Find my phone sound options

I love that there is now a "find my phone" function, but would like to have the option to change the sound and/or volume on my phone when this is enacted. The only time I tried it out, it scared the bejeezus out of my cats and all the people in my house (4!) came running to see what was going on (they thought it was the smoke alarm. Too loud.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @cogirl303, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having the option to change sound and volume on "Find my phone" feature. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I too would like to champion this idea. I have a baby (born on the date that cogirl303 made her suggestion 🙂 ) and I cannot in good conscious use the Find My Phone option because the sound is too jarring. I'm sure it is great if you lose your phone in the club, but if you are at home, have children or pets, the sound is too jarring! 

First Steps

Hi, I'm also interested in that feature! My husband hates when I'm looking for my Phone with this scary ringtone:) Finger crossed for adding this funcionality soon! 

First Steps
I would really love sound options for the "find my phone" feature. The current notification sound is quite unpleasant, especially compared to my partner's Apple Watch, so I think having a spread of options for different sounds would be really wonderful.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @jpfinkel, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see more sound options for "Find my phone" feature. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.


I want the option to change the sound too. I have sensitive hearing and that noise just kills my ears, plus both me and my mom have fitbits and just found this app. We both lose our phones, her more then me so we will likely use this a lot.

First Steps

If you go to the appstore and search find my phone companion and download that onto your fitbit.its almost the exact same app but you can change the sound for when you need to find your phone

First Steps

I really support this suggestion.. Could you please fitbit support.. Add this option.. Because the current tone is really loud and sharp.. I can't seem to use it at night time if I wanted to use it! 

First Steps

Wanted to add some support for this request. I was really excited by the 'Find My Phone' feature but as it is not it is completely unusable. I tested it out and that sound - and I mean this in the truest sense of the word - triggered an anxiety attack. It's horrible and renders the feature useless.

First Steps

My husband and my dog hate the sound! Glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem. Lol

First Steps

Love the feature though!

First Steps

What's the status of this? Seems like lots of people would want to customise the Find My Phone sound. Is there any progress since it was first brought up?

First Steps
First Steps

Same. Not having this option seems like a huge miss given how bad the default tone is.

First Steps

Please allow some changes with this function. If you don't set up options to turn the volume down, please at least let us change the notification sound. 

I love this function but won't use it with the current sound. Heart failure is a real possibility with some people it is so startling and jarring.

First Steps

There's a couple of problems with this. Mainly the monotone beep makes it quite hard to actually tell what direction the sound is coming from and then there's the long gap between rings, which can be up to 10 seconds, and often it's not loud enough.

I have adhd so I'm constantly forgetting where I put things and I use this feature (or similar) almost daily. I can get alexa to call my mobile, but usually the sound of my phone ringing is drowned out by the ringing from alexa. I can find my laptop and use a google feature to ring my phone, but that's a faff and sometimes I don't know where my laptop is. So a button on my wrist at all times is ideal, except it's not that easy to find the phone.


It makes a beep for less than a second, then I move in the direction of my best guess as to where it is (usually I can't even tell if it's on the same floor or upstairs) then I have to stop quickly in case it beeps while I'm moving and the sound of me moving drowns out the beep. Then I wait silently, hoping there's no other noise that drowns out the beep. If I'm lucky, I guessed right on the previous attempt and I'm closer to the beep. If I'm not, I have to move back to the previous stage.


Why can't it just use my phones ringtone? You know, the thing that's already optimally configured for me to be able to find my phone quickly


Please elevate this suggestion and schedule a SW update to implement.  My wife forbids use of this feature as it is currently implemented. 

First Steps

This change is really necessary, the current ringtone and volume are incredibly annoying and it makes me want to not use the feature at all. I'd rather walk around the house trying to find the phone than using this feature as is.

First Steps

The find my phone feature would be so much better if the sound could be customized or just linked to play whatever the phone's ringtone is. 

Was excited to be able to locate my phone from my wrist, and I do use the feature, but can't if others in the house are sleeping. The current sound is so annoying.

Recovery Runner

I agree with the comments.  Has anything been implemented?

First Steps

Yes, please, I have already used this a few times in the last day since getting it any my partner's response was "I'm going to hate that sound pretty quickly aren't I?" and my immediate thought was "I'll change it" but that's not a notable option. Would rather not have to write my own app whose only difference is "can change the sound and volume" also other QoL features that would help hard of hearing like:

- specific vibration tone

- lit screen color instead of sound

- flashlight instead of sound or screen

- or combos of the above.

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