Customize Premium Exercises

The user should be able to build its own WOD´.


Basically the mobile app has a list of exercises.

The user can pick some of them to created a training  ( WOD )

providing a identifier nname and the range of time for each exercize.

Once it is completed it will be sent to the smartphone.


The WOD would be executed on the blaze like the Fitstar training.




Moderator Edit: Updated label and title

First Steps

I'd like to have the opportunity to create my own custom training sessions, so for example I can create a weight lifting session that goes like this:


Excercise 1:  3 sets with 10 repetitions each.

Excercise 2: 3 sets with 10 repetitions each. 




Excercise n: x sets with y repetitions each.


Tracking time and HR.


Maybe even adding advance stuff like time goals for each excercise, or a target HR during the whole workout so you can keep yourself in an specific HR zone, beeps for when you should rest and start the next excercise according to the goals you have set.



Not applicable

Yes please Smiley Happy

First Steps

This would make me sooooo happy! Please do this.

Not applicable

This would be a very useful feature for Blaze users and I urge you to consider it as the current workouts, while useful, are in short supply. The ability to have custom workouts would help promote the Fitbit Blaze.

Not applicable

Adding workouts should be great!

First Steps

This would be very simple to create in the next update and from the sounds of "Your Community"  something quite necessary for stimulating and continuing interest in this product, otherwise it will become obsolete way before its time........ 

#Simple Fix 


I was very surprised that there are no such function. Please make your clients happy and solve this problem.


^^ yes please! Fitstar works well on the blaze and I want to play with making routines so it can be useful to me. Good start, obvious and easy progress direction. 

First Steps

It would be great to be able to build custom workouts with fitstar/HIIT/WOD's and have the notifications on the blaze in a similar fashion to the preloaded fitstar workouts

First Steps

This feels like a half-baked feature without the ability to either create custom workouts or at least to connect to Fitstar, encouraging users to sign up and get the app features on the watch. Seems like a necessary improvement or it's just a dead-end feature.

First Steps

Yes please! I have been waiting for an upgrade like this as the 3 pre loaded FitStar workouts really isn't enough. Definitely need customisable options. 

First Steps

I would love the ability to sync Fitstar with my Fitbit Blaze and/or create custom workouts. In fact, the lack of this feature is the only thing stopping me from purchasing Fitstar Premium. The 3 preloaded programs are good, and I love the ability to have the timer on my hand. This feature would make doing HIIT much easier. 



Tempo Runner

I took a look at this and like most exercise/fitness programs "out there" pretty much saw a LOT of "1-2-3-4 now touch your elbows to the floor" , rolling around on the floor, and jumping around activities.  My body can't do this stuff anymore but I still want to get in better shape.  It would be nice to see some workouts for seniors on there.  Though I might be able to work myself up to a point to do "some" things....good gracious...I need exercises that are designed for stretching, range of motion, strength, and balance. 

First Steps

A custom Fitstar exercise option would be useful

Base Runner

I'm a paying Fitstar user and would loooooove to have the actual, or maybe even next few, coaching suggestions on my Blaze. 🙂 

Stepping Up

Yes yes yes! Why are you limiting us soo much Fitbit?!! It's really is crazy.

Premium User
First Steps

This for me is a must also. I was very disappointed to see only the three basis workouts work on the blaze.

Moderator Edit: Formatting

First Steps

Great idea! Would add new life to the blaze!


Fitstar is pretty crippled on the Blaze. It could be a killer feature but instead has been implemented as a lazy afterthought. Is this due to limited storage on the Blaze? 


I like to work out at the beach, in the park, or even in my yard. Thus, having FitStar guide my workouts via wrist vibrations is  vastly more enjoyable than staring at a computer screen while working out. Also, I completely concur with those who have suggested allowing users to develop/share customized FitStar-style workshops for the Blaze, and/or to enable a Blaze owner to select workouts from FitStart and transfer them to his/her Blaze. 

Not applicable

I agree with the other posts, please allow users to create their own Starfit workouts and download them to the Blaze.  The video workouts on the Starfit App is cool, but I don't want to lug another device around or be sucked into a screen when I am working out.  Otherwise, this is no different than P90X or one of the other workout videos.  Help us turn the Tv off and just use the blaze, which is why I purchased this device.  Great product and the ability to customize Fitstar on the Blaze is what would set you apart from the pack in my opinion.  

Tempo Runner

FitStar is a great tool. Although, we could use a lot more videos. But something else that would be excellent would be for FitStar to have a section of individual exercises. People can click on exactly which exercises they want to add to their "Custom" workout. This way it can be tailored specifically to the users needs. After all, none of us are the same.

Within the "Individual Exercises" list, it is broken down further according to type. Such as, Arms, Legs, Abs, Glutes, Cardiovascular, Stretches, etc.

I created a book for myself compiled with literally hundreds of exercises that I use to plan various workouts. See some examples below.




































These are just a small fraction of what is out there. I have several for barbells, dumbbells, exercise machines & workouts with miscellaneous equipment. Lastly, not only should there be a diagram of the exercise, but a brief description of it to ensure proper technique and to avoid injury.

Having the ability to continually pick something different really makes exercising a lot of fun. If anyone is interested for info, please comment & vote. Thanks.

For your consideration.

Moderator Edit: Formatting

Stepping Up

Finding various workouts that fit my specific needs then having a way to add those to the Blaze for use at the gym would be very helpful.


First Steps

As a personal trainer, I would love to be able to make custom fitstar warmup and calisthenics routines for my clients to do at home.


I would like to have my own custom warmups for my blaze to hold myself accountable as well! 


It seems like such an easy thing to implement. Make this a free feature for your community!

First Steps

I agree!!!! Please add this feature!

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