Copy food log from one day to another

Hi there, I would like to have the option to bring/take one day food plan and copy it into one different day(s). Loging food one by one those days I wanted to repeat my plan is time consuming and I would like to avoid it. of course keep the option to add food if by any chance I decide to cheat, just like now. Thanks Smiley Very Happy


Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps

I have used other food logging apps and they all have the option to copy from a previous meal.  Please add this to the FitBit app/online.  Thanks.

First Steps

Ditto. Seems ridiculous this isn't standard functionality?

First Steps

how many votes will it take to make this simple change...


many different food logging apps have this ability and it will save users alot of time for unnecessary input... i may have same breakfast lunch but different snacks and dinner...

Really surprised Fitbit dont do this already... its not like they havent made millions and dont have the time and money for better R&D

Stepping Up

Guys thanks for your support to this motion/request, I have found two more posts requesting the same feature, I think we all can join them and give a comment in there or a like to see if this feature we all have been waiting can be added. here is the subject each holds so you can easily find it:


1. Add option to "Copy a Meal" from the Food Log. with 61 likes and 20 comments


2. how to tranfer food from one day to another. this one holds the label as SOLVED! haha


btw. There are a couple of workarounds suggested like sync your account to fit bit (arrggh!), 2nd. is, to use my favorites meal feature XD haha


The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Tim Ferriss from (


Stepping Up

Hello everyone,

I think we all can join to a couple of post requesting the same feature to be added; 1st one under the subject how to transfer food from one day to another  which holds the SOLVED! label XD, second one under the subject  Copy food log from one day to another which I posted earlier on 04-18-2016 ignoring this petition has been made here. In my post I requested  the 13 voters with 8 comments to join to make our voice louder and see if this feature can finally be added. please give a comment or a like and let's keep the fingers crossed


Would like to quote a start up guru and adviser

The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Tim Ferriss from (



Great idea to copy an item from previous days and reuse


Being able to copy meals from previous days is a great idea and I would use this function every day.  Please make this happen Fitbit!


Yes, please add this function to the app!  It would help tremendously.

First Steps

Yesss please! I call this the creature of habit feature. Needs to be able to copy food from at LEAST 1 week previous. This will especially help for people who actually cook from scratch, figure out the calories and eat leftovers or cook similarly week to week. 

Recovery Runner

This feature definitely gets my vote!!

@Hersai wrote:

Hi there, I would like to have the option to bring/take one day food plan and copy it into one different day(s). Loging food one by one those days I wanted to repeat my plan is time consuming and I would like to avoid it. of course keep the option to add food if by any chance I decide to cheat, just like now. Thanks Smiley Very Happy


Recovery Runner

Further request: when picking recent or frequent foods, can the facility to pick several items at one time be made available, then when we have several element making up one meal, we don't have to keep going back and forth to add them all.

Stepping Up

Would love the ability to save a logged meal for easy entry the next time I eat the exact same thing.  For example, often times at restaurants I always get the same thing and have to log each ingredient.  After logging each ingredient, to say lunch, it would be great if there was a button "Save Meal" which would create a saved meal based on the ingredients you already entered. 

First Steps

Its such a basic feature (been able to copy from other day), i cant believe they haven't developed it yet. I SECOND TOO THIS REQUEST! 

Base Runner

I would like this to. I was using MFP for awhile and you can copy a whole meal from the last 5 or so days. I found that made logging quicker.

Not applicable

Amazing that this hasn't been implemented yet.  I get the meal function in the dashboard, but it doesn't fit the simple use case of "leftovers".  I almost always eat for lunch what I had for dinner the night before.  The saved meals function is not helpful when I'm simply eating what I had last night.  Clicking through all my recent foods and switching from dinner to lunch the next day is time consuming.


I shoudl be able to a) Navigate to Lunch, b) Select "Copy from another meal" and c) choose the meal and date.

First Steps

Yes please..It is really needed since I prep my food for a week and alternate every other day and making a meal does not really help since I will switch it up with adding something or removing every other week then I would have to edit existing ones all over again 😐 

First Steps

Have been in enrolled in MyFitnessPal for quite a while and just purchased a FitBit Charge 2. 

Tracking steps, HR etc is important but tracking calorie intake is most important right now. 


For now I have synced my Charge2 with MFP.. 


16 months since the original request and still no joy? 



I would like to see a feature that allows you to copy a food or meal from a previous day.  Right now, I have to use my PC and open the Fitbit Dashboard twice to see what I ate on a previous day and manually copy it.  MyFitnessPal has the copy feature, why can't Fitbit?


Hello Fitbit. It would be extremely helpful if the App would allow us Fitbit users to copy meals from a previous day. Something as simple as a line within the food log page that says, "Copy meal from yesterday?" that allows us to then select our breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks, or all meals from yesterday.



Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Stepping Up

Looking at past logs, the ability to copy a days meals to subsequent days has been requested for many YEARS!


I guess FITBIT does not listen to its users, or read this forum.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. In terms of an update, there aren't currently any plans to release this feature. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.


I was thinking of much the same thing.  Since you already can create a custom meal, why not use that to turn today's lunch into e.g. "Lunch #3" or "Pasta with Clam sauce" 

Recovery Runner

Absolutely agree!

app on the phone should have option to choose and add multiple foods.

For example, if I had a sandwich with spinach, tofu and red cabbage, I should be able to select on the food list those 4 ingredients in one go (multiple logging). Logging each product separately is extremely annoying! Especially when I am having 5 meals a day. Also, there should be an option to copy whole meals (like breakfast, lunch or dinner). I am preparing my food and usually have the same things for 3 days in a row. And each time I need to log every single product.. EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!  User should be able to select breakfast/lunch/dinner from one day and copy it to another.


Don't hold your breath.  I waited for four years.  Nothing other than a post to tell me to use meals as a work-around.  So last month, I finally bit the bullet and switched to MFP.  It is disappointing when a company doesn't know how to manage user requirements.

Recovery Runner
Oh no!!!!
Now I am devastated!! I was really counting on that feature.. 😞
Sorry you needed to swap for something else..
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