Customizable vibrations pattern for Silent Alarms

Could we please have an option to select from a list of possible vibration patterns for our Silent Alarms.


Selectable Vibration Patterns


  • Flex Default (3 long, pause, repeat 3 long pattern until stopped)
  • Charge Default (3 long, pause, 3 long, snooze for 9 minutes, 3 long, pause, 3 long)
  • [NEW] Rapid (3 quick, pause, repeat 3 quick pattern until stopped)
  • [NEW] Rising Scale (1 quick, pause, 2 quick, pause, 3 quick, pause, 3 long, pause,repeat 3 long until stopped)


The patterns and repititions seem to differ between the Flex and Charge without any ability to change them back. I found the Flex vibrations to be a little too harsh and I felt they had the potential to wake up my wife.


I would personally be happy if the setting was per configured alarm or globally for the tracker. Either way, having a few selectable options for the vibration would mean that users could choose how they are woken up!


If you feel this is a useful suggestion please vote for it






Moderator Edit: Title, Format & Labels 

bigAPE | Melbourne, Australia | Software Developer

Flex - Charge - Charge HR - iPhone 6 - Apple OSX

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

Base Runner

My blaze vibration is weak, too.


Alarm is week on charge 2, need adjustable settings

First Steps
Can an update be done to increase the vibration?

Sent from my iPhone
Stepping Up

Can not feel the vibration from my Fitbit Charge 2 at all when using the alarm mode.  The intensity which is much softer than my old Fitbit, needs to be increased or adjustable to ones individual preference.

First Steps

I'd love stronger vibration. Charge 2 often isn't felt

First Steps
I don't see an option to choose vibration level. Can you give a step by step instruction?


Sent from my iPhone

Agreed too weak.  Also would like to have at the very least a few different patterns choose from.  Or a build your own pattern: "1111001111010101" with each  '1' digit being X milliseconds long  and '0' would be off for X milliseconds. 

First Steps
I wish. I don't think there are any.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid
First Steps
I wish. I don't think there are any.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid
First Steps

Having the same issue with Flex 2. The alarm duration is so low that I can't wake up.


Yes Make the vibrations stronger...Also work with more then one messanger app

First Steps

This is definitely a must have. If this isn't resolved, I'll be done with Fitbit for the foreseeable future. My older flex was great, and when it finally stopped holding a charge, I replaced it with a flex 2. I used the original primarily for the silent alarm feature, and with the vibration pattern now so unobtrusive, it has become useless to me. If this isn't addressed (doubtful after 3 years of feature request for it), then I definitely wasted money and will be looking elsewhere to fill this need. Disappointing, to say the least.

First Steps
I left FitBit long ago. They don't listen to their customers.
First Steps

While I just love the silent alarm option, 9 minutes isn't my snooze time - it's 5. Could we please get an option to customise it?

First Steps

Really would like a heavier vibration on Charge 2. Or as an option the ability to have vibration last longer...ex: 2 sec: 10 sec: 30 sec:

The way it is seems much too light and too short.

Thanks for listening 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for this suggestion. Whilst there are no plans to change vibration strength for Flex or Charge, your feedback about variable vibration strength has been implemented on Blaze and Ionic ('strong' and 'normal'), as well as gradually increasing vibration on the alarm to wake up on Ionic. Whilst this isn't a customizable pattern for alarms, it addresses the issues of vibrations being too soft or too strong. If you still want customizable alarm patterns specifically, I recommend creating a new Feature Suggestion to accurately capture what you want. Thanks for sharing your feedback with us.

Not applicable

The silent alarm for Fitbit Blaze buzzes 3 times and then automatically snoozes.  3 snoozes and it stops the alarm.  Please make these two numbers customizable, specifically:

1)  Allow the number of "buzzes" before an automatic snooze to be selectable ("never automatically snooze" would be a nice option, but I think 99 or 999 is probably sufficient if that is simpler to implement).

2)  Allow the number of snoozes before the alarm is canceled to be selectable. (Similarly, it would be nice to be able to disable automatic cancellation, but a large enough number would solve the same problem)


700 people requested customizable vibration patterns in a previous thread, which was closed because "vibration strength has been implemented on Blaze and Ionic", even though this did not address the request. 


(The increased strength is appreciated, and I will be configuring that, but it is a different issue)


This is an attempt to create "a new Feature Suggestion to accurately capture what you want," as suggested by the person who closed the prior suggestion, titled, Customizable vibrations pattern for Silent Alarms 


First Steps


For the Charge 2

* Number of buzz

* Snooze interval
* Should it silent after X series of buzz

Community Legend

By adding a known duplicate request your watering down the votes. This makes it less likely to get the attention of the developers. 

By adding 3 suggestions in one post it makes it hard to know which suggestion is wanted and impossible to merge. 

First Steps

Well guess what im reiterating a thread with the same suggestion and simply asking those already made suggestion to be apply to the charge 2. Maybe you should of read the full thread before acting up like you are so much better?

Not applicable

This is a great idea. I set alarms to drink water and sometimes I forget what my alarm is for. Would be great if I could name them water, maybe even set an icon, and have them vibrate for only a few seconds instead!

First Steps

Please create an option to silence the vibration for notifications for the Blaze.  I was jolted out of bed and it startles me every time it happens because it’s so strong.   PLEASE!!!!!

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

I, like many people have trouble getting up in the morning, but it is just too easy to tap off the Fitbit alarm and fall back asleep. I would love an optional alarm setting that would only stop vibrating after you walked a certain number of steps. This feels like a missed opportunity with wearable trackers

Recovery Runner


Please add an option in Fitbit settings, to allow a user to change the silent alarm intensity according to personal preference.

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