Fallen Detection & Notification App

Recently, I have been thinking about what would occur if I fell down and either could not manage to get myself up or became unconscious whether within my apartment or elsewhere.

The fact is that I could not manage to afford one of those devices that can be used in such cases where emergency responders can be contacted and then be dispatched to the scene.

While in the process of thinking about this type of scenario and what potential options might be with which to address it, what came to mind is about how I already have the technology on my wrist, my Fitbit Charge 3 model fitness tracker smartwatch, that could do just what is needed should something along the above lines ever happen.

What would be required is to include an app within its main app that people with the device could select and program with contact information and the like for if and when something happens, like a fall or other need for assistance or alert 911.

So, with this in mind, I just called Fitbit and provided them with the details of my idea and the person who took my call wrote it up and will be passing along my suggestion for potential consideration.

Am hoping that Fitbit will seriously consider doing something meaningful along these lines. It could help save some lives.

First Steps

None of the Fitbit watches currently offer an emergency SOS and Fall sensor, which is something you should consider adding.  Any current plans to do so?

Space Racer

Hi @Sharonhum - have a look in the Feature suggestions - it has been mentioned often. Fallen Detection & Notification App

Emergency Contact Button or SOS Call

Premium User
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

Thank you @Guy_ 

Hi @Sharonhum 

The Google's Pixel Watch 2 supports the features you are asking about and a few more.  Here's a list of its safety features

  • Safety Check - set a timer on the device.  If it expires with no response, your watch will share your location with emergency contacts.
  • Safety Signal -When wearing your 4G LTE watch without your phone nearby, you can still access safety features like Emergency Sharing, fall detection and Safety Check, and reach emergency services and contacts.
  • Emergency SOS - If you’re in a situation where you feel unsafe, the Google Pixel Watch 2 can easily alert trusted contacts or 911.
  • Fall Detection - Connect to emergency services if you’ve had a hard fall. If you’re unresponsive, Pixel Watch 2 will auto dial.
  • Medical Information - Store important info like blood type, health conditions, and medications on your watch. If an emergency call is made, your information can be provided to some emergency services.

Also, the Pixel Watch is fully integrated with Fitbit and supports all of the latest health and fitness features.  

Since this question was posted to the Web API forum, I'll let our developer community know that retrieving data about these features is not available through the Web API.  

Hope this information helps


First Steps

I see this was never added and I'm not going to buy a Google pixel 2. Nobody wants that. I switched to the apple watch for fall detection feature.

The pixel has fall detection so I don't understand your statement ??
Recovery Runner

@mjm2463 given that it's not a priority for Google, how can we trust them. Heck, they're removing features from the fitbit watches. I have the sense 2 and it was suppose to have more features than the original sense. Nope. Less. Several specs listed them, so we know they were planned up till the shipped.


They've screwed up the app. What are they trying to get me to switch to Google. Yea. That PETTY PETTY company forcinge to change by eliminating features I'm going to support a different company. Yea, my premium account expired this month. Not gonna give them another dime. Heck the social features were extremely popular, and motivating. They got rid of those too. How about snoring? Fall detection? Spotify? 😂🤔🤷 When this watch is eol for me I'm switching from Google. 

Add Fall Detection & Emergency, SOS Features to any Fitbit fitness tracker or smart watch. These features only exists in Pixel Watch 2 which device isn't supported by iOS system but only Android.
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @fesylvie, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.


Pixel Watch, Pixel Watch 2 are compatible with Android devices only. Any plans to adding these features to a Fitbit device which compatible with both system: Android & iOS?


Agreed! As a 69 yr. old and all the flus and such going on, it would be a great feature to have.I have a 65 yr. old friend who has an Apple watch and she recently became suddenly ill and passed out in the kitchen of a vacation home her whole family was renting. It called 911 which also alerted the family at 5 am to find her on the kitchen floor and very sick. This would be an amazing add to the Google functions!

Premium User
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

I have moved your feature request to our Product Feedback board, so Product Management can consider your request.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Sharonhum, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.

Recovery Runner
Please add fall detection with SOS for Fitbit users. This is an essential health, especially older users.
Recovery Runner
That is a great idea.

Karen Ellis O'Neal
Interval Runner

This would be a great idea but for it to work fitbit/Google would have to ensure that the watch actually syncs with your phone at all times. I'd be bones if I relied on mine. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@stclevine, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.

Recovery Runner

This thread has been 5 years now and Fitbit has not listened to us.  I guess that they want us to switch to the Apple Watch for fall detection and emergency calling.  I love my Fitbit and the battery is much better that Apple.  

First Steps

Fitbit/Google (Tbh - there's no difference for this now 😞 ) approached me for feedback: I submitted some for them, but _they have not bothered to follow up thecomments I left for them_, I guess they only want to hear what _they want to hear_.

I need a fitness tracker - I don't (and won't) need a smart watch or a variant for this.  I want to just track the basics of my health - I have no need for connectivity to the rest of my phone.  Because of issues with my health (and my mobility), fall detection becomes an important feature for this.  Listening to my notifications and music/video is no f'ing use if I've fallen/collapsed somewhere!!!

Recovery Runner
I know this has been requested and discussed before, but not for some time it seems, so I wanted to raise again a request for Fitbit to include an SOS feature and fall detection, as I believe this feature would benefit so many people, plus Fitbit seem to be the only smartwatch developers not to have included this feature yet.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Losrios, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.

First Steps

SOS and fall detection would be great.

for on call night workers like myself, could be the difference between life or death.

please add these features to your devices 🙂

Recovery Runner

@LizzyFitbit thank you for your comment on my post. Yes, I know it has been raised before but that was back in 2017 and I can't see anything has been done to address the request from your customers. 

Fitbit are falling behind... your competitors already offer some form of emergency support. Even a simple one button press option that sends a text message would be helpful. 

I hope this gets some serious consideration. 


I am guessing that folks on this thread are being left to preach to the choir.  I was also hoping to see fall detection in Fitbit trackers like the Charge series.  However, in the meantime, Pixel Watches have implemented fall detection for the Fitbit ecosystem, though at double the cost. 

It looks like making the feature only available in the more expensive line, Google has a clear upsell path for people who generally like Fitbit functionality and don't mind more complex smartwatches that need to be recharged more often.  In fact, I have surrendered and joined to the Pixel Watch crowd.

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