Fix bug where calories in the Exercise summary are displayed as "- -" on the App for Android

In my case this is happening with a Versa tracker, Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone, Android App v2.72.1 (2193280). This problem seems to affect Fitbit Versa and Ionic trackers, as reported by other users, at least on the App for android. There is a post on the community to talk about it:

, but this is the first Feature Suggestion. This has been happening since April 2017. I feel insulted that Fitbit hasn't fixed it yet, for their most popular and new trackers.

Basically, within the Exercise log (accessed by tapping on the Exercise icon) in the App for Android, the lines corresponding to certain activities do not show calories; instead they show "-- calories". Also attached to this bug is the fact that activities that have this problem of not showing calories and don't normally log/show steps/distance, now do. For example I'm seeing no calories displayed my Cardio Sculpt or Yoga classes, but distance is displayed. This never happened until I switched from Charge 2 to Versa. It seems to mostly affect Weights, Workout and Bootcamp modes. Which is ridiculous, because they are not distance based activities.

Finally, if you try to chance the activity type in the Workout mode, the app fatally crashes. The activity type can be changed from the website log, but after syncing, the wrong stats still display. Refer to:


All these problems appeared from the get go, when I switched from Charge 2 to Versa.Screenshot_20180608-175251_Fitbit.jpg


Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing @MeryQ. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.


I don't understand..this is a software bug that has affected the Iconic and Versa since the Iconic was released in 2017...WHY IS THIS NOT FIXED YET??? The same Fitbit Android app shows calories when doing a "workout" or Weights"... and not "--" and especially "distance"...why does distance show up on a routine that does not involve walking or running???  

First Steps

This is incredibly annoying. I upgraded to the Versa from the charge 2 and noticed this when I'm using "workout" or "weights". The Versa displays the calories at the end of the workout and if you click in to the workout on the app, it will display the calories, but won't show it on the exercise log. I searched and it looks like this has been happening since last year for the ionic users, but nothing has been done to fix it.


This is such a ridiculous bug and has been reported since 2017. There is no reason why this couldn't have been fixed already. It worked fine with the Fitbit Blaze, it should work perfectly with Versa/Ionic. Please fix this now. Your customers deserve better.


Agree with the other posters.  I noticed this issue when I switched from Surge to Ionic.  I practice Yoga daily and distance is not relevant in that exercise although it is the first stat displayed.  elapsed time and calories are more relevant and should be the metrics displayed.  Please fix.  I spent an hour on the chat line last night with someone who seemed to think they knew what to do to resolve the issue.  By chance I decided to search here this morning since the problem was not resolved. Latest devices but buggy interfaces are not good customer service.

First Steps

Still having same problem !!! Software team are you awake? Is anybody from Fitbit reading it? It is a year log problem!!!

Base Runner

I agree this issue has been known about for ages.  All the customer support team say is restart the device.  This works on all the other devices and is only happening on the ionic and versa. 


I recently upgraded from the Alta HR to the Versa thinking that the additional features would be great.

I'm now finding this bug and that it has been occurring since October 2017!


It makes the exercise feature on the tracker pointless to me as I have had to revert back to manually adding in my workouts as I did on the AltaHR.  


Please can this be looked into as it seems crazy that something that works fine on other fitbits is an issue for this one (I know people who have the blaze and surge and are able to use the exercise tracker as it was intended).

First Steps

I purchased the Versa 2 days ago as an upgrade to my Blaze. The Blaze had no issues updating calories where the Versa gives me "--" instead of a number. I feel that unless there is a fix, I'm returning and going back to my old Blaze. This is very disappointing and maddening! 😡🤯

It's crazy that it's an issue and that other trackers work fine.

Very disappointing really.
First Steps
Interesting that there is no response from Fitbit on the issue. Looks like they are totally ignorant. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
First Steps

Interesting that there is no response from Fitbit on this issue. Looks like they are totally ignorant 😕


I just switched from Charge 2 HR to Versa. I just noticed mine does the same. When 'workouts' are manually started it does not register the calorie count. I have been reading and looks like this issue has been going on for more than a year with Versa + Ionic. What a disappointment. You upgrade to a more expensive watch and get this let down. Womp womp. 

Base Runner

It's so sad, the bug now celebrated it's first anniversary lol. Please fix it.

Not applicable

Experiencing this with Ionic and Android app Samsung S9+

First Steps

Went from the Blaze to the Versa and loved it until I found out about this bug.  Very disappointed and I don't understand why it's not an easy fix.

Recovery Runner

Upgraded to Charge 3 and have the same issue. My Charge 2 did not have this problem. The website dashboard shows the workout duration time and calories correctly.


Recovery Runner


 Same here. Fitbit Charge 3, Galaxy s8+


Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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