Community Activity Groups

I suggest you reinstate the Community Activity Groups.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @checking thank you for your suggestion. I have no doubt that others will like to share their comments.


Is there a way to restore our community activity group? Its a great feature!

Recovery Runner

Agree this feature was very useful 


please reinstate 

Base Runner

I agree....PLEASE reinstate !!!!

Distance Runner

Support this.  Disgusting to think Fitbit would dissolve features that work well, people use and meet OUR needs and wants. Apparently they don’t as Judge Judy would say “You don’t have your listening ears on” 

Not applicable

Ditto.  Bring back the activity groups.


I agree with this suggestion for the following reasons:


1. The new public groups are quite large and don't meet my needs. For example, there is no local group for Amarillo. When it was terrible weather, we were all affected equally, but seeing someone got out and took steps was a motivator.


2. The new closed groups do not replace the community groups. The only way to populate such a group is to be invited by someone. This doesn't work if you weren't friends with people in the group. For example, the dog walkers I know here don't have Fitbits, I didn't know anyone in the 1300+ membership in that book, but I felt successful when I was in the top 10%. No one can recreate that group.


3. There are members here who do not have smart phones or tablets, or the ones they have are limited on data or too old. Those people now feel disenfranchised and have no way to be part of a community. These are people that I truly feel sorry for as there is no solution for them except challenges or their Friends tile.


4. Challenges (limited to 10 members) don't replace the community groups. Members of a business might have been in a company-sponsored competition. Now getting data for that competition is incredibly harder -- and people might not want to be "friends" with someone higher in the hierarchy in order for the person to create a closed group.


Thank you for your consideration.

Not applicable

if fitbit would like to keep their user base they will reinstate.  If they do not care about their clients, they will keep it down.

Their watches are not the best.  But this one feature kept me motivated and with fitbit.

Lets see how that goes.

Recovery Runner

Please reinstate, you must have seen that multitudes of members use the activity groups and many will be leaving fitbit. Fitbit is about motivating people to move, without these groups, which can’t be replaced within the the app, we cannot focus on wher we are in relation to other people. People we have met around the globe. 

@checking wrote:

I suggest you reinstate the Community Activity Groups.


Recovery Runner

I wholeheartedly agree.  I work with a challenge group that has over 200 members.   This change is leading us to consider options outside of Fitbit to run our group.  Currently members need to be Fitbit users, but a platform change will mean that other trackers can be used. This change will cost you many customers.

Not applicable

I totally agree we need the groups back! 

@checking wrote:

I suggest you reinstate the Community Activity Groups.


Hill Runner

The App Groups are not half as motivational for me as are / were the Web-Based Groups.  They are more Social and have too many Photos and Chatting when I'm trying to see is how well I'm doing within "this" Group of Peers..  The Web-Based just gave the Numbers with the Social available on the Side.  I was in 4 Groups.  1 for my Peers in our 60s, 1 for my Peers in Oregon (I'm Rural, not in a Big City), 1 for my Peers who participate in a Weekly Challenge, and 1 for my Peers who participate in the 1,000 Mile Challenge.  Only a few from my Friends' Leaderboard were in any of the Groups.  Every Day, I compare myself to my Peers in the Current Month then occasionally, double check the Last 7 Days or Last Month.  Apparently, only 7 Days are available in the App Group.  That makes it even less interesting to me to even try creating a Group of my own then figuring out how to attract my Peers especially when the Means of locating Groups is tragically funny - no Alpha Selection List!  How will it handle all of the potential Groups if everyone tries to reestablish a Group in the App that was Web-Based???


My Friends List helps motivate me.  But now, either I have to have a ton of Friends or I lose Peers.  Neither is desirable.  The latter is the least undesirable.


Furthermore, I live on my PC.  I visit on my Phone.  I joined the Fit Seniors App Group.  I scrolled down to find the Leaderboard which is all I am interested in on a Daily Basis with an occasional stroll through the Social Stuff.  No Leaderboard I can locate.  So I quit the Fit Seniors.  My Friends' List Friends already provide me with more Social Photos & Chats than I have time to view.


FitBit is wiping out a large Segment of Users who are like me.  And yes, I am confident that there are many like me.

Hill Runner

This one is actually worse than when FitBit messed with the food log a few months ago. In my opinion you have seriously hurt yourselves with this. If you would have given even a weeks notice it wouldn't have been **AS** bad, but as it is, you have shut down your customers routines, statistics and especially friendships without a care in the world. People in that thread are talking YEARS WORTH of tracking and competing with people that are now lost... Companies are using those boards for many employees - that means ($$$$$$) loss for Fitbit - you guys understand $$$ right? because I don't ever see real care about any of us.


Bring them back Fitbit, and bring them back better!

Base Runner

Yes, for what it's worth (because I think Fitbit will ignore this..) please reinstate.

Not applicable

I was coming to the fitbit site a few times a day just to see how I was doing within the groups I joined and to motivate myself. Without that feature and the friend list (which also seem to have vanished from the dashboard) I will simply completely abandon the fitbit web site and eventually my fitbit tracker. Not a fan of the phone/tablet app solution.

I feel like one of the most important feature of fitbit is now gone and the sad thing is that you simply didn't care about your customers when you took that decision, even retiring it in the middle of the month, without any announcements .


Hill Runner

@SunsetRunner the friends on you web dashboard should still be there, now you have to click on the tile to get them to show. Probably another resource/cost saving measure - now they don't have to re-calculate that running leaderboard unless you specifically ask for it by clicking.

Recovery Runner
I totally agree with you
And am thinking down the same lines

Fundamentally the most important feature of the service has been removed
without notice

Which is a shambles of customer service

Glad my opinion is shared

First Steps

Why removed a feature  that works so well. Lots of these group help to motivate people and it so easy to used with enough options for people to use to run some amazing  games.

Bring back the groups feature  please.

@checking wrote:

I suggest you reinstate the Community Activity Groups.


Stepping Up

I know of at least 4 people who purchased Fitbit devices just because of the unique group activity function. You silly silly people. Do you not understand when you are on to a good thing? I suspect you will haemorrhage users. It will be entirely your own fault because of lack of customer care and absence of insight. The group activity boards motivated me to brave the weather and ignore my fatigue on many occasions. I won’t bother logging in to the website again. Bye.


Bring back the Activity Groups! Otherwise, FITBIT, you are losing this customer the next time I buy, and I will discourage anyone from purchasing your products. I'm tired of this arbitrary, paternal nonsense.


I truly do not understand why you did away without the community groups. Many of us were I competition for the year, getting 2019 miles before the end of the year. 

  I can’t join one of the groups for

this for two reasons 

1) I have no idea who most of the people were in the group were it

was just a group that was put Together  in Facebook and were in another group. Now all of that data is gone. 

2) as stated above all that data is now gone!! All of our work and now no one knows where we are/were in the standings!!  Please let Isn’t have this feature back!!

First Steps

I am very disappointed that my activity groups are no longer there. I have been enjoying the leaderboard for years. I'm not someone who uses my phone for following fitbit friends and messages. This is something I will truly miss!

Recovery Runner

I have been browsing several strings with user suggestions for challenges and features such as challenges to allow more than 10 participants or adding different types of challenges (monthly, distance instead of steps, first person to reach number of steps).  Many have been marked "reviewed" for more than a few years without any change/progress even with the moderator commenting that "it is a GREAT idea!" What this tells me is that fitbit really does not care about user ideas even if they are popular and would increase user satisfaction. I am not optimistic that the case with activity groups will be any different. I would like to be proven wrong.

Recovery Runner

Please reinstate our community groups right away.  These groups are the reason I've continued with Fitbit over the past 5+ years, instead of switching to another brand.  My three groups, and one in particular, have provided motivation on a daily basis.  The groups on the app are in no way a substitute for the groups that people have formed.  For example, one of mine is a group of walkers in my small city, another is a group for my workplace.  We've chosen to share the information with each other, with varying degrees of anonymity, to help ourselves work harder on our exercise.  I hate when Fitbit makes a bad change and then attempts to justify it with false reasoning.  The groups available on the app have no relevance to the purposes that the community groups have been serving.

First Steps

Really disappointed to see the web groups no longer there.  I found them really motivational to get me to get more steps .


On the mobile app, I cannot see how I am doing compared to other people. I really liked that feature of the web groups. 


Please bring them back. Why were they removed? 

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