Don't remove Challenges & Adventures

Do not remove Challenges & Adventures! A lot us use these features to motivate us and connect. My kids are able to connect and do challenges with their friends too.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


In years to come, this wil be a classic case study on how a successful brand, shot itself in the foot and lost most of its loyal customers and why so many stopped buying Fitbit and moved to Stridekick, for the challenges. 

First Steps

The fit bit challenges and badges are what keeps me motivated to move. I'm in a weekly challenge with a bunch of nice ladies I have never met but feel close to. They know how to push me push me out of my comfort zone. If you take these challenges away there will be nothing to really motivate me. Please don't take these away!!

First Steps

What’s the point in even having a Fitbit anymore without challenges? That’s what made Fitbit fun and people more motivated to workout and work harder to beat their friends or achieve the goals. I switched to apple last year and ended up returning it to return to Fitbit because I enjoyed the features better and now y’all are taking those fun features away?? 


Ten years of using and loving Fitbit, challenges and community, to be kicked in the teeth, by Fitbit , is just too much and there are other brands and communities with challenges. Thank you for the last ten years, so I guess it's now someone else's turn for loyalty and my my time and money 🙂 

First Steps

Agree if challenges are removed then I am done with Fitbit and have been with them forever. I don’t understand how they send out that message with no replacement and no other information, very poor management decision. I already created a stridekick account!!!

First Steps

I’ve enjoyed being in challenges since 2013. 
If they go bye bye then so do I.
This is what I enjoyed over my Apple Watch. Now I won’t need a Fitbit anymore. 

The challenges and groups really helped keep me motivated and moving during my weight loss journey and helped me lose over 140lbs. Removing them only makes me want to find a different fitness tracker. 

First Steps

Yes, please Fitbit, PLEASE keep the Challenges feature!
I’ve bought Fitbit devices after devices instead of watches from other brands because I find great pleasure in the competitions and find motivation in the batches and in the community. Every week I’m in new bingo games, loops and other competitions. They motivate me to take a break from sitting still behind my office desk and be active instead. Please don’t take away the best part! Like the others above, I will switch to a device from another brand, probably apple because I already have products from apple and it will be more convenient. The only reason I didn’t do it already, is because of my favourite part of Fitbit. Soo… Stridekick you said? Does Stridekick have bingo? And who owns Stridekick? 

First Steps

I agree with all the above. Challenges are a huge motivator for me and the main reason I continue to update and buy new fitbits. Without challenges my Apple Watch offers more features. 

I really hope Fitbit pays attention and keeps these challenges. 

Many users will find other avenues such at the Stridekick app and will no longer prefer Fitbit over others when our favorite features are taken away. 


literally what are they thinking. google buys out the app, then suddenly the app gets super glitchy and buggy, and now theyre stripping it of literally the main/only features people use it for. i'm not sure what the point of this is, but that's one way to kill a franchise

Recovery Runner

Please keep the adventures and challenges, they are the main reason I use Fitbit. I don’t see how it helps your company  or motives it to get rid of them…so many people across the globe use the challenges.

This just does not make sense

Not applicable

I and my friends are upset to hear the challenges will be discontinued!! Honestly this is one of the main reasons we 4 have a Fitbit. It creates motivation and competition between us to keep moving and lose weight and get fit!! In our 50s e need this motivation and encouragement from each other. Our game we live is Bingo Challenge. I will probably quit Fitbit and go to Apple bc I love the challenge. But without it, I may as well have a smartwatch. Please reconsider and care about your clientele!

First Steps

I wear an Apple Watch, the only reason I also wear a Fitbit is the community of friends. We have a daily challenge and frequent Bingo challenges. If the community and challenges go away so do I. I’ll go to tracking health on the Apple Watch and find some other way to stay motivated.  I’m on my fourth Fitbit and been a premium subscriber since 2014.  It’s not the hardware or app that keeps me coming back, it’s the community and challenges not google maps and other ‘enhancements’. 

Stepping Up

I have been a Fitbit user since 2014 (on my third one).  The connection and social aspect of the challenges has made the Fitbit fun!  If the challenges are discontinued, I will probably buy an Apple watch, or something else for fitness tracking, but not a Fitbit.  This is a shortsighted and sad decision on the part of Google.

First Steps

April fools is still awhile away google


i mean this must be a joke surely 


or are you intentionally killing Fitbit?

Not applicable

I can’t begin to tell you (Google) how upset I am that challenges and trophies are going away. Challenges keep me motivated and I look forward to them every single day. They help me maintain my step streak and step goal. They also promote healthy competition and help make friends. I’m on my 3rd Fitbit which will be my last if you kick these to the curb. You are making a VERY big mistake and will lose TONS of users!!! Why are you doing this??? 

I will discontinue my service and no longer purchase any FitBit devices once the challenges are removed. It seems like this is what FitBit wants anyway. 

Recovery Runner
In time fitbit will be no more! It's a shame because it's a very good app
for challenges and people love it but not anymore after they removed the
First Steps

I love the challenges. I guess I have bought my last Fitbit. You need to keep the challenges. We all like them 

First Steps

Without the challenges my Fitbit is just a pricey step counter on my wrist that has a fair amount of glitches. It’s been a lot of fun competing with friends and strangers alike to push each other and I’ll truly miss that if it goes.

I would much rather stick with the device I know but if this change is made I’ll start looking for a new device with something similar to challenges. 


Scary to see that Fitbit does not understand that gamification is the main reason many of us are using it. 


The challenges and interactions with others is what keeps me with a Fitbit. Without it what’s the purpose? Had I known this before purchasing a new sense 2 I would not have upgraded. My opinion would be to improve your app and devices. The don’t last long at all.

First Steps
I have been using Fitbit for years! And I use the challenges daily I cannot imagine not using Fitbit for my daily challenges. I have been in the same group challenge for years with the same people. So terrible that I can’t even hang out with my weekly Fitbit friends I met on your form.
Not applicable

Well Fitbit you did it now.  Everyone jumping to stridekick.  You leave the scammers and take the features we love the most.  You will be sorry !

Not applicable

Please don’t take away the challenges & trophies!  I have been participating in challenges with the same Fitbit friends for years!  We are a family! We cheer and support each other in the challenges! We let each other know how our day is going, give motivating messages, share our struggles… we use the challenges as an open forum for conversation! This keeps us going!  Our journeys to health & wellness are rocky and winding… we need the challenges to keep us moving! It pushes me to hit goals! You should NOT take this away from us!  

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