Decide if you want to delete recent/frequent food entries

1. You can add custom food entries which you can delete via the web interface - please allow deletion of these foods on the apps as well.


2. When you add foods to your recent/frequent list you cannot delete them anymore and so the list just grows and grows. Please let us delete these entries in the apps.


Moderator edit: Labels 

Not applicable

I would like to be able to delete foods I have entered on the food log,


Recovery Runner

I don't know if this will help you, or if you mean some other problem;

- If you want to delete a food you've logged, if you hover over the item, you should see a grey X to the left that you can use to remove it from your Log.

- If you want to delete a food you've created custom, you can click the "Edit my foods" link, and then to the far right of the foods is a delete link for each custom food.


Hope that helps!Smiley Happy

Not applicable



I wanted to be able to delete the foods that "build up" so to speak as we enter them during the week(s).  Some are no longer relevant, as they can not be ordered in alpha order the list gets cluttered, KWIM?

First Steps

Agreed!!! Absolutely need ability to edit (which by definition implies ability to add/modify/delete) Food List.  If you accidentally click on the wrong item on the pulldown menu, there is NO WAY to remove it from your food list.  Thus, the "edit" feature, is truly deceptive and meaningless. 

First Steps

I agree 100% Edit/Delete and alphabetical order is a must improvement for this app.


Once an item is entered into the "Recent" list it is impossible to remove the item. It would seem that we should be able to make a correction within our personal lists to an item entered in error or to erase and item we no longer use. The same issue with the "Recent" list.

First Steps
Remove food items from recent and frequent list that are no longer used. Cannot delete these items
First Steps

I agree also.  There needs to be a way to remove old food's from the recent and frequent lists just as you can from the custom list.

First Steps

Can someone point me in the direction of the food list please

First Steps

I agree, seems that this would be an easy and quick fix that would make life a lot easier for us.  


Since the UK database has been in use I've been a keen logger of all my food.  However, I need to clear down the Frequent and Recent lists because the food is neither frequent or recent, it just filled up the lists from day one with my first few logged foods, some of which I have not eaten since and never plan to.


Also I have no idea how My Foods is different to Custom, it just adds a few of the custrom foods into it.  Can thi be more usable aswell?  If it could be a favourites substet of the custom list, that would help me an awful lot.


Thank you.

First Steps

It appears as though the desire to be able to delete recent/frequent food entries is widespread.  Hope this issue is solved SOON!!!!

First Steps

Please allow us to delete MOST LOGGED and RECENT foods from these lists via and on the android app.

First Steps

Yes, need to be able to delete most logged and recent foods or im deleting fitbit.

Recovery Runner

The inablity to delete food from the food list is not going to have me picketing fitbit headquarters, but it certainly would be a nice and I would have thought almost a basic feature that would have been included? 

I'd like to be able to have my fitbit app automatically update my recent and frequent foods without having to log out and log back in again.

I tend to buy the same lunch items for the week, but different for each week. It would be great to be able to pull these from the recent foods list instead of manually entering then in the log each day.
First Steps

I too would like to be able to remove items that show up in the "recent" list. I have 2 listings for one product because info was entered incorrectly the first time.

It would be nice if a food item in any of the logs, (frequent, recent, custom) could be deleted.
Stepping Up
Stored foods need to be alphabetically listed...allow for personal manual organization and editing
First Steps
I AGREE WITH EVERYONE! It seems my recent/frequent foods filled up in the first week, now months later, I'm still stuck with those foods (example, Pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving!). Also, custom foods, or with 123 foods, I should be able to type in exactly what I'm eating so I have reference later of where the calories came from. Thanks!
Recovery Runner

Cross posted from another thread:

I've been Paleo for several months and there are foods on my "Frequent" and "Recent" list I no longer eat and havent eaten in many months. Its annoying that I've been drinking almond milk every day for the last several months and it doesnt show up on my frequent or recent lists, but cheese which I havent eaten since September still does.

An "X" option to delete foods we no longer want on these lists would be amazing. The code already exists for the custom and favourites list. Could it also be migrated to the other food list fields?

Recovery Runner

Please update Fitbit so you can remove a food item in the FOOD list.  It works in the Favorites but not the FOOD list.

Thank you!


Looks like a programmer at Fitbit needs to go in and add this to the bottom of the FOOD list the same way it works in the FAVORITES to:  Edit my foods


Thanks Again!

Recovery Runner

This is such a simple, easily to do "fix".  There needs to be an edit feature so we can remove "frequently eaten" foods that we HAVEN'T eaten in two months!

First Steps
Frequent foods do not update ~ should allow us to delete frequent foods that I haven't eaten for months!!!!

First Steps
I had chili one time and now it's forever stuck in my recent food category. But the oatmeal I eat every single day or the spinach I have for dinner every night is not. Being able to delete in frequent or recent food categories would be fantastic! Thanks
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