Cancel Friend Request

I think if you send a friend request you should be able to cancel it and resend it. Just in case your friend never got your friend request. It can be very easy to over look friend requests or sometimes you send one to someone by mkistake. If facebook can do it then so can Fitbit.


Moderator Edit:  Added labels

First Steps

If I sent out a friend request & no response, I would like to be able to send it again. 

Fitbit only gives you one request & it keeps the request logged so you can't request again. 

Can this be. changed?




 Nothing's been happening since 2015.... Are you going to address the issue?? I'm frustrated... 

First Steps

I can undo my vote for this thread but not a friend request? 

So...the feature exists, but won't be implemented despite the large population asking for it. 

It's seeming as though the Fitbit interface is intentionally designed to have us send friend requests to random people.

First Steps

Thank you, Fitbit, for putting me a very awkward situation.  You have been receiving the same feedback for 3 years now and have not taken any action.  I was so happy when I first received my Fitbit as a present, but now I am questing the brand.  There needs to be a way where users can cancel their sent friend requests.  Seems like a lot of people are "voting on it" but not much is being done.  Please address and fix this issue. 

First Steps

Years of requests from many customers for a seemingly simple and important feature   Fitbit could reduce the frustration with a simple confirmation before sending. Or if sent in error a cancel feature that send a second ‘oops message’ to the contact and we can then block the contact. Any updates coming?


I’m really surprised that Fitbit has not provided the “delete friend request” option! I accidentally hit a friend request while scrolling through my list and want to delete it. Why on earth would you not provide this as an option to your users? Huge FAIL on Fitbit part!!! 


my friends never received my request so now i cant add them. help, how can i cancel a req and add via email address instead of via app?

Not applicable

I just wanted to agree with the post about requesting that we be able to cancel mistaken friend request sent.


PLEEEEEEEASE add the feature where friends requests can be rescinded!!!!!!  Pretty, pretty please.  It's so annoying that it can't be.

First Steps

I would love this feature.


As a workaround, you can block and then unblock the person you accidentally requested. This cancels out the friend request. 

First Steps

I can't believe that we are in 2019 and the feature is still not implemented.. Do you really want the people to use your social part of the app? Or you implemented it some years ago and then forgot about it? Dissapointed... 

Not applicable

yes please - especially for fake profiles or hackers ! Smiley Frustrated

Recovery Runner

That is great information Tubastephanie! I wish I had known this a long time ago. Block, then remove from blocked list to remove Friend Request. Thank  you!

Not applicable

thanks for the hint @Gary_B, haven't noticed the entry from @tubastephanie  - but where is this "block" button on the profile site ?


Recovery Runner

It is in the upper right corner. Select the 3 dots, then Block User.

Moderator Edit: Formatting

Recovery Runner

Then go to  your account (card looking icon in upper right corner of main page on phone) and scroll to the bottom. Select Blocked Users and find that person and Unblock. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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