Fitbit Journal - Notes on online and app dashboard

How about a space in the app for a daily note. I would like to be able to leave a note on the daily results page. So that if results are high or low I would know why when looking back. IE: was I sick so my daily results were very low or were they extra good and for what reason? In sure folks would have lots of reasons to look back at results and would want to know what was what at that time. Ted


Moderator Edit: Title & Labels

Thanks for the update. The note space doesn't have to be large, just enough for a note to self. Like I was sick a few days and so results were low or I was on vacation and thus didn't do much or I was really into exercising that week so that's why I accomplished X, Y or Z activity. Or what happens to me I'll have my Fitbit on and using power equipment throws it off and I wind up with steps I know I didn't do, the vibration of the equipment gets recorded as steps. So I would like to put a note in that the readings for that day are false.
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@Shoestring45 I agree. Something like a quick note space. It's and excellent idea, I'm pretty sure a lot of users will take advantage of this. I do understand, as one day I was sick in bed all day and got like 1,000 steps only. Then I took a look at previous days and saw it, and I didn't remembered why I got so few steps. So, I had to think and re think and think again until I remembered I was sick. If I had a note, that would be so much easier. It's all about being user friendly.

First Steps
I'm new to this but I don't see anywhere you can add notes to each day. I believe adding a note to the day you could use for many reasons. My main reason would be to track how I am feeling mentally and health wise. Then you could use the notes to see how you ate and how you exercised made an impact on your body and mind. It could also be used to track reasons why you may have not met all your goals, being sick for example. If this option is on here I haven't come across it.

I totally agree that the journal feature is needed, and can not understand why on earth it was removed. I went to the doctors today and would like to have a way to note the visit. It would also be helpful to have a way to cover things in future visits. The doctor noted I was wearing the FITBIT and asked how I liked it.  Had to be honest about the pros and cons.

First Steps
Would it be possible to add notes to previously logged activities? It would help to remember how I felt during or after an activity.
Recovery Runner

Yes, Yes, Yes.  Plus!


Would also like to be able to make notes on sleep.

Please add the possibility to write a note to the app. I can't find the journal tab on the website. So the solution mentioned is not working for me.
First Steps

I strongly vote for a note section.  The sooner the better.  I'm right in the middle of loosing a bunch of weight and a note section would really help.  

Thank you very much!!!

You're much appreiciated!!!

First Steps

I agree.  The current situation is that if you want the gps and map to work you have to use hike or run.  In fact, I rollerski sometimes and would like that note in my records.  Additionally, I use "workout" to record things so that I can alter the title later, but I would like to be able to note what I did so that I can have records to make sure I fit in all the differentl elements of my weekly plan.

Recovery Runner

I would love to be able to edit the name of the workout. Walk the dog, Boot camp, run, biking. It would be so much more helpful so I could see what I have been doing over the last weeks and have a record of it.


Agree. I have certain routines I do on my elliptical and I'd like to be able to compare my performance metrics when I repeat certain ones. But I have no way to do this because all I can log in fitbit is 'Elliptical'. Just want a simple comment field where I could put "Routine 1" or something like that. Thanks.

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Fitbit Moderator

Hello @Lorneputnam! That's a great idea. This was a feature in the Dashboard before but was removed a few months ago, I hope this can be a feature soon. 


Thank you for visiting the Feature Request boardSmiley Happy

Recovery Runner



activities have a great feature which allows to change the name (from the default 'workout') which helps them identify. excellent!


however, i feel it would be a significant addition to be able to enter details about the specific activity. a couple of examples:


1) change the name of the activity to "walking", but it would be great to be able to record details in regard to the activity, for instance: "route home-beach-across city-woods-liberty boulevard-home; walked with jim and mike, first day with new shoes".


2) change the name of the activity to "basketball", and recording details such as: "2on2 half court with the kids".


by having the ability to enter a few written details, this would allow us to compare the same activities in different circumstances, i.e. when "walking" taking a a different route, or playing "basketball" full court with adults. the same goes for doing exercises, being able to record whether we do situps, pullups, lunges, etc, would be another great tool to help us analyze and compare progress and results of our activities.




Moderator edit: Labels

I'd like to be able to add comments, weather info or emojis to my daily logged exercise, a lot of other apps have this (Nike, Map my Run, Strava) eg "great run, helped by great weather conditions and drinking lots of water earlier" etc

I would like to be able to track mood and/or energy level on the iPhone app and graph that against my activity levels/sleep/water log.  I've read that there was a journaling option that used to be available, but is no longer there.  Thank you.


I would also like to see mood tracking.  Preferrably along with tracking energy levels.

First Steps

I highly agree with this request!


I am personally looking for this request to add notes to my daily sleep log, as I have partial-insomnia, it would be nice to see data trends and patterns in certain medications I may try to help me sleep.


I feel it would be easy to implement with an icon in the daily overview section as well as in the bar chart (if a note is present), where a star shows if you hit goal, it would live on the bar as well as a note icon. 


When you click into a day to get specific details this is where you could add a note feature, or look/edit one if it was already created.


When deeper into the chart-view as well, the tab in the top-left corner, could also have a drop-down for notes that would present just notes and their dates in a list format.


If you would like further clarification I create design mock-ups on what I was thinking!





Hi and thanks JAD for the support. You have gone into this a lot more than I have. I'm an old guy so I don't do a lot of formal exercise like you young people. I use the Fitbit to watch my sleep, like you, my water intake and my walking. Lots of walking, can not run anymore as I broke my knee a couple years back. Anyhow, some type of note option I believe is needed in the active app and not one that is buried in some far off function. Shoestring45 Sent from our iPad
As a soccer referee, my exercise tracking activity categories are limited to "Soccer" or High School Soccer." This is far too vague. It would be far more informative to me to be able to categorize with greater specificity - i.e., customized activities. For example, "Boys Junior Varsity Soccer," or "BU14 Soccer" (meaning boys under 12 "club" soccer.)
First Steps

I would love to see the ability to change the name of an activity, I currently log hockey as martial arts, squash as tennis, basketball as kick boxing and softball as yoga. Now when I do yoga I don't track it anymore same with snowboarding.

So even if you let me use a random sport like martial arts to track my event then later I can rename it to actual event i'd be very happy. 

I'd also like if I forgot to track an activity, when I maually add it later in my logs it'll take the info (heart reate, steps, calories, distance) it has during the time I provided and insert it into my acitvity.

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First Steps
Will there be a feature added to the Fitbit app where you can make or add notes. For exam: My Net Diary allows you to add notes to a meal or day.
First Steps

The ability to add a comment would be extremely beneficial Please add. Thank you


Moderator edit: Update title for clarity and added labels 

First Steps

Having just received my Fitbit a few days ago, I am still exploring its use.  As many others have stated, I would like an area on the dashboard where I could note what was occurring on a particular day, i.e. I didn't feel well; it was holiday=overeating.  Then when I go back to review my data, I would understand why I didn't sleep well or why I was over my daily calorie count.  I hope we will see this in the next upgrade of the app.  

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