Cyrillic Characters for old Fitbit Trackers

Dear Fitbit,


I have Fitbit Surge and the option for notification works pretty poor as the messages in Cyryllic are not shown as they should be, they are show in squares.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

First Steps

it's almost 3 years since cyrillic support had been requested, and nothing happened yet? really? why is this "feature suggestion" topic for then?

i had fitbit aria in my house, my relatives and i were having zip, flex, one and charge in different times. now i'm looking for a new smart watch. sorry, fitbit, you are not in.

First Steps

It's interesting that Fitbit doesn't support Unicode.   I hope that the company will decide to add the support soon.   Is it because of memory limitation?

First Steps

Please add Unicode support!!!

First Steps

Yes please! I gifted fitbit to both of my parents and they definitely need the app to be in Russian. My Dad loves his blaze but struggles to understand all its features. Hope our language will be added soon!

First Steps

Looks like Fitbit doesn't give a **ahem** about customers' demands. 

I have been a loyal customer for few years, have few different trackers, have Fitbit Aria, but now I am giving up. 

Will be switching to Apple Watch very soon. 

First Steps

it looks like Fitbit ignores this feature requests.

I would recommend everyone to make the same request on their pages in Facebook and Twitter. 


I will be switching to Apple Watch as well. Apple Watch has Cyrillic character support even their 1st model. 

First Steps

I'm waiting for a new Samsung Gear to switch to.

Do any of Gear models have Cyrillic support ?

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Thanks God, only due to this Fitbit anti-feature I've opened Garmin devices for me, which have much more reach functionality for sport tracking and, of course, Cyrillic fonts support. And my Blaze directly goes to garbage...


I’m to. Or Apple Watch.
Your sincerely,

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps

please fix Cyrillic fonts, guys. that’s unacceptable:(

First Steps

Since there is not timeline for Cyrillic support I am returning my ionic as I cannot read the notifications that I get in Russian. I may consider buying a fitbit again after Cyrillic support is stable through the product.


I would have returned my Blaze, but I bough it on ebay, so i am definitely not buying a fitbit again. 


With the lack of the Russian language you can reconcile yourself, but with the fact that there is no UTF-8 or Unicode, perhaps not 😞

First Steps

So any news for Russian localization for app? It's really cheap operation to add Russian language in app will increase their market share significantly. Russian techno maniacs and fitness generation are very fast growing community and only language barrier can be considered as "cons" for choosing Fitbit. 

First Steps

I was considering buying Fitbit Ionic, but this awful user experience with absolutely no ETA for Cyrillic support makes me mad.

There was similar problem with Pebble watches but at least they did support Unicode. There were some issues, but this unicode support finally allowed the users to patch original firmware to add support for utf8. And later on, they finally made that Cyrillic support official.

Too bad that Fitbit didn't learn anything from this. Lack of unicode support is a total stopper.

Recovery Runner

It seems that this was already requested here for other devices, but I didn't find anything for Ionic. I'm coming from Pebble which could handle Cyrillic characters with no issues and I was hoping that Fitbit would inherit this ability with Ionic. Now every time I get a notification in Russian, all I can see on Ionic is a bunch of useless boxes with question marks.

First Steps

Please add Hebrew. Many will buy your trackers/ watches. I m so disappointed that I can't read my messages. Thinking to return the alta. 

Recovery Runner

Dear developers of Fitbit Ionic OS,


as your product is international, it has to support other languages / characters beside English / latin. I cannot read messages that are sent to me in Russian. Please fix this issue, the watch has to support Cyrillic, otherwise selling it in Europe does not make sense (ca. every 4th-5th person in Europe speaks Russian).


This is a known issue,I am having the same problem in Greek, i also placed a feature suggestion for this , although it is sth that should be fixed with a firmware upgrade, despite the fact that some people in this forum i.e. mr Patruns who represents Fitbit community council believes that no firmware upgrade is necessary.

Not applicable

@RuslanM wrote:

otherwise selling it in Europe does not make sense (ca. every 4th-5th person in Europe speaks Russian).

In the EU, the market where the Ionic is sold, Russian is not an official language, though granted it is spoken by those in member states that were previously part of the Soviet Union. But given its minority status, and that it can't be used in any official communications in the European Union, nor used as a language of EU meetings, conferences, or for public information, it makes perfect marketing sense.


What about Greek mr. lostlogik?

How would you feel if yoghurt and halloumi was written in greek when you go to the supermarket?

Not applicable

I'm not supporting it just stating  that from a business pov I understand why it isn't. 



It seems that in this forum certain people understand more than they should when it comes to someone expressing a different opinion than the everything is ok one.

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