Enable Celsius units on weather app without having to change distance to kilometers Ionic/Versa

Currently the ionic will only  display Celsius units when the distance unit is in 'kilometres'. It would be great if the ionic weather app displayed Celsius units regardless of the distance unit selected .... E.g, miles .


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


First Steps

I agree. I run using miles but want my weather app to display Celsius. An update so the units can be changed separately for both features would be useful. It's my only niggle with the ionic watch. 

Totally agree Smileylaura87. I sometimes wonder why Fitbit configured the units like that.

Sent from my iPhone

Agree, the current set up makes no sense to me using Ionic in Britain, where I will measure a run in Miles, but refer to the weather in Celsius.

Recovery Runner

Yes, this is so annoying.  Yes, it's weird we use miles and Celsius but we need a way to set independently!

First Steps

It would be handy to have an advanced tab to split all the units out... in the UK I use Miles on the roads, Feet for my height, stone for my weight, Celcius for the Weather, grams for my food. Having all these customisable makes for a more user friendly experience.... at the moment i have to get my calculator on my phone out to convert every time... its just annoying

Makes me wonder why this wasnt customisable in the first place.
come on Fitbit!
First Steps

I have surgested that on the units page in in settings that the temperature settings are separated from the distance units . 

It requires the units have their own settings so you can set either Celsius or Fahrenheit 

this is gives you the opportunity to have distance in miles and the temp in centigrade 




So I’ve updated my Ionic and now using the yweather face - love it


But I don’t ‘do’ temperature in Fahrenheit yet Fitbit support tell me that if I’ve set my distance units to miles - I have to have Fahrenheit. If I want Celsius; I have to change my units to kilometres!


Why on Earth is my weather unit tied to my distance? Most people I know in the UK use miles and Celsius!

Keeping Pace

Needs a simple option in the weather app to change to celcuis. Like others have said in the UK we use miles and celcuis. It's ridiculous to assume that if we use miles we are American thus also using Fahrenheit.


Linking distance with temperature is ridiculous. 


Every measurement should be independently changeable.

There is absolutely no common sense used to link items like this...

Thanks I think this has bee suggested a few dozen times already. I am going that Fitbit make the update sooner rather than later!

Sent from my iPhone

Here in the UK we use Miles / Celsius. Please separate the options so users have the ability to individualise the two. I like the weather app but avoid it due to it reading Fahrenheit.


Surely the option to have both Miles and Celsius as unit measurements is an easy fix???


I do not and can not figure out the Fahrenheit measurements not the kilometres!  The weather app is ridiculous without the C option and when walking I only use Miles... 


It is such a basic request, I cannot believe it's not been programmed yet? FITBIT please add this to an update soon! 


Please vote this as it's driving me mad only 2hrs after receiving it - Surely there are thousands of us that use this option?

Stepping Up

Many need this, judging by the many many comments on the forum. Can't be much if a big deal. Please allow the degrees C with miles combo. Thanks


Totally agree with this!! Got my Ionic today (loving it!) apart from the fact I am another UK user who measures distance in miles and temperate in Celsius.

My Ionic is currently saying 40° which is leading me into a false sense of security as it's freeeezing and wet outside 😂❄:umbrella_with_rain_drops:

Hopefully an update will come 🤞 make it less confusing for all us Brits!

Stepping Up

Bit random controlling the temperature units via units of length! Although I do get that us Brits are odd with our mixed systems. Please give us an individual setting for temperature.

Whilst the UK may not be the biggest market in the world it is still significant and therefore not having apps written to accommodate its standard units is a rather big oversight. If with Ionic Fitbit want to creep into the smart watch territory occupied by others they really need to up their game. To build an app that links units in this way is sloppy and shows a poor approach to basic analysis. If the requirements had been gathered correctly this would have been an extra 30 seconds of coding to get right. After all the concept of having miles for running and metres for swimming is already a feature within the core system.


What worries me most is that this "bug" in the design has been there since the launch of the app, well over three months and still hasn't been addressed. Other players would have accepted the need for a fix and deployed a hot fix in a matter of days.

First Steps

In the UK our main measurements are degrees Celsius and miles. Currently the New Ionic only allows you to choose Celsius with km. you need to make these independent measurement choices.

Recovery Runner

The sooner the better as I have used miles and centigrade for over 40 years, if we have been doing this that long it should already be in place


a disappointed net Fitbit user

Stepping Up

This fix definitely needs to be implemented, the weather app is pretty much useless. 

First Steps

This is really frustrating for me, I want miles and Celsius too! Seems to be quite an oversight..

I hope it gets fixed soon as I am forever switching back and forth. 



First Steps

I'm a UK citizens too. We use miles and *C please change the settings in the weather app so we can change between *F and *C. It is currently useless to us


Don't hold your breath on this folks.

I raised a feature request to have "Indoor rower" added to the list of exercises a couple of years ago. Still waiting.

Stepping Up

I am also based in the UK, and prefer my distances set to miles. This by default sets temperature to Fahrenheit on the Ionic. Not being able to independently set temperature units to Celsius is frustrating. This seems an oversight, and I hope that an option is available soon.


Couldn't agree more, the weather app is completely useless to me in its current state, I have no idea how hot or cold 40f is. I now stick my head outside to see.

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