Fallen Detection & Notification App

Recently, I have been thinking about what would occur if I fell down and either could not manage to get myself up or became unconscious whether within my apartment or elsewhere.

The fact is that I could not manage to afford one of those devices that can be used in such cases where emergency responders can be contacted and then be dispatched to the scene.

While in the process of thinking about this type of scenario and what potential options might be with which to address it, what came to mind is about how I already have the technology on my wrist, my Fitbit Charge 3 model fitness tracker smartwatch, that could do just what is needed should something along the above lines ever happen.

What would be required is to include an app within its main app that people with the device could select and program with contact information and the like for if and when something happens, like a fall or other need for assistance or alert 911.

So, with this in mind, I just called Fitbit and provided them with the details of my idea and the person who took my call wrote it up and will be passing along my suggestion for potential consideration.

Am hoping that Fitbit will seriously consider doing something meaningful along these lines. It could help save some lives.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Missy44, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option on your Fitbit. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

First Steps

Please implement the fall detection feature. Apple watch saves lives and I want to get a fitbit for my mother instead but it is missing that important feature. Thanks. 

First Steps

Thanks.... I too don't like Apple products but they do offer more.

First Steps

I'm a cyclist in NYC and it's been a terrible year for cycling (and pedestrian) collisions and deaths. This feature would be invaluable to me. I like my versa, but when it's time to replace it I'll go with an apple watch for this feature alone if Fitbit can't manage to implement it. 

First Steps

Another suggestion to add to this is if possible, is potentially add crash detection to that as well. I'm not going to pretend I know how this works but I would assume that could be added to the fall detection feature also? If the person doesn't respond to a notice on their watch or phone within a certain time-frame (like I believe the fall detection does), then call 911 and notify emergency contact. If these options were available, I would save up and get a watch for my husband and mother. My mom has seizures and has fallen before. My husband does construction and spends a lot of time driving, up on roofs, and other heights. We also do a lot of trail riding on quads and dirt bikes so it would be beneficial to myself as well.

First Steps

fitbit should add a hard fall detection or more features about safety, in case that someone wearing it loses conscience can get help and save lifes! 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Yadiranu, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option on your Fitbit device. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

First Steps

As an equestrian and a cyclist, I need this feature. I actually had a fall from my horse last month where I was knocked out for a while and out by myself. I was lucky and made it back to the barn, but I could have easily had a more serious situation. I don't need the features of an apple watch, but I do need this feature. Please figure out a way to add it to the hardware or in an app we can add. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @Utran003, it would be a good implementation, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about having a fall detection feature available with Fitbit, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is currently marked as "Reviewed by moderator".


This helps maintain the Community and the Feature Suggestion board more organized. 

Base Runner

This is a great idea... if apple can do it why cant Fitbit.. 

I was going to suggest same idea but it is already suggested.


Fitbit.. come on.. update and provide the feature please


The story posted on Facebook of the father's life being saved by this feature on an Apple watch went viral, and was picked up by major news outlets, as you've hopefully noticed. In less than a week, that original post was shared 582K times, which is remarkable for any kind of story. It has so far earned 446K likes, 97K loves, and 123K wows, for a total of 668K Facebook users who reacted to the original post.

Here is a link to that post, in case anyone has missed this story:

Watch calls 911 to rescue unconscious biker who hit his head

Perusing through the comments, it's not hard to see how excited people are by this technology. If only a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of people who reacted to this story decide to go out and buy an Apple watch, that would seem to be -- trying to remain understated -- a significant lost business opportunity for Fitbit. I can't imagine that the highest levels of management aren't already seriously looking into this feature, never mind the normal suggestion process here, so I'll wait to see what materializes.

Base Runner

Let's see can fitbit capitalise on it... and do an update or app that provides this feature

First Steps

This is such a good and helpful feature! I'd love to have that!!

First Steps

Is there any way to be notified if this does become a feature? I am looking into it because a recent diagnosis has left my dad with the title of “fall risk” so I believe this would be a good thing for him to have. He hates apple so Fitbit would be the only way I could get him to wear it. 

First Steps

I would love if Fitbit added fall detection. That feature alone almost made me want to change me and my family to Apple Watch 


Please implement this feature soon + give us an update if there are plans to implement this. Apple Watch already has this feature and in januari 2020 Samsung Galaxy Active Watch 2 will.


If Fitbit won't implement this, then me and my wife will switch to Apple or Samsung, because it is such an important lifesaving feature.

First Steps

I also have been considering changing to apple just because of their hard fall detection feature. PLEASE add this to fitbit. I love my fitbit and don't want to change if i don't have to. I have grand mal seizures in an impossible pattern to predict. I can go over a year without one or have one every couple of months. I never know. I won't let it stop me from doing all the things i love outdoors, but sometimes I do worry that I could get lost or hurt if one happens when I'm out hiking. After i have a seizure there is a period of roughly half an hour where i am very confused and scared and don't know who or where I am (postictal phase). When my mind comes back to me, I don't remember anything during the seizure or from the postictal phase. I worry that I will wander around in my postictal phase to try and figure out where I am, only to get myself hopelessly lost in such a way that i won't recognize my surroundings even after I come out it. If my fitbit could send my location to an emergency contact to come find me, it could save my life someday. 

First Steps

Fitbit has many features not offered by Apple example longer  battery life and tracking sleep.  But if you would add the 911 feature, Fitbit wins hands down in my opinion.  

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @pulaski! Thanks for sharing your idea about adding a 911 feature in your Fitbit device. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. Don’t forget to post a comment and click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

It would be awesome to have a 911 feature not just for falls but if you were mugged!!


Yes I definitely need this as an older adult who falls alot. if we don't get this feature soon I will have to switch to the Apple watch. I just sawon the evening news tonight the Apple watch saved a hiker who fell over a cliff because of this fall option. 


Afraid I am another person who will be leaving Fitbit and moving to either an Apple or Samsung watch if this feature is not implemented.  I don't like Apple products and never have but as a horse rider who goes out a lot on my own I feel this development would be so valuable and important for safety that it has convinced me to move if necessary.

First Steps
Samsung does not have fall detection yet either.  Only appleSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

No but I did see Samsung are to get it.

First Steps

Please add this feature.  I am waiting to buy two Fitbit watches until you do, and will certainly recommend Fitbit to others if you do. 

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