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Do not remove Challenges & Adventures! A lot us use these features to motivate us and connect. My kids are able to connect and do challenges with their friends too.
I am very disappointed that you removed challenges from the Fitbit app! My kids and I used them weekly and we did challenges with family that live in a different province. It is lots of fun and a great way to stay connected.
I mainly use Fitbit for challenges and just had my sister purchase one to compete with, I now want to find a new device because I’m super unhappy about Fitbit taking away the challenges.
The ONLY reason I purchased the fitbit and premium package was for the challenges. They kept me active and was a strong support to keep moving. BRING IT BACK!!!
I’m so disappointed with the removal of challenges. This was my form of motivation with friends and family. This was the feature that prevented me from switching to an Apple Watch. sadly this will likely be my last Fitbit product, unless challenges or a simular feature comes back before my Fitbit dies.
100% agree. Just got a new fitbit after using a different brand for years and cant beleieve they have scrapped it!!!
Just bought a new fit bit after using another brand for a couple of years. Cant believe they have gotten rid of the badges and challanges. These were great for motivation and surely they need to bring them back ASAP.
I agree with everyone. The reason why I had my Fitbit was because of the Challenges. It helped to keep me motived. I don't think I am going to keep it unless they bring them back. Hopefully they will.
I think it's clear that the challenges are not "underutilized" as this thread spans 58 pages as I am reading it today. This has been a core component of the platform that drew people to it--as can be seen by the response of others. I am glad there was a moderator reply--however, it was a pretty generic boilerplate response that fails to address the concern brought forth by the community. The community (that uses and pays for Google products) deserves better than that. What would be more useful is: what is the timeframe for the reintroduction of challenges or where it may lie in the product timeline. It makes no sense to remove features the community uses without the plan to replace it, or provide a reason for removing the feature that makes the community feel heard/exited for further upcoming changes in the pipeline.
If there is currently no plan to revive challenges (which seems to be the case) then, what would be more useful is: what process needs to be followed to contest this change. I feel that there may be a break-even here. Were if a certain sub-set of the challenges are present (instead of ALL of them), this can be a win-win all around.
@FitbitModerator: Kindly provide us useful next steps.
I really don't think anyone cares. I believe this was a planned shutdown of a valued program for the company's own motives-which apparently has nothing to do with their customers. The deafening silence and lack of replacement programs of any kind, upgrade or downgrade, is very loud evidence. I don't think love or money will change the direction. I won't be doing any further business with Fitbit and I hope the other unhappy customers move on to companies that want our business. Maybe the powers that be need a business fail to put on their books for tax or other purposes.
On March 27, all challenges, including adventures and trophies, were eliminated as part of the Fitbit app’s simplification efforts. One of the main reasons I purchased a Fitbit was to challenge my family members weekly - it was my biggest motivator to get my steps in. I honestly don't care at all about any of the other features.
I agree with Vlgrajeda. The challenges were the best part of Fitbit. It very much motivated me to get my steps in every day. Why would you eliminate that?
Why did they remove the challenges and adventures!? I am late to the party, but still what can we do as Fitbit users to send this message to the upper management team. Hopefully they will bring it back with bigger and better challenges and adventures?! One can only hope!
yep and just think by 2025 google is going to make us use a google account to log into fitbit. Of course I am sure many of us have already read that when seeing it pop up when we first open our chrome app. I wonder if they are going to announce that soon or will they wait until there are just a few months to go before doing that to say something
They should just give us what we truly want. I don't use really any google technology unless forced. The only thing I use google wise is chrome and that is only because some of the game I play online require it. They say we can come here and chat with friends freely. I don't see a section for that. It isn't freely if they will delete anything that they don't like. So, just give us back are /adventure/challenges/open groups. That is what we want. Maybe if they did some kind of voting thing to remove the stuff or not then I don't think we would be as ticked off as we are now. The things are now I feel like their lack of response to our questions and concerns show they don't care about how we feel.
the only reason i use fitbit instead of a real fitness tracker is the connection i have with my friends and now that is gone. if fitbit isn't gonna fix this i as well as several of my friends that compete against each other will be shopping different options. several years ago fitbit chiseled away at the options we had to compete and now taken it away all together. sorry to hear fitbit refuses to correct this. best of luck to the rest of you.
Today we have a Daily Challenge of 12K a Day for 12 Consecutive Days.
The Targeted Goals is to finish with a Grand Total of 150K to reach 100% completion. See if you are up for the challenge. Everyone, please posted any challenges you wish for The Fitbit Community Forum to join. Thanks, @Luis_V
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