Display remaining steps for hourly activity on Fitbit app

It would be nice to display in the App's Hourly Activity dashboard the number of steps that you need for the current hour to meet 250 steps.  Also would be nice on the Alta display, not just when there is 10 minutes left in the hour, which only show the number left sometimes. 


Moderator Edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.


I just noticed the Hourly Activity feature - I don't know if it's been there all along and I just haven't noticed it, or if it's new.


Is this customizable? That is, can I change the number of steps per hour it recommends (defaults to 250)? And is there any kind of prompt or reminder or notification? That is, if I'm getting near the end of an hour can my device (Charge HR) prompt me that the hour is almost up and I haven't hit my hourly goal yet?


@jenncla, I believe right now the Reminders to Move are only for the Alta, although I believe there is a Feature Request to get this for the HR Charge. 


Regarding customization, this is done through the device settings at least on the Alta they are.

The hours are slightly adjustable, but the number of steps are not at this time, but there is a feature request for this as well I believe.  The reminder on the Alta is 10 minutes before the end of the hour if you have not gotten 250 steps yet.  That is not adjustable either. 

First Steps
I love the idea of a screen on the Alta showing me x/250 for the hour, so at any time within the hour I can try and get the steps in!
First Steps
I would like this feature too. Sometimes when you get the reminder it's impossible to move around, I would rather aim to get it in before I get a reminder and be able to see how much further I have to go
Blaze needs a move bar like the vivofit2

I would love to have a steps per hour display on my Charge HR as well as the reminder to move! This would truly help me do so rather than just be aware that I am not.

First Steps

The new hourly goal section is great but would be even better if we could click on the hour and see how many steps we have left to hit the 250 goal, would also be great for those that do lots of steps to be able to increase their hourly goal


Moderator edit: Edit subject for clarity

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

This is a great idea! I think that making it easier for users to see the current status of their goal would be incredibly helpful. I'll be sure to relay this request to the rest of the team for further review.

Thanks for posting!

Need a graph bar that shows how long you been sitting to motivate people to get moving.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there! Thank you for sharing this idea with us. 


I believe this could be a great feature because we can have an idea of how many steps we have left to complete the hourly goal. 


I appreciate your contribution to the Feature Request board! 

First Steps

I would love this for my HR Charge! I want to be able to see how many steps I still need to take each hour to meet my 250 step/hr goal. It would also be great to get a vibration if I have not hit this goal about 10 min before the end of the hour period so I can make sure to get those steps in. Thank you!!

Not applicable

I'd like to see this feature for the HR Charge and a reminder buzz on the band about 10 min. before the hour is up to remind me to move if I haven't gotten the 250 steps in.

Not applicable
Having another counter, like the 10000 step part of the app, would make the hourly activity measure way more useful. I have to go into my steps and add up how many I did in the last hour to know how close I am to meeting the 250 goal. There should be an easy to access record of how many steps I took in the current hour, instead of only showing a daily total
Not applicable
I also vote for a "hourly steps to go" feature.
Stepping Up

I have a Surge and it is difficult on the phone to check how many steps you have done in the hour. I work in an office so move very little and losse track of time easily.


A buzz that you could set an hourly reminder if you haven't meet your steps for the hour would be great. if you can set the timer that suits you. it wouldn't take long to do 250 steps but if you are in the middle of something you may need time to finish and then go for your walk.


May be even instead of the red dots colour coded dots, like with the step counter, miles, calories burned it goes from blue to yellow to green when as you get closer to your targets.




I think the 250+ step screen should display how many steps you have taken in a given hour to give you an idea of how many left you have until you reach 250.  Right now you have to go into the steps and click on each of the 15 minute intervals and add them to see where you stand. 

Recovery Runner

Yes! Some sort of way to show how many steps REMAINING for the current hour would be useful, for those who use the hourly reminder feature. I have a fairly sedentary job, so the reminder is nice, but knowing how many steps REMAIN to get to 250 would be great!

Thank you.


Yes, I just want to second this. Knowing how many steps I have to go would be very useful. When I'm not able to see my progress towards the goal, the goal is meaningless and not motivational.


(I have a Flex, but I don't care about having a reminder on the device-- just a step count on the app.) 


Also, I am a little confused about how the steps-per-hour are calculated. Does it go by clock hours, or just any hour-long length of time with 250 steps? For instance, if I take 100 steps at 3:55 and another 150 steps at 4:04, will that count as 250 steps in an hour or no?

First Steps
Yes please!
I'd like to be able to adjust the steps per hour! & for it to show steps needed
First Steps

I am so glad to see this feature and that it has been noticed by moderators. Plus, I would also like the ability to change the goal number of steps per hour. 

My thoughts were that I would prefer that the reminder tell me how many steps I need, every time it reminds me. Even that would be nice, since sometimes it tells me now, and sometimes it doesn't.


First Steps

Could you PLEEEASE add an hourly step counter to the hourly activity log? It would be soooo helpful! 🤗👌👏


Moderator Edit: Updated title for clarity & labels.

First Steps
This is a genius idea and should get picked up. Let's go Fitbit!
Recovery Runner
I think the hourly activity goals should say how many steps you did achieve each hour. So you know how far of you are from completing it or how much you missed it by!
Not applicable

Hi. I think there should be a display on your Alta for when you are tapping to see your stats it will show your stats for reminders to move. For example : 8 of 12 Hours. Images are include below. This can be used on both Vericle and Horizontal View. I hpe you will implement this feature!





Moderator edit: Added labels

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