Display remaining steps for hourly activity on Fitbit app

It would be nice to display in the App's Hourly Activity dashboard the number of steps that you need for the current hour to meet 250 steps.  Also would be nice on the Alta display, not just when there is 10 minutes left in the hour, which only show the number left sometimes. 


Moderator Edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.


Please add this feature. 

Recovery Runner

I had to move from a Blaze to the Alta HR (the band was causing me to have a constant allergic reaction). I’m extremely disappointed that I cannot see how many steps I need to take to meet the 250/hour. Surely the software design could include this feature!

First Steps

Yes please add the steps per hour count screen 

First Steps

Was just looking for answers regarding this for my new Alta. Super bummed it doesn't have an option to see my step count towards my hourly goal! Hopefully they add this feature as it's a big reason I even set these goals and use my fit bit... to see how many steps I get each hour. 


I would love this feature available on the watch face. Having it several steps deep in the app isn't really very elegant. Please implement!

Community Legend

The blaze only shows how many steps towards the 250 hve been taken. 

First Steps

Please add the hourly step count to the Alta model. Thanks!

First Steps

I also vote for a "hourly steps to go" feature on Alta HR, if anyone from Fitbit is listening!!!

Recovery Runner

Hourly activity numbers are an absolute must for the flagship tracker like the Alta HR and and would only be a minor adjust to existing software to have the tracker give number of steps on each notification.

The notifications are already happening and sometimes it has numbers, so it would be easy to have it ALWAYs have numbers. Charge HR displays number of steps of the 250 at all times.

First Steps

I just got my Alta HR and was very disappointed to find out that a feature that is very help full (that's on the Charge 2) is not on the Alta HR. And then when the Fitbit people sent me to this thread to find out that it's been almost a year and the problem still hasn't been fixed is really quite sad. The Alta HR was put out after the the Charge 2 this should have been a feature that was on this. And the fact that every time someone talks with fitbit and we use their words for whats on there stuff they still think that we are just taking about the reminders for the hour.  NO we want the step screen that tells us how many steps out of that 250 we have hit!!! What would be even better is if x/250 should what we did over that 250. I don't want to have to go to the app to see what I'm doing. That's what the display on the devise is for. 

Tempo Runner

I've recently just started getting into using the reminders to move. I like that the notifications tell me I need to get in more steps for that hour, but only occasionally does it tell me the number of steps I'm short. Most of the time it's just silly phrases like "It's steps o'clock!" or "How about a stroll?" I would prefer to see the number of steps left to go with every notification so I'll know where I'm at.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. 


My Alta HR notifies me when it is ten minutes until the next hour so that I can reach my hourly activity goals. When it does this, a variety of different messages are shown on my Alta - some tell me how many steps I have left to meet my hourly goal and some don't. I don't see an option to fix this on my end, but it would be much, much more helpful and useful if every hourly notification provided the number of remaining steps needed to reach the hourly goal. Messages like "It's step o'clock" - which do not tell me how many steps are left - are not helpful and require me to go into the app and attempt to do the math myself.



Moderator edit: Labels and Clarified Subject

First Steps

I try to get 250 steps per hour but I only see the number of steps I have to 250 on some reminders to move when 10 minutes are left.  I would like to see a tracker on the app so I know how many steps I have done in the current hour.


I love the reminders to move but I would love a dedicated display on my Alta HR that would show me if I had achieved 250 steps that hour--rather than just the reminder at ten-to and a banner when I'm successful. That way I could pick and choose the best times for my 250 when I'm at my desk and working, without checking my phone and syncing over and over to make sure I wouldn't be interrupted later. 

First Steps

Getting 250+ steps a day can be hard when you work a sedentary job. I try my best to get up and walk around, but still don’t seem to hit my “hourly goal” of 250. A feature to show exactly how many steps you take during the hour would be beneficial to meet this goal! The bar chart that shows under the steps tile is very hard to use, so something that shows the exact number of steps would be awesome. 


This would help those of us with older fitbits that don’t support the reminder to move function. I have a perfectly serviceable Surge that doesn’t require replacement but it doesn’t give reminders 


The fitbit Alta HR can notify us of actual number of steps needed to get the hour sometimes, why not all the time. This really helps me to know what I have been doing or not doing during the hour.  It

does tell you that you need to move 10 minutes before the hour, if necessary but not how many steps are left, each hour. I would like to be notified of how many steps are left at 10 before the hour EACH time.


I can't comment or vote on the old one and really really want this - seems to be an easy change? Can you please put this back on the horizon?

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @lilsal, thanks for taking the time to share why you would like to see this option on your Fitbit. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. This is not currently planned at this moment. Learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. I hope to see you around.

Not applicable

I'd like to easily be able to see how many more steps I need to take to meet my hourly goal.  That way if I will be in a meeting soon, etc., I can still get my steps in beforehand.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Michkaytay and @SunsetRunner. Thanks for taking the time to explain why you'd like to see the steps remaining steps to complete your hourly step target on the Fitbit app. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your posts here. While this isn't currently planned at this moment, we have left voting open so we can keep tracking this request overtime. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I'm submitting this again in hopes you can please please reconsider- I use this daily but if I don't know how many steps are remaining for that hour, depending on workday, I can't try to finish by the hour end - that is, if I have 100 steps to go, I know I need to try to get that in before the hour so I can try before my meeting instead of waiting - after the hour has passed, it's too late. I got the fitbit to encourage me to get the steps in but if I don't see it for that hour, or a reminder with how many remaining steps, I'm not motivated. Isn't that what this is for??


Please reconsider adding this obvious feature to fitbit!

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @lilsal. Thanks for taking the time to explain why you'd like to have displayed the remaining steps to complete the hourly activity. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. While this isn't currently planned at this moment, we have left voting open so we can keep tracking this request over time. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

First Steps

My Fitbit tracks whether I’ve done 250 steps during the hour, beginning with 0900-1000 and ending with 1700-1800. It tells me at ten minutes before the end of the hour if I’m short - though not always by how much. And there’s a page to tell me if I did or did not achieve the 250 steps in any given hour.


I’s like to see you add one thing to that page: tell me how many steps I’m short of 250 I’m that hour.

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