Emergency Contact Button or SOS Call (or sound)

As a woman, walking, running and biking alone can be dangerous. Is it possible to have an emergency alert button that shows the contact of my choice or the authorities a location and SOS signal? The Gear 2 has it in place and I loved it. You push a button 3 times to send the alert.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels


My Mom is 84.  She used to have the Great Call Medical Device with GPS.  She kept accidentally hitting the button so she put it inside her blouse then it burned her pretty bad so she cancelled her service and can't find another that would work, yet.   My suggestion is to add a medical alert Fitbit.  Would need a button on the right side, have GPS, and emergency monitoring service.  She paid over $35 a month for the service and paid for the device separately.    I would buy it for her today if you had it.  The Fitbits are stylish and not bulky like the medical devices that are available for the wrist.  

First Steps

Since we all have our Fitbits connected to our phones, what if we press and hold the button on the Fitbit for a certain amount of time, and the Fitbit automatically notifies a person we have chosen in advance, or law enforcement, of our location and need of help? I know we all have phones, but in an emergency, such as a sexual assault, the survivors will either not be able to reach their phones, or might not be able to dial 911 for our brain can't process the terror and a simple task of unlocking a phone and dialing a number would not be as easy at that moment. 

The main purpose of the button would be to save lives of women and girls from predators. 

I even think that button can be used by elderly to notify their caregivers of there urgent needs. Also, Fitbit is now used by kids too, that button can be used by them. 


Moderator Edition: Updated title for clarity

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That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion @DeaAli

First Steps

Please add a 911 or location feature for medical emergencies.

First Steps

Fitbit is the best smartwatch on the market, in my opinion, by far. I love my versa! However there is only one feature I believe it really needs to and has yet to implement. That is- a safety feature where you can contact emergency services via your watch. This would come in especially handy on runs or during any outdoor exercise. I am a runner so I’d specifically like it for runs. But I believe a way to contact emergency services or an emergency contact is VERY important and should definitely be considered. 

Thank you for considering my idea, I am a true Fitbit believer but am hoping this one improvement can be implemented 🙂 

First Steps

Develop a method to activate an SOS message from the device, which sends a message to a pre-configured (list of) friends/family and/or emergency services. Useful if you are out working out and need help (ie. crash your bike, get assaulted, etc).

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Hey @runneals! I merged your suggestion in this one. Thank you for participating. 

First Steps

With all the sex trafficking and crimes in the world today, I think it’d be a fabulous idea to have a way to contact 911 through fitbits. Whether it’s how many times you press the side button that alerts them, how long you hold it down, or even another button just for emergencies. I would be willing to pay more money for something that could help ensure safety and security. Fitbits are easier to hide from an abductor and since it has gps, it could alert them of where you are.

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Hey @Domidani! I have merged your suggestion into this one, because this suggestion is very similar to your idea. Do not forget to leave Kudos.  Click only on the thumbs up button.

First Steps

I agree with previous comments. I have bought my mother a fitbit charge 2 as a present and she really loves wearing it and it's helping her to stay active and healthy.

She also was wondering if there wasn't a way to alert someone predefined or emergency services by the press of a button. I think the feature would be very useful for a lot of people and make the product even more attractive.

Thank you for your consideration.


I would like to see an SOS feature incorporated with live tracking...


While live tracking shows location in real time, it doesn't provide a means to alert those with access to my live tracking data with a way to notify them that I'm in trouble and need assistance.  If they are watching my progress and see that I've stopped, they have no idea why.  Am I talking with some friends I've encountered on my walk?  Does my dog need to take a dump?  (Those with dogs know how long it can take to find just the perfect spot!)  I am sitting down to take a breather?  There's no way for them to know.  I would like to see incorporated into live tracking the ability to send out an SOS that I need help.  There could be two types - one to alert those watching my live tracking that I need help and another more serious SOS to summon EMS.


Here's a real life example.  Last winter while walking my dog, I slipped on the ice and broke three ribs.  While I was able to struggle to make my way home (while experiencing significant pain), it would have been great to activate an SOS call for someone to come and help me home.  If it had been something more serious, such as a compound fracture of my leg, I could have used the more 'serious' SOS to summon emergency services.


It seems to me that if I can provide people with live tracking, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to incorporate an SOS function into live tracking...

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Hey @samsdad! Thank you for sharing your suggestion. I moved your Idea into this suggestion because they are very similar. 

First Steps

I used to have the Samsung Gear Fit 2. It has the SOS feature and I loved the peace of knowing if something happened to me my husband and parents would get an alert and be able to track me.


"The Gear Fit 2 has an "SOS" function that can be activated with a triple press of the home button to send your location and a message to specified contacts."


I would like to see the ability to signal 911 on the next design of the Charge (Charge 4?).  This would be beneficial for runners, walkers and even elderly.  


Fitbit would have a truly unique product offering if they partnered with V.ALRT or a similar company to offer a single device that had all the features of a Charge3 and also provided the personal security features of their device.


Is there any progress on this feature? It seems it would create a lot of peace of mind for many people. I know I’d feel a lot safer when walking around my slightly less than reputable neighbourhood.

First Steps

As a female distance runner, i would like to have an app/icon on my Fitbit ionic that can be quickly pressed in case of emergency which immediately calls 911/sends my GPS location to authorities and/or emergency contact names. 

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Hi @cairbear, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

First Steps

It would be nice if we can track our lost Fitbit with an audible alarm. My Fitbit came off and I used a Bluetooth tracker to see if it was still in the house; it was. So I had my husband repeatedly call me so I could hear it vibrate and found it (in the laundry basket)!

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Hi @TheJamerican, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. At the moment it is not planned to implement it. Nonetheless you can still add your vote.

First Steps

Myself and I'm sure tons of other Fitbit users use their device for wilderness exploration/hiking.Today I ended up getting lost in the woods and I thought to myself "I don't have my phone or any means of contact." I travel light when I'm hiking; just a water bottle and my Fitbit. I travel these certain woods very often so I was able to get myself home but I was thinking what if I couldn't? Or what if I fell and couldn't walk? What if I was in unknown territory and got really lost? What if I rolled down a hill and my arm bone busted out of my arm like a horror movie? I think Fitbit should add an emergency feature that would be on the device along with your preferred exercise. Walk/Hike/Run that you can track, just add 'Emergency' and hold the button/double tap would send a message to an emergency contact. Like a pager in a way. Fitbit already uses GPS so that could be sent with the message. Example "Jane Doe is in need of emergency assistance at (include GPS point on a map)"  

First Steps

I use Ionic and as a senior citizen would love a SOS that can automatically send a text that has gps location in it. Like the push home button 3 times auto send the location to family member.


Not applicable



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Hello  @SunsetRunner! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps

It would be beneficial to have emergency contact info available on the Fitbit. This could be customized by the user and could include medical alerts, phone numbers, etc. Could be accessible by first responders. 

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