Enable Celsius units on weather app without having to change distance to kilometers Ionic/Versa

Currently the ionic will only  display Celsius units when the distance unit is in 'kilometres'. It would be great if the ionic weather app displayed Celsius units regardless of the distance unit selected .... E.g, miles .


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


Recovery Runner
I too have had the same “piddle off we can’t be bothered” and the head count on the number of emails I get regarding this resets to zero on regular occasions so I am not expecting it to ever be resolved so when it dies I expect I will go back to my Samsung

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
Maybe I have annoyed them as this morning “the Fitbit app is unavailable “

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Just paid what I consider to be a  lot of money for the Ionic. 

Can't quite believe the lack of research or consideration of another country's practices. What's worse is the lack of a solution in the 6 months that this has been discussed.

This seems like a small issue but the fact that it was not considered in the first place, and now the fact that it has not been addressed, smacks of a total disregard of a vast swathe of people.

I had issues between my Charge 2 and my phone (GPS tracking) which is why I decided to spend more than twice as much money to upgrade to the Ionic.

This continuing issue leaves me with a bad taste, one that might lead me change to a different make of smart watch if we don't get a (proper) solution.

Recovery Runner

yes please in the UK we use miles and Celsius. 


It is driving me nuts having the weather in Fahrenheit, and I can't understand why there is no option to change to Celsius in the app settings - even the most basic weather apps provide that option!

Not applicable

PROBLEM: UK folk don't understand Fahrenheit.

FIX: change to Metric 

PROBLEM: UK folk don't understand Kilometers

FIX: change to Imperial


SUMMARY: This app is great in the US but sucks in the UK

QUESTION: How important are UK customers to Accuweather/Fitbit?


I don’t think it’s accuweather that’s the issue as that who apple use for the weather app, and you can change it on the app. I think it’s Fitbit who are causing the problem

Kind regards

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Recovery Runner

Not just UK folk but 95% of the countries in the world use Celsius and can't easily understand Fahrenheit (and many of these countries using miles) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit


Its absolutely crazy that the temperature setting is lumped in with distance, even more so when they are able to provide different settings for swimming units vs walking/running units.

Recovery Runner

It's not accuweather, this can supply both temperature formats, it's how their API is called that provides the relevant data.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps

+1 ... I often see a similar poor implementation of linking distance and temperature measurement in (mostly American-designed/built head unit) car interfaces and it drives me nuts.  Please, please, please provide us the option to set each unit independently.


+1 for me in Canada.  Thanks

Not applicable

As a UK user where we do have an odd mix of units for stuff, the option of Celsius for temperature on the weather app would be a great feature.

Please can this be included in the next update?

First Steps

It's a shame to see that after almost a year this still has not been changed. I opened the weather app yesterday only to discover that in its current format it is completely useless!

Stepping Up

Sounds like I am another voice in the wilderness. I had hoped that somebody in Fitbit US has recognised that the UK is not another US state!!

This is a major annoyance, please correct.

Hi Dave


If you haven't worked it out by now you soon will, Fitbit have a weird take on customer service

Recovery Runner
You mean they don’t have a customer service bone in them!

Sent from my iPhone
Base Runner

I’ve bought a Versa and live in the UK.  I can’t believe you can’t have miles and Celsius together.  This is a basic requirement surely. 

First Steps
I thought I'd just update on my situation. After another few weeks with my
Ionic I've given up and returned it. I'm exchanging it for a Huawei Watch 2.
I suggest everyone else who is also unhappy should vote with their feet
like me. If Fitbit don't care about their UK customers why should we buy
their products.
One of the main reason is the temperature thing. I've tried loads of
different clock faces but most of them display only °F.
The other reasons are that it had never synced properly with my phone.
Thinking objectively I did consider that it could be my phone that was the
problem. But my mother, sister and wife all have charge 2's with different
phones and they all have sync issues as well. Additionally I had 2 charge
2's before trying the Ionic. Again these both had sync issues.
Combined with the worst customer service I've ever experienced (marking a
topic as solved after telling people you can have °c by setting distance to
km), this was an easy decision to make.
One unexpected finding of this whole debacle, is that Curry's in the UK
customer service is great and will happily exchange many times if you are
unhappy with your product. Remember I said I had tried 2 charge 2's before
the Ionic.(take note Fitbit, we are not stuck with your product once we
have bought it).

Good luck Fitbit with your attitude to customers in the UK. You will lose
them. But maybe you don't care anyway.

Base Runner

Totally agree, in UK we commonly use both miles and Celsius, so being able to configure both would make so much sense!

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion!


We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs


For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

Base Runner

So FitBit you have the cheek to close a sugggestion without considering the impact this has on your UK users. 

Having Celsius/Miles as an option is a key option to using Fitbit correctly in the UK. 

We use Miles and Celsius NOT Miles and Fahrenheit or Kilometres and Celsius.  

Sort you stuff out and look into this simple improvement DO NOT CLOSE THIS POST. 

If you do someone will just reopen it. 

Community Legend

If you mean this suggestion - https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/Enable-Celsius-units-on-weather-app-without-havi... - then it is only closed for comments, not votes. Duplicate suggestions will mean that votes get spread and the idea will seem less popular.

Base Runner

But we should not need to duplicate. Leave the original post open for both comments and votes.


In the UK this is a filundental flaw, but should be a simple fix for Fitbit. 


The moderator has basically said this will never be looked at. And I don’t think this is acceptable.  

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration.

Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.

Base Runner
Do hope fitbit will do this, would be so helpful to those of us in the UK

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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