Ideas for new challenges on the Fitbit app

If the old ones weren't being used enough, make new ones. Some ideas:
- You're owned by Google now. Anything in Google Maps can be an adventure, with a new one every week
- Board game challenge: So many steps gets a roll of the die. First one to the end wins
- Drawing challenge: Use GPS to make a drawing from a prompt. Voted on by friends or group.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Keeping Pace

More ideas: 

- Random daily challenge: The app will assign you and others in the challenge a random goal (steps/minutes/distance) each day for the duration of the challenge. They could be the same as everyone in the challenge or different. Most days with goals met wins.

- Blind challenge: You compete against friends but can't see the counts. You know your sibling/cousin/bff is ahead of you, but you don't know how much..... Only updates once an hour to change the leader board.

- Tempo challenge: Watch a video and keep up (measured by heart rate and step count). Different levels of difficulty based on fitness level. 

- Partner challenge: Match your step count to a partner. Goal is to get as close to their count as possible. Compete against other friends. 

- Team challenge: Invite all your friends to the challenge and then get randomly assigned to two teams which compete against each other.

Base Runner

I still miss the challenges so much.

I keep hoping they bring some kind of challenges back. Myself and small group of Fitbit friends who did workweek hustles religiously have joined Stridekick but it’s nowhere near as good.


Agree...bring back the challenges!  LOVED the Bingo and, statistically, if you gamify working out, folks will stick with it with more consistency!

Keeping Pace

I see they have locked the thread that requests bringing back challenges. It can't be upvoted now. I'm assuming this is because they really don't want to know what the Fitbit community really wants. Unless they resume challenges, I will be leaving Fitbit for good and not buying Google products since Google is responsible for running Fitbit into the ground.

I'm sure they don't. Unless, of coarse they can make more money off it. Their devices are pricey enough and people loved the challenges. It kept many motivated and healthy. But that is not important to FitBit, only more money. I stand with you and am looking elsewhere for a device. Google has the Midas touch and is destroying FitBit.

Recovery Runner

So, apparently the other thread has been locked. Shows how much Fitbit cares what we think; they just shut us up just like that. @TravelingBusha , when my Fitbit goes, I'll be switching to Garmin. I have friends with Garmins and they love them.

Yes,  they "merged" that thread with a different one to hide how customers feel. Someone in my family has a Garmin and loves it as well. What's sad is my husband and myself have had FitBits for well over 10 years and there is nothing keeping us here anymore.

Recovery Runner

I've said it before and I will keep saying it: Fitbit needed to have new features available as soon as they got rid of Challenges and Adventures, or at least a product roadmap for it. As it is, if this was an attempt to get people away from Fitbit, it's working! But I'm not getting a Pixel watch.

Hill Runner

I can't afford any google type fit watch. Even when they are on sale still can't afford it. I only got my very firrst fitbit (Charge 2) was because it was on sale on black friday for $99.99 in 2018. I only got my new Versa 3 in 2021 because because my phone service was demanding I get a phone that is VoLTE compatible and thought since I was doing that. Might as well treat myself. So, yeah.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @AliceWhite, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about making new challenges on the Fitbit app with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

There has been no progress toward replacing challenges. I have seen plenty of feedback, even though it keeps getting moved to other topics, I assume to hide it from plain sight. Your FAQs and post is of no help. You are losing your faithful customers or trying to make them get premium to find something comparable to what we had with our challenges. Moderate all you want, many faithful Fitbit users are completely disappointed, including me.

Keeping Pace

Overall, I completely agree with all of the posts above that Google bought Fitbit to kill it. Thank you @LizzyFitbit for your moderator comments, but this has not been my first post on the topic of how asinine it was to remove the challenges. Part of me hoped if I or others spoon fed Fitbit new challenges, they would listen, but even that does not seem to be the case. By buying Fitbit, Google had an excellent corner of the market which it could have expanded upon. Instead, it decided to kill it and leave an opening. I can't WAIT to see what comes along to fill that void, and honestly, I hope they contact me for even more fitness challenge ideas!

Recovery Runner

I love that idea for the boardgame challenge!  I used to be such a big fan and advocate for using Fitbit products, but since they've removed the challenges I've been actively steering my friends/family/coworkers toward other brands.  Such a shame, too. 😞


It was amazing being able to work Challenges with friends of friends who I never even met! We kept each other accountable with our steps Challenges. Without those Challenges, we no longer keep in touch - and I have no one keeping ME accountable with my steps! That was a MAJOR reason why I continued to replace my Fitbit (4x), just to keep the friendship and Challenges going. There needs to be a return of SOME type of Challenges. The ideas shared here are really good - boardgame, random, etc. - and Google should consider replacing what was removed for even BETTER Challenges! This is the ONLY reason why most of us are still holding on to our Fitbits! 

Recovery Runner

The thing that differentiated fitbit from other trackers wasa the bingo game.  It motivated users to get moving and to compete with others. please bring this back or something similar. You have the code, why not use it!!! 


Bring back challenges, I’m not going to buy another Fitbit unless the challenges come back 


Bring back bingo and weekly challenge 


My family used to do challenges weekly. It was a great motivator and even the kids liked the challenges. Over the years, my 4 grandkids, 3 kids and their spouses have Fitbits and it was a fun way to keep motivated to move. When they were taken away, it was suggested that something better would be coming out, but I haven't seen anything. An old request for challenges has over a thousand likes, but it is under "not currently planned"

FitBit just doesn't care about customer satisfaction. I'm heading to Garmin.

FitBit does NOT care what customers want. Now it is even difficult to post
in this thread without having to start from the Community beginning and
hunt for the post you are trying to reply to after agreeing to terms of
service. Garmin it is.

First Steps
I bought my girlfriend her Fitbit specifically because we could do challenges. I will keep using my fitbit regardless however it was a great way to stay motivated for the both of us.
First Steps
Bring back group challenges. Why would google remove this? It is the best thing about fitbit
Recovery Runner
The Challenges have gone.
Community Legend

@ElGuiriCabronyou can use your Fitbit steps at Stridekick, which allows you to join challenges with others regardless of which fitness tracker they use. I am in challenges with Garmin and Apple people. It's slightly different, but you and your family can still do challenges together. Just try the free app and let it gather your Fitbit data to continue challenges. There are even challenges for water consumption and reading!

Before Fitbit was updated, I could do challenges with my friends and family. The weekend/weekday challenges were a wonderful way to stay active and connected. WHY get rid of such a beautiful feature? I've been loyal to Fitbit for 7 years (since the beginning of my fitness journey) and now I feel the need to switch to a different brand 😞
Tempo Runner


I agree...  I just achieved 9 years of being a FitBit user and it's really sad to see what's happened.  It used to be great here and now not so much 😕

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