Get rid of Adobe Flash Player from the website

Please rewite the Dashboard and Log on the web site using non-Flash technology, preferably HTML5.

Flash is too much of a resource hog on desktops and doesn't run on iOS devices.



Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Keeping Pace

I am very seriously considering not renewing my premium membership when the year is up, due to this Flash issue. What use is said membership if I am only able to use it on one specific platform? 

Recovery Runner

Apple is about to drop it for good.


The article below starts with:

"Adobe Flash needs to die. And it’s starting to look like 2016 might be Flash’s last year.  ..."



Why is this still an issue? Over two years people have been asking you to modernise your site, and you haven't. You will be chasing customers away as they will no longer want/be able to use parts of the site.

Um…Realize that “Zeise” is just another Fitbit user who made the original post. I have no more control over the Fitbit website than you do. If you directly email me, I feel support about my original post, but the Fitbit folks aren’t learning about how upset we all are. I don’t know if they get copied on this.

Ann Zeise
I had already raised a support issue directly to them via email, and they directed me to the forums.

So, if they don’t listen, they seriously will lose customers.

George "Jorgi" Zamroz

I do not use Flash as it causes browerss to crash and 'Stop Responding'.  Please replace it.



Please, Please replace Flash!  It will make a lot of people very happy.

Recovery Runner


Yes! Flash is overrun with security issues and many users, like me, have removed it completely for good reason.

i agree. i had emailed  fitbit to do this over a year ago. i had removed flash from all my computers for security reasons and in so doing i could not do a lot of things with fitbit because they only used flash. but they NEVER did anything to provide an option.
Not applicable

Flash is about to not be allowed on Mac very soon.  It is a dud for us and we are not going to put it on any computer, etc.  Use HTML5 and the correct API's for the graphs.  Be realistic Fitbit - don't continue to shoot yourself in the foot.  Continue this philosophy and you will hurt your business beyond repair.  Listen to your customers.

Stepping Up

Amazing!  Almost 2-1/2 years since the first post and there has still been NO response from the devs.  Not even a "Yeah, we're thinkin' about it.  Will get back to you".  I've never seen a company who is so dismissive of its customers' complaints.


Starting in 2017 Google Chrome will no longer run Flash ads. Flash is on it's way out. The only reason I use it on my Mac is because of the Premium site. PLEASE change your Premium site to an HTML5 based design!

Community Legend

I agree with @chiller84 flash hasn't worked on Android and Linux for 3 years, it's been a while since it ran on iOS. It's insecure and easily hackable. 

Besides 4 years ago we knew that the day is coming where Flash is going to be dropped. 

First Steps

I don't understand how this has not been changed yet. Flash is a security risk. Also, my Chrome browser automatically blocks Flash from running so in order to view the charts, I need to *manually enable each one individually*. This is not only a security issue at this point but a usability one as well.

Not applicable
I’ve given up. Until this is resolved that’s my last Fitbit product, and I have been advising friends against buying any Fitbit product because they have no concern for the security of their users.

I agree. I am planning to buy a new device, similiar to the Blaze.  But if this problem has not been fixed when I am ready to make my purchase, it will not be a Fitbit product. And that purchase is coming in the next 3 weeks!



I called up their customer service number, and the woman, who sounded like she was in India, said that she’d never heard this complaint before but would send it over to the webmaster. Just saying, if all of you who are following this thread call up to complain, only then might something actually get done. Apparently they don’t ever read this forum.

1 (877) 623-4997

If you lose this email, Google “fitbit customer support number” and the number will show right up in Google.

Keep in mind that you need to request that the concern over Flash should go to their web development team, or webmaster, and not to product support.
Stepping Up

While the normal dashboard can now be used without Flash, Premium is still next to useless because of Flash, so I'm not going to renew it and feel really disappointed that I even got it in the first place. The silence from Fitbit is absolutely ridiculous, although it could be forgiven if the issue was fixed. The attitude shown by this thread is part of the reason I'm looking at other brands once my Charge HR is done, which is a shame, because Fitbit has been offering a nice user experience. Until I ditched Flash, that is, like most everyone these days.


You have had time to add the mostly useless Adventures feature to the app, but not fix the Flash issue?

i agree, i asked fitbit over a year ago to do something to replace flash so  i could use the full benefits of fitbit but they have done nothing to do so.
First Steps

Please remove Flash from your so called 'Premium' Service.

This is an old issue - years old according you your own posts.  Why hasn't this been added to your strategic plan? I hope that you will see that this matter deserves the attention and resources required to resolve it.  Just being first in a category is not enough to sustain your success over the long term.  Innovation and listening to feedback are critical components to longterm success.


I wrote to the CEO and recieved the following reply from Support:


Thanks for clarifying your experience. I'm sorry to hear that you've had difficulties with Flash in your browser, and I apologize for the delayed response.

While much of the dashboard does not use Adobe Flash, I understand that some of our charts still require Flash to be enabled. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that causes, but hope that you can find the information you need within the Fitbit app for iOS. 

As I mentioned in my previous reply, we're constantly looking for ways to improve the Fitbit website, but at this time, I don't have an expected timeline of when Adobe Flash could be removed. Should the status of this suggestion be changed, our team will be sure to update the Feature Suggestion thread right away. I appreciate your continued feedback and have escalated the suggestion to members of our senior management team. 

Most of the big players on the internet are phasing out Flash in favour of HTML5. Google is to stop enabling it by default in Chrome by the end of this year and even adobe seem to be moving away from Flash. Flash is a dead / dying technology and really shouldn't be the only option on a website these days.

Being able to view the detailed graphs etc on a device without Flash would be a much better user experience than we have now. Stock answers like "the mobile app gives access to information" isn't really an answer since the app doesn't give the same detailed information as the website in many areas (sleep analysis for example). At the very least the graphs etc should default to HTML5 and only fallback to Flash if HTML5 is unsupported.

Couldn't find a duplicate, but please close / delete if it is. Also labels for this aren't really suitable.
i wrote this complaint about adobe flash the only way for fitbit usage  2 years ago. i hope fitbit will do something instead of flash so i could get all the benefit usage from my fitbit that i havnt been able to do for 2 years. john l

So, this has been a request for years. My premium is coming up for renewal in a week. I am leaning towards not renewing. Adobe Flash had its time, and that time has passed. It is a security threat that most, if not all, competent IT departments disable on their computers. As a provider of health related services, security is essential. Not sure how you can continue to require Flash Player in this day and age. Please remove its requirement.




Recovery Runner

Totally agree with this especially where the premium content is concerned. IOS systems can't see paid for material which is disgusting especially seeing as it is recently written code.

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