Bring the old food log interface back.

It appears that the food log input format changed today (2/13/18). Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? The new format is much more cumbersome in my opinion. I prefer the original format. Any input/comments/recommendations welcome!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

Recovery Runner

The new format grew on me after a couple pf days except I found it confusing trying to find how many more calories I was allowed to eat for the rest of the day. I never quite knew if I was seeing a total minus my food plan or a total including my planned deficit. Other than that I kind of liked it. I see the old one is back today. Either way, I'm used to the old one but I didn't mind the new one.


Wow.  4 times longer to log food would take the fun out of it, for sure.  I didn't have that experience, though.  I was just so glad to be done with that old format.  It just seemed so gummed up with such random foods, and looked so tired after all these years, so I was pleased with the cleaner lines, the more compact version.  The older version takes me longer to scan through piles of piles of fast food options and try to drill down to fresh ingredients that are more typically in my diet.  But alas, I'm probably missing some speedster tips on that as well.  


 AND, I'd just taken the time over the weekend to try to teach the new format to someone that couldn't make sense of the fitbit website in general.   


Thanks for sending along your helpful suggestions.

Interval Runner

@HFG im glad you didn't have that experience - I wonder if the different browsers have an effect on it or even if the competing with flash while its still operational maybe causing some issues with loading speed - im no expert so I don't know could be anything, I admit the old wasn't without its issues too but I feel that for most familiarity makes it easier - guess its like the difference of doing a car journey for the first time as opposed to driving it every day (your more cautious because of the unknown) - as for the later a more extensive beta test with a wider selection of testers may have found these issues before it was released.


aesthetics does not necessarily increase function though so lets see what there next move is - hopefully they will take more of the suggestions on the main forum and other feature suggestion to get a more rounded version - im sure you teaching wont be in vain over the next few days/weeks/months depending on the complexities of the bug fixes


@snoozington if you got a plan up and running ie -500 it should be inclusive of the total but the other factors are how much you have exercised or how close to the end of the day it is - on the dashboard the tile with the knife and form will say how much is left inclusive of plan (ie 500 already taken out) and hover over to see how much eaten against predicted total for the day - it is a pain trying to find the plan summary now to give you an estimated completion date again this is found in the tile with the knife and fork - hover over and see a cog to the bottom left click there , next to plan intensity click the pencil to edit then only click next this will take you to easy/medium, hard etc forecasts


hope that helps a bit ( unless I have miss understood your enquiry)


the other issue I had was I couldn't confirm if it was using sedentary or personalised for my plan this needs to be returned in the new feature whatever format it is in


Kind Regards



Recovery Runner

@ashwolveThanks. I like the idiot box in the old (current) format that spells it out "Today, I can still eat" in big unmistakable numbers so I always have a good idea how I'm doing at a glance. The newer format had 2 places on the food log that showed numbers and the number of calories left were different in each place.  

Interval Runner

@snoozington  I hear you I have taken screen shots of all that I think is useful while we have the old to compare with the new when it gets finished with the developers,


as mentioned although not ideal the tile on the dashboard with the knife and fork is the same information should it not appear in the newer version (as a back up)


the new food log had it all in one the dial with under/over had cals in and cals out and under had left to eat for the day but is it small the font could be better on it now I have the extra to compare I will continue to forward suggestions to Fitbit if something is lacking / missing and hopefully they will implement it as we have already had the functions we shouldn't really have to pass it through feature suggestions (we shall see)


al the best 😉



The feature you mention, of Today, I can eat.... was a great feature and is in this older version. I hope something similar and at a glance would be in the updated new feature.

Sent from my iPad
it is back
we can hope that no more brain fog shows up.
I know and I'm so happy.

I didn't care for the new food log graph. Thank you for bringing back the old log. Hopefully, the next future new version will be much more user-friendly.


Now, I only drink ounces of milk not cups of milk especially when I'm taking my medications. Two to four swallows, and I'm done. Although many liquids are measured in various forms of cups or fluid ounces, there should be an option for both. Thank you for listening. 


Thank you for bringing the old format back, i don't have the flash plugin installed and it does work great since I don't care about the graph


This just saved me to buy a Garmin 






Thank you for bringing back the previous format.

Keeping Pace

Liked the new format except:

I wish we could choose different options. For instance I log all my meals under anytime. Don't need screen space taken by things I don't use. And I use mostly custom foods so would prefer that list to be default on my page. Not a computer guy so I don't know if it's even possible to allow people to have different options.

First Steps
Thank you for bringing back the old format. The biggest loss with the new format was the dial that told you how many more calories you could eat and when you were over by clicking on the dial it told you how many calories you needed to burn to get back on track. So glad to see it back. I was skeptical you would listen to this forum but you restored my trust in this format for eliciting change.
Amen, I feel the same & glad the old log is back
Stepping Up

Bring back the new interface. Just speed it up a little.

@grim1959 wrote:

It appears that the food log input format changed today (2/13/18). Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? The new format is much more cumbersome in my opinion. I prefer the original format. Any input/comments/recommendations welcome!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity


I'm with you, the original is best.
First Steps

.....I almost don't want to say anything because I'm afraid it isn't really true.....but it appears our beloved "old" format is back!!!! 


If this is so, THANK YOU FITBIT!!!

First Steps
Thank you

Judy McKinney
Sent from my iPhone

Almost gave up on fitbit.  Just logged in after several days and found the food log changed back.

After not using my fitbit for over a week now, charging it up and will start using it again.

Was ready to put it on E-Bay.

Thanks to everyone that made comments, sometimes it make a difference!

Larry J

In total agreement!!!
Stepping Up
Pro-choice on this issue, but would welcome faster connections.

Martin Burns
Stepping Up

It is (or was) the most terrible UI change I've ever seen. I am saying was as it looks like it has now been changed back. I stopped using it, and was going to get another product if it wasn't improved.


It was slower, more cumbersome, needed more user actions and very unfriendly to use. I understand that we would 'get used to' a change, but when it was a bad change it seems studpid. I am pleased to see it appears to have been changed back


Interval Runner

@JonBaker I wholeheartedly agree and I have submitted a suggestion on how the page should look (not that they will listen) maybe you can take a look and see what you think and if you like maybe vote for it and leave a comment - the link is currently at the bottom of page 8 its the bottom link in the post - this rollback unfortunately is only temporary and I am sure its slower because it was loading too much information In one go - if they used the dropdown menu system (as it seems that is how they want to provide the lists) it I believe may solve that,


Kind Regards



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