Convert Bike Distance (or Spinning) into Steps

Hi. I'd like to see additional information for my bike ride so that it shows the distance as well as that distance converted into steps.  I know to be healthy you should do 10,000 steps and it feels like a let down when you do a 26km bike ride to not show any steps!  Very disappointed this is not tracked correctly on my Charge 2. 


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Community Legend

@PhilL-1 one problem is that there is no real way to convert bike distance to steps. Second problem is that for everyone that wants this there is someone that wants all steps removed while biking. 

First Steps
If you want all steps removing for cycling....take your Fitbit off! I blow my tires up hard and get around 4500 steps for a 9 mile ride.

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I just figure it out manually if I ride 20 miles = how many steps in a mile and put it in under activities. 

This way I get my steps - I used to be able to put my watch on my shoe and it would get pretty close - but when I am riding about 15 mph it thinks I am in a car and won't calculate them anymore - most times I am pedaling between 15-20 mph and that an average - I go faster at different intervals. It would be nice if it would calculate it out - I am starting to look at other watches - 


Community Legend

Sporty @Vissott your tracker is simply counting bumps in the road, this has nothing to do with equivalent steps. 

So @Phil-1 if Fitbit does add the conversion, what happens with those people that feel this is cheating


nowadays during a spinning exercise some steps are calculated but I do not see any system in it... would that be possible to exchange a given time of spinning exercise to steps? I do not walk or run therefore it would be mor euseful to reach the 10,000 steps a day by other exercises or just simply having the opportunity to change the daily challenge from steps taken to something else



Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

WHY   - are the miles travelled whilst cycling NOT recognised when counting the miles or the steps ???


To have cycled 15 miles only to find only actual walking is counted ???

I can travel 20 miles and check in the evening only to find I need to go walkies to obtain the required step and mile count !!!

Grrrrrrrrrr !!!

Swimming and cycling in the home are not counted either neither a work-out at home ! ??


First Steps

It would be nice feature of a fitbit tracker to convert miles completed from a bike ride to steps.  This could be a manual ride or integrated ride from Peloton.  

My company offers discounts on insurance premiums, but only tiers points on steps per day, nothing on exercise minutes.   I can ride my bike, for miles, and get zero "steps"

First Steps

Please please please please, Can you make it so when you ride a bike it adds steps to your daily steps.

I compete with my friends, and the only way you can compete is on steps.  So my logic is when I do a bike ride, my legs are moving which SHOULD equal to steps.


So is there a way you can make the fitbit record my bike ride and Add it as steps to my daily step count please? 


Or maybe make a version or strap that you can attach the fitbit onto your ankle that would record the leg movements as steps.


Recovery Runner

That would be cheating because the definition for step is:


an act or movement of putting one leg in front of the other in walking or running.



You’re only moving your legs when you bike

First Steps
Riding a bike should contribute some sort of score to the daily step count. Various assumptions could be made and the heart rate during the activity could be used to come up with a peddle to step calculation.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @dwilson1.6180, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to convert bike distance into steps on Fitbit exercises. This feature suggestion already exists, so I've moved it into a similar request. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I hope to see you around.

First Steps
Would it be possible to translate miles biked into steps taken?
For instance... I biked for an hour on my stationary bike, 10 miles, and it only equated to 1500 steps?
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @JCerchia, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to convert bike distance or spinning into steps. This feature suggestion already exists, so I've moved it into a similar request. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I hope to see you around.

First Steps
I exercise on a stationary bike, 1 mile would equal 2000 steps. I would like to be able to add that. I also wish this exercise was included in the automatic options
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @pcwalker7, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about converting Bike distance into steps. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. 


To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I hope to see you around.

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