Decide if you want to delete recent/frequent food entries

1. You can add custom food entries which you can delete via the web interface - please allow deletion of these foods on the apps as well.


2. When you add foods to your recent/frequent list you cannot delete them anymore and so the list just grows and grows. Please let us delete these entries in the apps.


Moderator edit: Labels 

Recovery Runner

The list of favorite and recent are ONLY the foods I ate on the day I started using Fitbit.

I need more recent and favorite foods, not those. 

Recovery Runner

On your computer, go to "Log" food and start typing the name of the food in and it should give you a drop down.  If you start typing "oatmeal" it will give you a list to pick from and then you can select the type of oatmeal such as "old fashioned" or "quick" or "instant".  Once you select it you can add it to your list of foods.

Hope this helps!



First Steps

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE allow us to delete MOST LOGGED and RECENT foods from these lists via and on the android app.
Please add this feature to be able to edit frequent food list. Thanks!!
Please add feature to be able to edit/customize/delete frequent food list. Thanks!!
Recovery Runner
I have logged many food items resulting a very long list. I would like to be able to delete food items I no longer, or rarely use anymore. Currently, I can't delete anything and the long list results in too much scrolling.

 I would love not to having to retype food entries I ate a million times. 

All categories allows for 20 foods, that are not even some of my frequents. All those categories seem to have food  I entered in the first week I bought Fitbit. And the lists are almost identical. 


I would like to have longer list and be able to customize (add/delete).



Stepping Up
I would like to be able to edit my frequent food list. There is food on it I never eat.
First Steps

Definitely agree.  I don't know why the app was designed to think the items I ate the first week of having fitbit are my 'recent' or 'frequent' foods.  At least half of the stuff on my lists I ate once or twice and haven't touched since, while the foods I actually do eat almost every day are nowhere to be found.

If we can't at least be able to delete or edit things from these lists, then there needs to be an update to the algorithms that determines what actually are foods we eat with regularity.  Like, a food I've eaten twice will be at the very bottom of the list, whereas things I eat multiple times a week will rise in the ranks of frequency and recent-ness.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Thank you so much for suggest this idea! I believe that this could help a lot to avoid the food list grows and grows. 


Feel free to share any other idea or vote for the ones that are already posted! 

Perfect idea! If fitbit can't update correctly on its own we should be able to update the frequent and recent lists manually . Mine haven't changed since I got my fitbit and ate some of those foods once! Now they are permenantly stuck on my frequent list. And nothing new ever gets changed or updated!

Most definitely - it would be great if we could edit the recent and frequent food lists.

First Steps
Currently there is no way of deleting the food that gets automatically added to the frequent foods list on the fitbit. It is a bit frustrating as I am trying to be good with my diet and it is constantly changing for the better however items I no longer eat are still saying they are frequent. It would be good to be able to delete this list or for the fit bit to automatically update the foods that you actually do use frequently. PLEASE take into consideration otherwise do not have a frequent foods section because this is simply not true....
First Steps

This part of the app is horrible.  all the foods on my recent tab are from a year ago.  How is that recent?

Also, you should be able to customize your frequent foods list or at the least add and delete foods from the list. 

I'm surprised more people haven't complained about this.


Recovery Runner

Once I have my favorite foods listed my fitbit does not allow for changes or deletion.  My food choices for favoites change with the season.  It would be a good idea to allow changes to my favorite food list.

First Steps
This drives me nuts! There are items on my list that I no longer eat and depending on my mood it can be demoralising to keep seeing them.
Recovery Runner
What’s really upsetting is that there have been so many comments and requests for this feature - the ability to just remove items from the logged or most recently logged list and yet nothing. No response that I have seen from fitbit, or even a “We are working on it.” C’mon fitbit, can it be that hard?

I agree....FitBit is just totally unresponsive to ANY requests. They just do what hey want no matter how many people request it. SAD!!!


Please make these lists editable!!

It drives me nuts that a price of cake I ate once is always on my recent/frequent lists but healthy food I actually eat everyday are not. I choose to use the custom list anyway as find the database is not accurate but the clutter puts me off using it consistently which is kind of the purpose if you want results.

Users have been asking for this 2-3 years now...

Recovery Runner
You would think that since there have been so many complaints on this feature they would have done something about it, but maybe their programmers are not up to standard and just don’t know how to do it?
Recovery Runner

P!ease push the frequent, recent and custom food entries to a central app database.  I don't find foods I have entered on my phone app in my tablet database etc. I have to log food entries on the last device not ANY device.  One should be able to access food entries on any registered device.



First Steps

Please provide ability to delete items from the frequent & recent list

Recovery Runner
Fitbit either do not have the technology or tech support able to do this, or they just can’t be bothered, because there have been so many requests for this feature and it just falls on deaf ears. There is a way of deleting some items, and by going to FOODS > Edit Foods > and then deleting from that list. However, that list does not cover the entire content of everything you have in “recents” or “most logged.” Why they seem unable to do this is beyond me, and not even the courtesy of an explanation to their customers.
I found that as you log in certain foods more often that they eventually are added to the list and bump off those on the list that are used less often. Seems to take a long time though and an edit option would be nice as I change up my diet as I go through my "workout" plan and find other foods that are more compatible with my self-designated fitbit program.
Base Runner

I agree and would like to have the ability to delete items from the food list

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