Customizable vibration length and patterns for notifications

I often miss my notifications because I'm actively concentrating on something.  Even when the vibrations are set to strong.  I am most concerned about reminders to move.


  1. Option to make reminders to move more like an alarm that could be "snoozed" or vibrate longer so it could be noticed when busy (highest priority)
  2. I would like the option to add custom vibrate patterns 
  3. Set the vibrate patterns to particular apps/alerts 


Moderator edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hi @HedgieTwiggles, that's a great suggestion!  I know this is a popular request, so watch this space for updates. Thanks for your patience and thank you all for your comments.

First Steps

I bought my Charge 3 because it had the most important smart watch features I wanted, like notifications of texts, calendar reminders and calls.  The tiny vibration, even on the strong setting, isn't enough to get my attention.  I need the ability to differentiate the notification type without looking. The alarm function has a longer vibration sequence, something in the middle would make this Charge 3 perfect!


It would be very useful to be able to edit the length of vibration on call notification.  The current two vibrations may not be enough to wake me from sleep - one of the main reasons I got a fitbit was to wake me from sleep without a noise...thanks in anticipation!!

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Moderator Alum

Hey @tristanfox! I moved your idea into this this suggestion because they are very similar. Please do not forget to give kudos by clicking on the thumbs up button.

Recovery Runner

Yes, and it would be great to have a double or triple buzz for the timed end of a swim workout.  The single buzz is impossible to feel under water.

Recovery Runner
I think this would be great. My Charge HR alarm was much stronger then my charge 2. The vibrations are just not strong enough to wake me up.
Recovery Runner

So this is a dumb, smartwatch.  On any smartwatch that I have ever had, you can  always set an alarm to wake up to or set it to go off for a specific time and strong vibrations.  Not so with the iconic you can set it all you want but almost guaranteed to miss it with the poor vibrations. Very sad for Fitbit to not fix this simple option that even the most cheap of smartwatch has, and can alter it.  I am guessing that they will not fix this either, due to decrease in battery life and no more claim of fame week long battery life from that.  But should that not be our decision for that??  Come on Fitbit, throw us a bone for this expensive arm candy.


Alta notification vibrations.  When i receive a txt it used to vibrate what my phone has set now it is just a quick one vibrate making it hard to be notified of calls and texts.  Please fix this or add custom vibrations.  This seems to be ever since 12.1 ios update was deployed.  Thank you.

First Steps

I would like to see an update where the vibration setting can be fixed to certain notifications and turned off. In class, I’d like to receive notifications silently so other people and myself aren’t distracted. 

Not applicable

The option to customise the vibration patterns for calls, texts, notifications from apps, alarms and timers on my charge 3 would be great. I find the vibrations for app notifications too strong but the vibration for calls is okay. Maybe an option to customise the vibration intensity of individual notifications would also be helpful.

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Moderator Alum

Hi @gint22, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here.


Unlike many users I found the level of the Charge 2 vibrations to be just right - I could feel them but they were silent and discreet, perfect for not disturbing anyone or waking my partner in the morning. I upgraded to the charge 3 and the vibration is way too loud for me. It wakes my partner up and is not discreet enough for work. Theoretically there are normal and strong vibration settings but I feel/hear absolutely no difference between the two. I am really considering sending back the charge 3 because of this even though I’m finding other upgraded features really useful. 

Seeing how different people’s needs are for the vibrations it would make sense to be able to genuinely customise to individual preferences. 


I would like to be able to control the notification and touchscreen settings per exercise.


For example, in a running exercise I want to leave the notification 'buzz' on. In a Yoga exercise I'd like it off.


The swimming exercise disables the touch screen - I'd like this to be an option in other exercises - hiking, running, etc may occur in in inclement weather.


And during specified Sleep hours I'd like to be able to disable all notifications APART from the call vibrate.

First Steps

It should be optional to cause a vibration, screen wake, or neither for notifications. That way you can see texts, calls, or other alerts in the Notification Center but you decide how you are notified. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hello @thegoldenmoose! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy


First Steps

I would like to have my Fitbit 3 vibrate more than twice when I receive a call. There are so many options available for different apps so I don't understand why I can't change this. I know it draines more battery but I think that I should be able to decide this for myself and my Fitbit 3  

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Moderator Alum

Hi @ibjano, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here.


I see a lot of requests for this suggestion, is there anything in the works to resolve this request?

First Steps

Provide an option to shut off vibrations, especially text messages

Premium User
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Moderator Alum

Hey @CatherineATNtThank you for sharing your idea with the Community. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here.

First Steps

Yes - please allow for customizable vibration patterns and strengths. If only for alarms and notifications. The alarm vibration is completely over the top for me- I worry it will awaken my partner - it’s that loooong and strong. 

First Steps
Hello Smash, Which product has this long and strong alarm? I want one!
Base Runner

no doubt, must of got a defective one, I wish my iconic was so defective as to risk waking someone else up in addition to me 😉


that said, the option to adjust this would be great, I want 'strong' to be strong at least


the alert notifications are so weak and short they are worthless

Not applicable

I’m glad to inform I can stop following this thread. I’ve been waiting Fitbit to build this feature almost one year. Now I decided to buy Apple Watch and stop waiting. 


Thanks for nothing and killing Pebble. 

I’ll leave this forum 🙂

First Steps

I have the Alta. I am a pretty light sleeper, and usually a single vibration is plenty to awaken me. The Alta’s vibe is like . . . - - - . . . (Dots being short and dashes being long vibes) and it cycles thru that pattern three times! It’s possible I am confusing it with the Morse code signal for SOS, I’ve only used it twice. My point being it’s waaaay to long for me. 

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