Check my temp at anytime with supported devices

The latest generation of devices include a skin temperature sensor, but currently it is only used during sleep. Especially in the current world situation I'm asked to check my temperature multiple times per day. It would be nice if I could just tap my watch rather than picking up the IR thermometer that multiple other people have been handling.
Stepping Up
I see in the reviews that the Sense will monitor temperature during sleep. I bought my first smartband to be able to check my temp at anytime during the day. Will this be a feature that would or could be added to your Sense? Sometimes it is good to check it throughout the day.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Hoff455. Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about allowing the Sense to monitor temperature at any time with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Stepping Up

It's a shame that is the way you decide how to add a feature. Especially with the Covid-19 virus going around right now, keeping track of someone's temperature is very important. That is the reason I bought my first Smartband was to keep track of my temp. I am not so much concerned about the running and exercising part of this smartwatch, I am more interested in the sleep tracking, ECG, temperature monitoring, and a little bit about blood pressure monitoring. 
To be able to check temp at anytime throughout the day is important during a pandemic like we have right now. 


I to would love to be able to track temp during this Covid 19 pandemic.  Keep us posted on the development 





hey guys, the watch can measure skin temp but not body core temp. not clear to me that the wrist is a place on the body where the core temp can be accurately estimated from skin temp. I never saw the sense advertised to measure core temp or temp on demand. I do think that if fitbit has determined that skin temp trend can help identify health issues, then they are doing what they feel is appropriate for a wrist-based sensor device (watch) to do. I don't work for fitbit or have any affiliation to them by the way. there are already fairly accurate and cheap digital thermometers you can buy & use for instant core temp readings any time you'd like. i'd love it if the watch could give instant core temp readings, but if it can't, I'm not going to throw fitbit under the bus for that despite what I would personally wish for. 

Stepping Up

The Sense will measure your temp only during your sleep, then with their AI it will try and diagnose to tell you if you are getting sick. You cannot check your temp at random times during the day. Yes, you are correct, it shows body temp. If you use one of the touchless thermometers you can check on your forehead or wrists. Doctors offices use them, I have one. The oral thermometers are as close to core temps as you will get to core temp, well or the other one, but I don't like the other one personally. You are correct on the part "I never saw the sense advertised to measure core temp or temp on demand". There are several that will check it on demand and that is why I posted my original comment. Throughout the day I check my temp, each morning before going to work I check with my oral thermometer and throughout the day I check with the one I have on my wrist now throughout the day. (not a FitBit) Temp and blood oxygen, a couple of important things to keep track of during this pandemic that doesn't seem to be going away soon. I am sorry if you think my wanting to be able to check my temp anytime during the day is "throwing fitbit under the bus". 

Hey, sorry, didn't mean to start a whole thing.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Hoff455. Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about being able to check and track your temperature multiple times during the day with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


There is a cool free clock face that senses changes in body temperature.  Its called The tiny body temp watcher for the fitbit smart watch. It told me that my temp was higher than normal. I was working outside raking leaves.

Not applicable
I would like to see temperature readings during the day as well, not only during night. Also I would like to see absolute values as well as the variance from baseline.
Also I would like to see the new skin temperature sensor included in the SDK so people can include the last measurements in the watch faces and apps.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SunsetRunner, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to allow skin temperature readings during day. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

First Steps

Underwhelmed with the new sense.  Want to give my wrist a rest a night and would not like to wear it while sleeping just to get results..  Would like to know temperature and sp02 on demand, real-time throughout the day.

Stepping Up

It is kind of sad, there are 35-55$ smartbands, that at a press of a button will show you your body temp anytime throughout the day. I was ready to pre-order the Sense, but when I saw it only checked the temp during sleep and not during the day I put that on hold and bought a 45$ one. It is sad that during this pandemic when it is important to know what your temp is they do not offer it on a 349$ unit. It is also kind of strange the way they decide on if they want to add this is to have people vote it up. This is already in the watch, it already has the sensors, it is just a software update that would be needed. It is cool that the Sense will use AI to track and let you know if you are starting to get sick, but it is too bad it only during your sleep.

Vokbj, vote it up, if anyone you know has one ask them to vote it up too. 

Fitbit, it would be the right thing to do, to allow your customers to be able to check their temp anytime during the day. A fever is one of the first signs of Covid-19. You are a health monitor, it would be the right thing to do. I didn't realize it doesn't check sp02, you should be able to check all your vitals signs. 

Space Racer

Yes it would be good to have an API that returns the temperature so that developer's clock faces can return the result on request .



Not applicable

Checking Temp and oxygen levels on demand would be a great feature.


First Steps

Definitely temp and oxegen levels on demand!   Please.  Also an audible alarm.   All the tech is there just need updates at software! 

First Steps

I have to say that I was very disappointed in the way the Sense takes the temperature. I bought this because the commercial said it takes your temp., Only to find out once I bought it that it's not in the "97.7°" format. I don't even understand how to read the graph. What the heck does +3.6 from your base mean? I thought it meant that I was 3.6° higher than my normal base but then the graph says it's 100% in my normal range and the one that says +0.6 is above my base. What the heck??? I just don't get it. I can honestly say that I considered returning this watch. After 1 week with it, I'm not impressed. Even the O2 sensor doesn't seem to be very accurate. It will have me at 94% when my actual meter has me at 99-100% that's a big difference as 95-100% is considered normal. I wanted this because I had COVID and still have breathing issues. I feel like I threw away $300+ 😪

Recovery Runner

Checking Temp and oxygen levels on demand is a must! 

First Steps

I would love to be able to check my temperature during the day as well. My temperature can raise near seizures and when feeling "seizurey" it would be kind of cool to see if it my temperature is a bit heightened! Please bring this to be something we can have!

First Steps

Checking temp and blood oxygen levels on demand via smart watches would be great. True high temperature and lower o2 levels are signs of covid but not in everyone.  I tested positive and never had a fever or lower o2. Just nasal congestion and loss of taste and smell for 3 days and then I was normal again on day 4 with no further symptoms. 

So, my point is that temp and o2 is not always a clear indication of getting sick. Everyone is unique and smart devices can not account for absolutely everything. 

First Steps
I just don’t understand the reading. I want it to just say, you had a temp
of 97.7... what does +2.6 o -4.2 mean.
Recovery Runner



Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps
It's not just about Covid19. The technology is available. Im thinking
of switching to a different product.
First Steps

I would like this feature as well. Especially with pandemics and such it helps monitor the temp of a user and if fitbit was smart they could use that data without trying it to user data to tell the cdc "oh look a burst of high temps and low heart rates are in this area, perhaps watch for flu/contagious disease here" I don't mind my health data being shared to protect the community. 

First Steps

I too think temp and oxygen levels should be an ondemand thing. I chose the Sense for this purpose. I'm super disappointed. I just purchased the sense and am considering returning it as it is not what I wanted. 

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