Export account data for physicians

There should be an easy to print report that one could generate and hand over to their primary care physician for their review at an appointment.  Would include all relevant information (food intake, activity, weight, etc.).


Also, integration with EPIC patient records would be awesome.


Am I missing the report? 


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label


I think this would be an excellent idea!

Pace Setter

Good idea I also would like to share with my Nutritionist...

Premium User
Recovery Runner

I export all the data through my premium export function, but then spend a couple of hours cleaning it up.  I don't need all the columns of food entries, or all the columns of things that have no (0) value.  I'd like to have morning and afternoon glucose readings appear in the spreadsheet before evening glucose reading.  I'd like to have a printout for heart rate, blood oxygenation, blood pressure, up to five glucose readings, by date, without having to spend hours moving the columns around and deleting or hiding empty columns, etc.  It would also be nice to have sleep represented as xx.yy hours instead of xxx minutes.

First Steps
I would like to extract a report not just for a physician but also to myself showing all entries I have made, including glucose, bp, heartrate, etc. I agree it is best to have choices of hr vs min on sleep as part of report, also sugar intake to have g carbs instead of calories as nutritionists and physicians do not like to track calories but g carbs instead.
First Steps

I echo this request and for my primary physician as well as myself.  One important element of the reports should be the ability to select the data elements that reports are desired for.  Some probably want all of the data in trend graphs but for myself, there are only 5....Steps, Sleep, Weight, Blood Pressure, and Heart rate.  

First Steps

For the step counts, it should be a more detailed export than just the day summary. Especially for the physician who wants to help me optimizing my daily routine.

I think at least by the hour, better 15 mins or less for this scenario. Refer to the data export idea for scientific studies



It is outrageous that the export of my data in a format that I can use elsewhere should require the payment of a subscription. 

If I had known this would be the case I would never have bought the Flex and it is the single factor that would prevent me from recommending a Fitbit device to someone else.

Base Runner

THIS. A MILLION TIMES THIS. It's downright unethical to keep our data for ransom behind a paywall. Also, does anybody actually think it's worth paying $50 a year to see where you fall on a histogram? Why should I care how active/fit other people are?

First Steps

I would like to

  • View total time slept as a bar chart over an arbitrary time period, instead of only the past 30 days, including a line showing the average over the selected period.
  • View a chart (30 days moving or arbitrary time period) of sleep efficiency, again with average. It seems the only place to see efficiency information is on single day sleep report pages
  • Launch the Quick View chart from the Sleep dashboard widget into a full screen where many more days could be seen in the "stacked clock bars" view. This view is really interesting, it's a shame that it is only useful to see the current week.
  • View ALL collected sleep information in a tabular format, ideally with export to CSV for further manipulation
  • Clarify what the difference is between "Time alseep over the past 30 days in hours" and "Total time alseep over the past 30 days in hours" in the right hand sidebar of the Sleep Log page. The charts look identical.



Status changed to: Released
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

You can now find the option to export your data under Settings.



Recovery Runner

I purchased Premium specifically so that I could share the reports with my health care provider.  I am very disappointed that the Food Notes that I have recorded do not appear on the food report. This is very important information.  Please consider including Notes on the food report!  

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