Control music for other apps on Charge 3 and Charge 4

I'm guessing I mis-read the features for the Charge 3, but I thought music control was among the upgrades from the Charge 2.  Is this something that is or will be added as an App or feature in the NEAR future?  I was holding off on the purchase strictly for music control feature.  

I actually purchased a $30 non-brand name fitness tracker while waiting for the release of the Charge 3 and even that had the music control feature.  It makes changing songs while running so much easier! Please tell me I'm wrong and there is a way of controlling music from the tracker!


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Jennifer0415, nice suggestion, thanks for sharing!


We will look forward to hear what other community members think. Once any update be available, it will be communicated as soon as possible.

Recovery Runner

I'd like to see this fitness tracker have music controls as well. Seems like a must for most people who workout and listen to music.

Not applicable

 I bought a Charge 3 after using a Viviosmart 3. I really miss the ability to control music being played on my phone by just tapping my watch. 

First Steps

I would buy this if they just add music control. Would go well with the bigger screen. Please add that feature!

Base Runner


I also would like music controls on the Fitbit Charge 3, this should be possible with it using the Fitbit OS now and a touchscreen.

Not applicable

Agreed music control should have been included from day one!!

Recovery Runner

would be nice! and most importantly is to include Spotify, I think its the number 1 app used worldwide.
I know it is in Europe.

Recovery Runner

This is a really required thing for workout. When i workout in a gym, the phone is in the bag, so beeing able to have some basic controls over the phone makes this an even better device. 

Stepping Up


This feature is much needed.


Please look to add the feature that allows users to change songs / play / pause music!

Not applicable

Spotify controls is definitely a must for me. I'm waiting to purchase the device once that is supported or is at least acknowledged as being currently in the works.

First Steps

I just bought a charge 3, and the spec sheet at best buy said it could control music, but could not store it. I would really like this added. 

First Steps

+1. Was going to buy one, but now on the fence and looking at other brands just because of not having this feature.

First Steps

Would be nice with a music control feature on the charge 3, or a spotify app!

First Steps

+1 and Spotify would be amazing!


I too am waiting for the music implementation on the charge 3 before buying it!


+++ Please add Spotify control!!!

First Steps

I didn't realize the Charge 3 didn't have music controls and the store clerk told me it did. Everything else is the right fit for me. I wish it had a music control update. May have to consider a different model now. Thank you 

First Steps

Hi, I'm a new user of Fitbit Charger 3.

Thank you for this divice, it works very well for me. Just one thing is missing, "Control Music" on Fitbit charger 3. If you can add this features on the device it will be a cool and nice device for everyday.
I hope that suggestion will be integrated in the next firmeware's update. Smiley Wink

See you.

First Steps

I'm on the fence about purchasing a Charge 3. Looking to upgrade from my Blaze, and like having music controls for my classroom speakers. If music control was included I would purchase, but if not I'm likely to go with another brand. 

First Steps

Please add music controls to charge 3. I dont really need music stored to it but would be great to switch songs and pause/play!

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey @A_petri! Thank you for sharing your idea regarding the music control feature for the Charge 3. This feature suggestion already exist, this is why I moved your post here. 


mockup.pngI made a mock up of what it should look like should it be added

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @D0nk_m3m3s, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option and for adding that image. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Have a wonderful day.

First Steps

I think it is obvious that people all want exercising with the charge 3 would like to be able to listen to music...myself included. It wasn't obvious to me that it didn't and I bought it so I didn't have to take my phone running. Please please add this feature to an

@Jennifer0415 wrote:

I'm guessing I mis-read the features for the Charge 3, but I thought music control was among the upgrades from the Charge 2.  Is this something that is or will be added as an App or feature in the NEAR future?  I was holding off on the purchase strictly for music control feature.  

I actually purchased a $30 non-brand name fitness tracker while waiting for the release of the Charge 3 and even that had the music control feature.  It makes changing songs while running so much easier! Please tell me I'm wrong and there is a way of controlling music from the tracker!


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