Fitbit Journal - Notes on online and app dashboard

How about a space in the app for a daily note. I would like to be able to leave a note on the daily results page. So that if results are high or low I would know why when looking back. IE: was I sick so my daily results were very low or were they extra good and for what reason? In sure folks would have lots of reasons to look back at results and would want to know what was what at that time. Ted


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First Steps

I would love it if it had capability to have note tile on dashboard. I want to say weather good day how I felt if I was sick stressed etc.

First Steps

I would love a way for me to track whats going on daily. This way when I look back at my step log I can see what was going on that day. Varying things like anxiety, depression, migraines, illness all effect my step count. Transversely, on days when i have field trips with my students or I work extra hours my step count is higher. It would be helpful to be able to log these things for when I am looking back tonsee where i can improve. Thanks!


Thought of this because I'm going to start taking Vit-D supplements so I thought it would be nice to have a note in my sleep charts to keep track of when this change occured.


But I'm sure it would be beneficial to also do for things such as starting a new job that is requires more physicality, getting pregnant, etc.

First Steps

Please set up a feature to allow us to add personal notes to the exercise tracker. It would be great to know when and how many/how long Hill sprints I can check. 

First Steps

I think there should be a way to add notes to my day. Like why I didn't move so much or what caused me to move a lot. I would also like the notes feature to better track my own health, so that when I go to the doctor I can look back and see exactly what has been going on health wise. Right now I keep these notes in my own calendar on my phone but it would be amazing to have everything in one place.




Currently, the website dashboard ONLY allows the logging of weight and body fat.  It would be nice to allow users to log other items they might want to track.  You could either (a) add other options for us to select from; and / or (b) allow users to enter the item they'd like to track.  For example:  waist size.  I'm using the body fat field to track this ... it would be nice to enter "Waist Size" ... and then the chart would reflect accordingly. 



First Steps

I’d love to see a notes/journal section on the app. It’s really helpful to identify patterns. And some of us just like to write down feelings. Can we have this added? I’ve had a Fitbit since September 2013. I love it and this is the only improvement I can think of. 

Thank you. 

Wallena O.

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That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion @Gainerw!


Yes, notes please! I've seen people suggest it with the exercise tile, but I would love to see notes separate. Sometimes what needs jotted down may pertain to a lot of different things. Thanks

Recovery Runner

Please consider adding a "note" section to the dashboard.  My fitbit band broke so I had no uploads for two days while I waited for a new band.  It would be nice to be able to make a note so that I know why I have two blank days.  It would also be handy when ill, hospitalized, etc to be able to note why your numbers aren't up to par.  Thank you!

Status changed to: New
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Moderator Alum

Hello @ilse72! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it as it is not currently planed. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps

I’d love a short notes section to be attached to the sleep tracker.  It would be nice to note personal things (tweet length? Or less?) like stressful day, melatonin, drunk, happy, but not specific things in a searchable list— that data entry becomes a full

time job! — could be cool to analyze -pull up highest instances of REM sleep or most waking moments, and review the notes for the highest in these categories to gain personal data on what awake moments are affecting the sleeping ones.


i don’t need a full on journal- just a way to engage the whole of my data picture. 

Base Runner

I'd guess you folks at Fitbit sometimes feel like your customers are never satisfied, that no matter how hard you try to please, we're always griping and wanting more.  So I'd first like to say that Fitbit has changed my life and I'll be forever grateful for the product and to the unknown people who created it.


This is a suggestion, not a gripe, and one I suspect you could implement fairly easily.  Give users one additional field in the Fitbit daily log database, a Notes" field, to be used to record whatever is relevant to the individual.  You could limit the number of characters, exclude the use of troublesome characters, i.e., whatever you need to do to make it doable.

One person might use it for exercise tracking, another for cooking reminders, another for those as well as to record life events that explain alterations in exercise, diet or sleep.  The kind of daily notes I imagine...


Fido gone, heart broken

20" of snow

Off meds


Got Instant Pot

Food poisoning

New shoes = blisters

Cancelled MMO subscription

2nd date with Howard

Got blue light glasses

102 degrees!

Stopped melatonin

Moved to south side

Sprained ankle

To Cancun

New trainer

No more banana nut muffins!

Class reunion


The way we exercise, eat and sleep constitute a big part but not all of our lives.  A notes field would give us a way to put those activities in context with the other parts.








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Moderator Alum

Hey @shrinkingjudy! Thanks for sharing your suggestion with the Fitbit Community. I merged it to this similar idea so you can give kudos to vote for the suggestion even if the current status is in "not currently planned". 

First Steps

I absolutely agree!  I would like to log some notes daily along with my weight, food, and activities.


Looking up the calories burned for my manually input activities every time I need to input them makes Fitbit a chore. I was a tile on the dashboard or a scratchpad in the log page - something where I can store the calories per hour of my custom activities - or an option to integrate this into saved custom activities would be even better.

Is there any way to make note about how you feel during the day, sleep quality, how you felt during a workout, or distance of workout (if on treadmill, for example)

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Hi @Dbldoc_whitaker, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us,this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned. Regarding notes for sleep and activities take a look at the following suggestions:


First Steps

Hi! I think it would be really cool to add a “notes” section in the Fitbit dashboard, so users can keep track of other health related things, or just to add a note about something that happened in the day so they can remember when looking back on their stats.

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Moderator Alum

Hey @mgosse,

Thank you for sharing your idea about having a notes section in the Fitbit dashboard. I merged your idea into this suggestion. Even if the status is in "Not currently planned" you can give kudos by clicking on the thumbs up button.

Stepping Up

Hi there, 


Like many other users, I'm finding the options in the Female Health Tracker app somewhat lacking. 


However this got me thinking that this isn't just relevant to menstruation. So many people want to track patterns similarly to in the Female Health App, but for reasons other than menstruation and fertility. Why not go for a more flexible solution which can solve multiple issues that users are experiencing for different reasons? 


Why not just have a blank journal app? Users could tag each day with whatever symptom they want to record, by searching through other tags or adding their own (which they could choose to keep private, or add to the public list for others to use). These tags would be searchable within your own journal. 


For example: 

* Person A would like to explore the relationship between their mood and their eating habits so might use tags such as #highsugar and #irritable 

* Person B would like to make a record of when back pain occurred and what activities they were engaged in - #backpain, #freeweights, #driving

* Person C wants to see if there is a pattern to their migraines - #migraine

* Person D wants to link their menstrual cycle calendar to their mood journal - these could overlay 

* Person E wants to work out how different foods affect their digestion - #gluten, #bloating. Thanks to their Fitbit journal they might also notice incidentally that days that they have used #stress coincide with days marked #diarrhoea.

Perhaps it could suggest high correlations, eg. On 83% of days where you used #caffeine you also used #distracted


... And so on and so on.


Seems *very* simple to implement and may go towards making Fitbit usage more easily tailored towards many different simple needs all at once. You could record everything you cared to within one app and compare whatever factors you chose. 


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Moderator Alum

Hi @Ardilla, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently planned.

First Steps

A "Notes" section where I can leave myself notes of encouragement and challenge myself would be great!  Thanx!

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @cpearson, thanks for sharing your suggestion. Are you suggesting having this option on the Fitbit App or on the Charge 3 tracker? I'd like to confirm this to see if this request already exist. Thanks for your response. 

First Steps
Thanx for your quick reply! I was thinking mainly for the dashboard but it
would be awesome to review those notes on the tracker.

Chanda Pearson
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