a
well-defined indication as to what group was represented by the displayed

I have more but need to get out and walk. 👍
The new update on the sleep tracker is awful and not is wet friendly
Below the just the first few complaints about the awful update.
I think it would be beneficial to revert back
Stepping Up

Another potential improvement on the 30 day average page would be to include the the user’s 30 range data as an overlay (similar to the benchmark page). This might look too busy to the end user but for me it would be helpful to see.

My sleep data has been imperative for tracking and improving my overall well-being. All of the other fitness parameters are reliant on good sleep… at least for me they are. Thanks. 

First Steps

@Smvad I totally agree, bring back the old version. But apparently, Fitbit has been bought by Google who are planning to slowly "kill it." They obviously bought it in order to get it out of the market it seems. So it won't surprise me if what is happening now with the downgrading of the various interfaces is part of the plan. This kind of attitude is predisposing me negatively towards Google-Pixel watches; I am veering more towards the Samsung Galaxy as an alternative. 


Fitbit didn't consider that people with ADHD or the visually impaired will NOT be able to use this new sleep app. Hey Google, we will find an alternative if you don't go back to what was working so well! 

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