Charge 3: Screen should turn on when a notification is received

Currently, if you receive a notification, the device vibrates but the screen does not turn on. Therefore, you have to flick your wrist or tap on the display to see what was received.

This is inconvenient as usually if you receive a notification, you naturally want to see it immediately and either ignore it or reply to it.




id love it if there was option to have the watch face light up automatically for a few seconds when an alert comes in (rather than having to double tap to see it). 


This is is how it worked on a pebble and it was great!






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Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Keen to hear what others think?

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
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Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Keen to hear what others think?

First Steps

I second this feature request.


This is literally how notifications function on all other major fitness trackers from Garmin, Samsung, etc. (I, or members in my family, have owned most in this category). As mecathun notes, having to raise your wrist or double-tap the screen to view the notification is an unnecessary step and additional interruption. Simply make this functionality optional (again, like other major brands) by placing a toggle in the notification settings to automatically illuminate the screen when a new notification is received. 


Fitbit has seemingly always lagged behind when it comes to notification handling on anything other than their Versa line (e.g, not being able to receive notifications from more more than one SMS app, etc). Why this simple notification/display option wasn't included by default is baffling -- particularly on a device retailing for $150 in 2018. 


I'm also keen to hear what others think ...


Agree with almost everything people are saying.   The font is way too small, the display does not stay on long enough, should light up with incoming message and there should be more options for the watch display screen 

Tempo Runner

I wish that there was an option for the notifications to pop up on the screen when they come in too. Maybe a setting to toggle that feature on or off.



Would need a toggle. I don't always look right away and don't want to waste battery turning on the screen... When I look at the charge, then it should go on. 

First Steps

I like this idea and I agree with the toggle. 


I think the argument for this feature wasting battery is pretty mute as I’m sure it wouldn’t use much more than the screen lighting up inadvertently when you raise your arm anyway. The watch is continuously turning on without our wanting it too anyway - the one time we DO want to see the screen it doesn’t! 🙂



First Steps

This feature is a must. I honestly can't comprehend how this is not standard, as it is with most (if not all) other trackers and smartwatches. I do agree that perhaps there should be a toggle so it doesn't light up during meetings etc. although I would proboably just set it to do not disturb when in a meeting.


I totally agree. Please insert a toggle or make as baseline that the screen turn on when youriceive a call or a notification!

@mechathun wrote:

Currently, if you receive a notification, the device vibrates but the screen does not turn on. Therefore, you have to flick your wrist or tap on the display to see what was received.

This is inconvenient as usually if you receive a notification, you naturally want to see it immediately and either ignore it or reply to it.



I want this only if there’s a toggle, which could even be under settings. But I def. don’t want the possibility of something sappy or sexy popping up visible to anyone close by while I’m in a meeting!

Community Legend

Only if the feature in optional we all do not need or want this battery hog feature and there are plenty of complaints of this feature being added to the Versa.


Should be easy enough to add as a setting I reckon . More of a pointless battery hog would be the fact that you can’t stop the watch from activating whilst you’re asleep! (when accidentally touching the screen or button). But it seems Fitbit don’t want to incorporate this feature either for some bizarre reason. 

Community Legend

It is also pointed during the day,.

The scenario 1

Notification comes in.

Charge 3 turns on

I can not look at Charge 4 now and ithe display has turned off.

Lift arm up, the Charge 3 turns on. Message has been removed since the Charge 3 thinks it has been read.

Pull out phone to read the notification.

What is the point.


Scenario 2

Charge 3 vibrates

I have a message

When I get a chance to read it I lift my arm

Display turns on

Read message and reply if I need to.

No phone needed.


The Versa recently got the update you want and it has annoyed a bunch of people.


:).  If Fitbit would just make a ‘pebble 3’ All would be fine 🙂 that was perfect functionally, just lacked on the hardware 

Community Legend

Fitbit did not but the rights to make a pebble 3 device.

First Steps



A simple solution to your 'scenario 1' would be what most other major smartwatch/activity trackers (Samsung, etc.) do:


Notification comes in

Charge 3 turns on

I cannot look at it

Display turns off

When I'm able to check my Charge 3, there is an icon that indicates that I have a notification

I then open a 'drawer' (by swiping down/left/right/up/over/across, spinning my wrist in a circle, hopping up and down, whatever ...) that contains all of my unread notifications

After reading my notification, I can then dismiss it from the device

Like other devices from competing manufacturers, notification redundancy is avoided by syncing with the phone (e.g, if you dismiss a text on your phone, it is dismissed from the Charge 3 and vice versa) 




This point of this, whether you personally want the functionality or not, is to give other users the option. I never suggested that the auto-wake feature be mandatory for all users, rather an optional toggle in the device settings. 


Also, just because the Fitbit developers implemented a clearly half-baked solution on the Versa, that does not mean they can't correct it or implement something better on their wearables going forward. I believe that's the entire point of this Feature Suggestion Forum. 



Didn’t they?! They wouldn’t have to call it a pebble 3. I’m being slightly facetious. But all I’m saying Is that an e-ink display, with heart monitor and all the os features it had would go down VERY well with me.

Community Legend

I agree about the e-ink, the refresh rate of slow but no battery required to keep the display on. My broken display on the Kindle after 3 years still shows the last screen.


With only 38 votes the suggestion didn't seem to popular.

E Ink Display in Future Products


Fitbit bought some technology and their designers not the pebble line or their huge dept.


@Scarlett724 as I mentioned above, I would be fine as long as it is optional, however fitbits record has not been very good in making things optional and on the Versa this feature can not be turned off.


We can live in hope :). I guess it depends how many notifications you get. But I’d be more than willing to sacrifice a little battery for convenience.

Recovery Runner

 As a recoviering pebble user this is a must haver right here. Looking down only to see nothing is a bit of a shame. 

Community Legend

I personally would find this feature an inconvenience and a distraction, and am thinking about going back to the Charge 3 since this feature has been added to the Versa.


I agree completely, I sometimes even have trouble making my screen turn on without having to tap it and i would like to be able to glance at it to see what notification i received. I think that this basic feature should be updated. 



Community Legend

The feature to turn the display on was added recently to the Versa, within 48 hours, people where complaining that there battery life has decreased.

Their is an active suggestion to have this feature removed from the Versa.

Personally it is seldom that I want to or an able to read the message when it comes, and I find it very easy to raise my arm and the display turns on.

Why should it turn on when I receive the notification, then turn on later when I want to read the notification?

In short this feature will be useless unless Fitbit gives the user an option.

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