Early Warning & SOS Alerts for Heart Attacks (or other health issues)


Research indicates (refer to links below) that it is possible to detect potential Heart Attack based on Heart Rate and Heart Rate zones. Fitbit watches constantly monitor heart rate and theoretically it should be possible to detect potential heart attack based on abnormal heart rate and resting heart rate's trend.


  1. Emergency SOS: Fitbit device should trigger alert on paired mobile phone which sends out a SOS message along with geo-location to pre-configured address to ensure timely medical assistance.
  2. Preventive Alert: Fitbit should alert the user if it sense potential Heart Attack based on current & resting heart rate patterns or change to a different heart rate zone.



Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner

A tracking feature and SOS button would be great for family members with dementia. It's terrible to get a call from my mom saying she doesn't know where she is and how does she get home? I have to guess where she is by what she can describe around her and that's hard when she's veered out of her normal paths or thinks she's somewhere she isn't. And now she's forgetting how to use her phone. 😞 So please make the SOS button very simple to use. 

First Steps

Yes @EmeraldEyez that’s an excellent use case! 


It would also be useful for other users to as sometimes you can get caught out by the weather especially if you run when the tides out or fell running in the mountains and the weather turns.



First Steps

I would like to create a new feature where the user can monitor family member health patterns.I currently have two watches on my elderly parents and would like a feature for family members to be able to review their profile on sleeping habits, activity, and heartbeat. Now doing this would be a plus and now user's can easily keep an eye on their elderly parents using your product. 

Right now I can see some activity but not their profile. Which should be accessible from user's permissions. 

First Steps

Hi. Thank you for commenting on my post.

What, typically, is the process Fitbit has in place for vetting feature suggestions? Is consideration of an added feature, such as the one I suggested, given only to ideas that receive a high level of support/interest on the community page by other product users?
I look forward to your response.
Thank you,
First Steps
Hi. Thank you for commenting on my post.

What, typically, is the process Fitbit has in place for vetting feature
suggestions? Is consideration of an added feature, such as the one I
suggested, given only to ideas that receive a high level of
support/interest on the community page by other product users?

I look forward to your response.

Thank you,


Susan Illman
Executive Assistant to Rachel Gutter

International WELL Building Institute

381 Park Ave South, Ste 1101

New York, NY 10016

O 646.397.1929

C 646.643.3745 (preferred)


This is similar to what I suggested awhile back. It was based on what the new Iwatch has. I have Graves Disease and with it comes extremely high heart rates, It would be nice to be able to track tis to show my provider so treatment could be changed it needed or find out if this is doing it again at night time and this is why I am not sleeping well. And to track to see if one ha atrial fib that might need more treatment.

First Steps

The current system only works if you have family, if you have no family and few friends then this system breaks down as the alarm has nowhere to go. What is needed is a better system where it can be linked to actual services that can respond, ie. in the UK, the NHS or NHS 24, or similar local response teams. There are S&R apps but they are only accessible after an emergency call but they could be utilized by a Fitbit with the numbers built in.
After all, it is the emergencies that happen when we are not in the vicinity of many people that is the problem or in the vicinity of many people who only want to video your plight because they are arseholes.

There are competitors who have this ability but they are only available in the US at present which is not good for the rest of us.

Fitbit should be working to extend their reach, if they are not willing to do this then they deserve to stagnate with the people it decides are the "fit" ones but in reality, it is the fitness of all that counts.



The above link mentions that the apple watch detected this girl's resting heart rate at 190 bpm and it triggered a notification to seek medical help immediately. 

This should be possible on fitbits that track HR as well.
If this is not a feature, it should be. 


This is just an idea, but I think it's a good one you might want to put into development because it could turn those that aren't even into exercise on to Fitbit.  You guys might want to consider making a version that emits a sound similar to the sound a heart rate monitor makes when someone flatlines in a hospital if your heart stops while wearing the fitbit... Ya think about it it... it could probably save a lot of lives. Especially considering the fitbit even monitors you while you sleep. For instance, I suffer from sleep apnea where my breathing randomly stops for very brief periods. However if it stops completely obviously that would be the end of me... but I think I would sleep a little easier at night knowing my fitbit would make a noise that would wake my wife and possibly save my life.  It's just an idea. i suggested it to one of your reps and she thought it sounded really good and directed to the forums and then I was directed here.  I told your rep if you guys put it into production I want one for me and one for the wife. LoL. She said she thought that sounded more than fair.  Thank you again for your awesome products by the way. The wife and I both started with the Flex 2 and I picked up both the Scale and the Versa today from your online store.  Can't wait till they both arrive.

Not applicable

I would like to suggest Fitbit to develop a function that will notify its users when the user's resting heart rate is out of the set lower and upper limit.

I understand that there are various hear rate zones like Fat burn zone, Cardio zone & Peak zone, the main difference is that one will most likely be monitoring their heart rates in the respective zones if they are exercising, The monitoring is conscientious and consistent.

Whereas, the notification for the resting heart beat for both the upper and lower set limit, if breached, happens when a user is in a casual & relax situation. Like chit chatting with friends, sitting at the desk working, watching TV  and taking a walk. This feature may very well save a person’s life. It seems like the latest Apple Watch 3 has this feature and according to users’ testimonials in the US, this notification feature had saved the lives of two people. I believe there may be more that went unreported.

This notification feature can function like how we are being notified and alerted to calls, SMS text and others. Better still, it should be a standalone feature in the watch because if somehow the Bluetooth connection is off or not working and / or Notification settings is turned to Off with the connected mobile phone, this life saving feature can still function on its own.

Hope the Fitbit team will develop this feature as soon as possible


First Steps

My mother has memory issues and if I could configure a schedule for her then the Fitbit reminds her to take medicine (for example) that would be such a relief for me and her. Also if it could detect falls and send emergency services or family members a message, it would give me peace of mind. Also, if a memory patient becomes lost the gps in the watch could locate them. There is obviously a market here for uses for elderly or disabled people that is very much untapped and baby boomers are needing these products. 


This should be an easy addition for Fitbit to add. The Apple Watch has an alert if you have been sat still but yet your heart rate spikes, lots in the press about it saving peoples lives, and the Apple Watch doesn’t even track heart rate continuously.  The Fitbit has all the sensors and features to do this job. I look forward to seeing this feature soon. 😉

First Steps

I live several states away from my father and I got him one a couple years ago. I LOVE being able to see how active my dad is doing - It brings us both great comfort. We both have Fitbits and I can keep track of how active he is by checking his steps. I know if his activity level drops something is wrong. My dad has heart issues and I wish I could also see his heart rate log too. There is a huge market Fitbit could tap into if they would create a basic watch for the elderly. A watch with a big screen with just basic features (tracking steps, heart rate, and sleep) and controls to allow those who they approve access to their log and allow others to only see their steps. 


from 2015 still nothing? very sad... 

Stepping Up
To all who have addressed their queries on Early Warning to me: I am not an employee of FitBit, this was a misunderstanding by a subsequent poster. I simply posted a comment on the idea when it was raised.
First Steps

It would be important for Fitbit to alert a heart Attack


I hope this will be added sooner or later in all Fitbit trackers with HR monitoring. It seems smart and useful.


I would also add the man down function in case someone has an accident while running/cycling/whatever (and his heart keeps on going but has lost senses).


I posted this comment in another thread, but I think it fits with this topic as well, so I'll repeat it here...


I, too, would like to see live tracking.  I use a cheap app - Pacer - that lets me send live tracking data to whomever I choose.



While live tracking shows location in real time, it doesn't provide a means to alert those with access to my live tracking data with a way to notify them that I'm in trouble and need assistance.  If they are watching my progress and see that I've stopped, they have no idea why.  Am I talking with some friends I've encountered on my walk?  Does my dog need to take a dump?  (Those with dogs know how long it can take to find just the perfect spot!)  I am sitting down to take a breather?  There's no way for them to know.  I would like to see incorporated into live tracking the ability to send out an SOS that I need help.  There could be two types - one to alert those watching my live tracking that I need help and another more serious SOS to summon EMS.


Here's a real life example.  Last winter while walking my dog, I slipped on the ice and broke three ribs.  While I was able to struggle to make my way home (while experiencing significant pain), it would have been great to activate an SOS call for someone to come and help me home.  If it had been something more serious, such as a compound fracture of my leg, I could have used the more 'serious' SOS to summon emergency services.


It seems to me that if I can provide people with live tracking, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to incorporate an SOS function into live tracking...

Community Legend

@samsdad since your Fitbit tracker doesn't have direct internet access, your phone would still need to be nearby.  Along with GPS. As a workaround through gmap the location and the word help could be sent.


Fitbit has been saying that they are not a medical device, but this might be changing someways in the near future..

Without being well thought out having Fitbit detect early warnings of a heart attack could open Fitbit up to legal problems.

First Steps

I think there should be some kind of alarm or vibrate to let you know your hr is too high or too low. I have a loop monitor implant but the settings are really low and high so a lot of times it doesn't pick things up. I wasn't feeling good one day and realized my hr was really low by looking at my watch and also taking my bp and I recorded the episode and it was able to pick up an irregular heart rate. My doctor is now considering  a pacemaker. I believe these watches can help prevent heart attacks and such.

First Steps

We need this ASAP. This would bring whole new line of customers to your products. 


Create an alert that would let the user know when the heart rate rises above a preset limit or dangerous limit for that particular user. If the elevated HR was above the limit for a preset period of time then the alert would be triggered. This could be helpful for people who have Afib condition

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Mikeie67, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

First Steps

The fitbits are including 24/7 heart rate monitoring which is awesome but it would elevate this feature and the appeal of fitbits to alert SOS emergency contacts and/or emergency services for a stopped heart beat.


My own heart has stopped on occasion and it would be great if my friends were alerted because my heart started back up within a minute but it's still a crucial minute if my heart doesn't begin again.


The Apple watch has this feature so it's possible, but I don't want to support Apple's global domination efforts 😄

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @bardic, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the having an SOS alert for emergency contacts and/or emergency services for a stopped heart beat.


This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is currently under "Reviewed by moderator" status. This helps maintain the Community and the Feature Suggestion board more organized. 


Thank again for sharing your ideas with us! 

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