Heart rate zones alert feature

 Many fitness enthusiasts and individuals of whom base their workouts on target heart rate zones would really appreciate a heart rate alert feature implemented into the new Fitbit Ionic as well -if possible ALL Fitbit watches. This feature would allow a Fitbit user to manually set their Fitbit watch to alert the user once their targeted maximum and minimum heart rate has been achieved while performing a workout. Â The watch would vibrate on the user's wrist alerting the user when their selected heart rate has been accomplished or met allowing the user to more cater their workouts to stay within a selected threshold. Â Implementing this feature will also serve well as a safety feature which can alert the user when their calculated heartrate is dangerously high or above the maximum threshold that they set enabling the user to adjust their workout accordingly. Â Some Fitbit users I can imagine and many other individuals have cardiovascular/heart related issues which prevent them engaging in a workout that is too intense therefore a heart rate alert feature implemented into the new Fitbit Ionic would make the watch more marketable to the present customer base, a broader audience of fitness enthusiasts, and desirable to a whole new market of individuals of whom have cardiovascular/heart issues and will really appreciate a heartrate alert feature implemented into their fitness/activity trackers. Overall, implementing this feature will likely increase popularity of the watch, increase revenue, and appeal to a wider range of individuals that are taking steps to improve their health through daily workouts but are limited to what they can do due to cardiovascular/heart concerns. Â Implementing this feature can likely be as simple as have software engineering add it to a software/firmware update which will allow it to perform identical to the silent/vibrating alarm feature already included in most Fitbit watches anyhow.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity, format & labels.

First Steps
unfortunatly it is a game altering function. I just did my first run, very very very annoying to continually look down to see what zone i am in... i'll prob switch back to my garmin hr same price on amazon but more functions specifically rate manual set, allarm per zone etc etc.

Can we get a confirmation if this is under development and ETA or is it a "forgotten option"
Recovery Runner
I feel your pain, I just started to workout at my fat burning zone rather than my max heart rate and I must have burned at least 500 calories just constantly seeing what my heart rate is and I always have to constantly wave my hand to try to get the heart rate to appear because it tends to constantly disappear for about 15-30 seconds every minute or so, this is not a defect because I had the same issue with my previous fitbit charge 2.
First Steps

Very disappointed to see this feature isn't implemented. Its a deal breaker for me and I won't be getting a Fitbit until its there. My old Polar had this and it was the best feature to keep me going and to help me stay within the fat burning zone through out my jogs. 


A gentle vibration whenever you go under or over your pre-defined heart rate zone - that really is something that could be implemented via a software update. Come on now!



so true. I second your post.


Is ignorance bliss? Depends on what it is you don't know.
First Steps
thanks, I've been pushing on twitter too. if you can guys take the time to push on twitter, maybe we can get them to add this by months end so we can use this awesome feature this summer.
First Steps
Me too!

Do you guys have development plan for this feature? I cannot imagine Fitbit doesn't support such important feature for runners. I am thinking about to sell Fitbit and buy Garmin or TomTom just for this function. It's too bad!  

Recovery Runner
Do you guys have development plan for this feature? I cannot image Fitbit doesn't support such import feature for runners. I am thinking about to sell Fitbit and buy Garmin or TomTom just for this function. It's too bad!  

Yup, I gave up on Fitbit and got the Garmin vivosmart 3 to get this feature.


You can set alerts around predefined HR 'zones', or  - much more useful - you can create a custom zone and get alerts when your HR goes outside that zone (during an activity).

First Steps
and for chronic health people too!
First Steps
I'm waiting my self too, have a 30 days return policy so will see if this will be fixed.

The best thing would be to tweet about it to @FitbitSupport they have replied to me in the past:

We hear you, Neijek. Our development team is aware of the customer's interest in having vibration alerts for heart rate zones and is still evaluating how this might be implemented in the future release. We appreciate your understanding.

Jun 10

[Fitbit Support]

It would be nice if there was a high pitch double beep when moving up from one heart zone to another and a low pitch double beep when moving down in zones, also an indicator of exceeding maximum heart rate would be nice as well


Count me in on this. That would be a great addition, short alert on my HR or an alert in the dashboard. I honestly thought i simply forgot to set it up and after a training and too long on a high rate i honestly felt bad for two days. I found out today that it isn't an option to set, so hence my comment here.

First Steps

Can an alert be incorporated within a fitbit should a change in heart rate or pulse be detected, particularly during sleep?  Could the alert be sent to a bluetooth device?


First Steps

I agree with many of your comments posted about alarms on heart rates.  I had a heart attack a year ago, and can push beyond where I should, and need something to warn me when I exceed my "limits".  Alarms for BPM would be awesome !

First Steps

Since posting my initial request for this functionality I have seen a number of people comment with a medical condition that requires HR monitor. For these people I would implore you to invest in a simple chest belt. They are much more accurate and reliable than the optical method, whoever makes it.  The modern belts are quite light and don't need to be very tight. I use one with  a dedicated watch (cost $45 altogether) where I have HR zones set. Next to it on my wrist I have the Fitbit Blaze showing time and pace, I am very happy with this solution.

I monitor HR on the Blaze as well and 90%+ of the time it is the same, but sometimes it is way off, typically the Blaze reading 90 something when my HR is 140.

This is always going to be an issue with the optical readers. I shaved the hairs off my wrist and had the Blaze as tight as I could, but still occasionally something confused it. This has two issues, firstly, very bad, possibly dangerous, for anyone with a medical condition, and second, false alarms would keep being sent.


As an IT programmer myself, if any Fitbit staff are reading, I would suggest calculating a moving average, maybe over 30 seconds, and putting alarms on that. And / or,If the power consumption is too high, send the HR to the phone app and let the phone do the alerting. 


And again, if any Fitbit staff are reading, it would be nice to get some feedback. Brand loyalty is important, even to big companies, and bad news travels fast on the web!

First Steps
Does your blaze have a heart rate alarm? What kind of alarm does the chest belt send?

Amy Overton
Recovery Runner

Does your blaze have a heart rate alarm? What kind of alarm does the chest belt send?


I believe that none of the Fibbits have it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was legal liability concerns that was holding them back.


But the Garmin vivosmart3 has it - I switched to it from my fitbit in order to get this feature, and I can say that it seems to me to do a pretty good job (obviously a non-scientific, non-medical opinion).  I've set a custom range and when my HR goes above the upper limit during an activity the device vibrates to warn me.  Exactly what I wanted.


Obviously, this is not a medical device and one must accept the possibility of error or inaccuracy, but in spite of that caveat I'm happy with my decision and now have the feature I wanted.

First Steps

This idea would be a great feature. Vibration to let you know when you are dropping under/over your preset heart rate

First Steps

I love to have

Stepping Up

Great idea!

It will very convenient to alert me when my heart rate over my limit. I always check my charge 2 in jogging, it very troublesome.


Yes, I have already requested this on another post so if you could pleas take the time to vote, hopefully we can unite and get this feature implemented as soon as possible!!

Thx so much everyone!!




2200+ votes on a previous thread here, folks, probably better to combine the discussion there





@Yasiv - 2200+ votes here, Yasiv, probably better to combine all the votes on the larger thread.


i'm somewhat surprised that this hasn't been implemented yet.  Seems like a large number of users would like it, and the functionality must be fairly straightforward.  I wonder if the fitbit staff can point us towards some sort of official "vote on feature requests" area so that people can upvote ideas.  




dwights how do I combine the votes?

Stepping Up

need it badly on my Charge 2!

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