Fitbit Journal - Notes on online and app dashboard

How about a space in the app for a daily note. I would like to be able to leave a note on the daily results page. So that if results are high or low I would know why when looking back. IE: was I sick so my daily results were very low or were they extra good and for what reason? In sure folks would have lots of reasons to look back at results and would want to know what was what at that time. Ted


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Recovery Runner

Absolutely agree. It seems this is something Fitbit users have been asking about for years. I hope they do it 🙂

Recovery Runner

I would like to see a "Notes" tile on the Dashboard display so that I have some relevant information particular to that days activity.

For example, I occassionally forget to wear my tracker resulting in no activity, if I had a "Notes" tile I could log the fact that I forgot to wear my tracker that day resulting in no activity.

Another problem I have is injury. I occassionally injure myself keeping fit (not getting any younger) resulting in low activity and no recorded exercise, again if I had a "Notes" tile I could log the reason for the low activity was injury.


An important part of using the fitbit is tracking one's progress ..... or lack of it.  Sometimes, we even reverse our progress.  It would be very useful to be able to make notes when one's day takes some unusual turn or circumstances are such that we didn't eat well or engage in activity.  It would be helpful to be able to see what those circumstances were when we review our progress months from today.  For instance, I was in a situation a week or so ago that I wasn't able to make food choices I would have preferred (even though I did the best I could with what I had to work with).  Then, the last couple days, I've not been well and spent the days in bed watching old movies and napping.  There was also a day that I forgot to put on my fitbit before leaving home.  We need a way to take notes on these situations.  If one is fastidious enough to use the fitbit religiously, then we're fastidious enough that it drives us crazy not to be able to retain notes about our unusual days.


I agree, even to be able to say how we felt before/after walk.

First Steps
It would be great to have a text field in the apps where you can add general comments. For example: I felt tired during the day or i was sick. This should be very easy to add
Base Runner

It would be nice if the Journal tab on the website could be added to the Android app.

Base Runner

Add the Journal tab from the website to the mobile apps.

Base Runner

The website Journal feature would cover this.

If it was set up with some predesignated options they could be used to do your own personal DAT mining. Every thing from sleep, food, drink, exercise....
Recovery Runner
Thanks for your reply however I don't seem to have or can't find the
"Journal" tab on the website. In addition I only require the "Notes" tile
for the website dashboard & I would like it to be on display along with the
other information relevant to that particular day.
First Steps

For a lot of people fitness journeys are emotional as well having a place to log general mood and or keep a diary of sorts would be helpful a general notes section would be great.

First Steps
I just started using my fitbit this week and I love it! One thing that I would like to see on my app is a notes section. A place where I can keep daily notes on how I felt or if I was sick. Is this something that is already offered that I missing or something that can be added? Love the product!
First Steps
I just started using my fitbit this week and I love it! One thing that I would like to see on my app is a notes section. A place where I can keep daily notes on how I felt or if I was sick. Is this something that is already offered that I missing or something that can be added? Love the product!
I would like to be able to log my mood using my flex, just like I can log my weight. It would be great to be able to log mood say morning, noon and night by self reporting on a scale from 1 - 5. It would also be good to see mood, steps and sleep stats on one page or dashboard so any indicative correlation could be noted. Would anybody else find this helpful?
Yes I would like this too and have just suggested being able to log my mood each day, say morning noon and night by self-reporting on a scale from 1- 5.
Recovery Runner
Yes I had already submitted a feature request saying add journal and mood to mobile app, i would love to see it happen
First Steps
Great idea!

Sent from my iPhone
That's great these features have been suggested - I couldn't find them in the posts. Would anyone else like a journal and mood feature - it would be excellent for me. Hope the Fitbit people listen.
Stepping Up

I was very suprised that this feature does not exists. I'd like to add details on my weight training workouts - although 128 characters might not be enough for that.

128 characters was just a suggestion based on the plan to add the notes on the iPhone. I was OK with having a longer field but planned to use that via the web site.
First Steps

Along the same lines, I would like to take notes for each day concerning effects of my diet.  For example, eating this food gave me inflammation or a stomach ache or gas, etc.  This way I can  begin to identify where certain symptoms are stemming from.

@AngelaFaustina wrote:

It would be great to be able to add short notes via the Android app to help track things like sickness, starting a specific diet, why I slept poorly, if I'm on vacation or on a business trip, etc... 



I concur that this is a needed addition to the software!

@shansfit wrote:
I just started using my fitbit this week and I love it! One thing that I would like to see on my app is a notes section. A place where I can keep daily notes on how I felt or if I was sick. Is this something that is already offered that I missing or something that can be added? Love the product!



A Notes section is needed.... please!

@Manson wrote:

I would like an area to post notes on how I felt during that days excercise and I am also a diabetic and would like to make notes on my glucose readings and insulin taken that day. All this information would be useful to me and my doctor.


First Steps

It would be awesome to have a section within the workouts section to create daily note of your workout.  It would makes it easier to track progress and get better over time.

Base Runner
This is a much needed feature in the android app.
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