Include full recipe with measurements for Premium cooking videos

How can I submit a suggestion for the app? I was also really confused that there is a whole series of cooking videos from EatWell and Ayesha Curry but no indication at all about where to find the recipes. Simply putting a note at the bottom
of the promo tile would be helpful but just sharing videos without recipes is kinda lazy and disregards user


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Rhunter7617, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the possibility of including the full recipe with measurements to the vides available with Premium. I noticed that a similar feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized. Make sure to add your vote as well to support this suggestion, this helps the team of developers to keep track of popularity and demand over time. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Kacipoe, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about including the full recipe with measurements for Premium cooking videos with us. I noticed this idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestion board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

Not applicable

I totally agree that the printed recipe should be readily available.  I know developers are waiting on votes, but I only found this post because I thought I had to be missing something and googled how to find the recipes in the videos and here I am.  How many give up before actually finding this and liking it?  As others have said, this really seems like a no-brainer and not too much to ask for customers paying premium.  


I am thinking we should have a two year birthday celebration gtg for this thread. Our thread is old enough to be walking and talking, but the mods still won't fix the issue. Look how cute it is! Lol

Stepping Up

LOL! That made me laugh.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Base Runner

I guess I don’t understand why there hasn’t been anything done with this then In 2 years? My comment was moved to this thread apparently and I do not think it is okay to have a link to some other website at all. That’s a waste of time. 

do we just stand to take a protest by leaving Fitbit? I mean that a bit silly and dramatic but I also feel like then we just all band together to go to place they sell Fitbit’s rate them the lowest and write that the features the sell them with actually do not come with the bands and to not waste their $. We shouldn’t be voting on features that were a part of a paid membership! 

can a moderator please provide the next steps to speak to someone in a corporate office this is not okay and it’s my health that you are hurting and my insurance company who pays for this service so I expect the benefits of nutrition actual recipes. Thank you

First Steps

Having bought a new Fitbit for the very first time, I am enjoying learning how to use this new piece of equipment to improve my overall health. 

But this recipe thing is disappointing. As someone who enjoys cooking, particularly healthy meals, I am always in the search for new ideas. The recipe tabs in the app are completely useless without ingredient lists. 

What is actually worse though, is the seemingly overwhelming number of requests from Fitbit customers asking for this to rectified, over the last two years. 

Is this Fitbit’s level of customer service? Is ‘Premium’ sustainable? One of the most useful features, and the first one I was attracted to, is effectively useless. What then, is the motivation to pay for the service beyond the trial period? 

Happy to pay for a premium service. Not so if not. 

First Steps
In my opinion Premium isn’t worth the money. This recipe thing is ridiculous and other content is never updated or added It’s just all the same old stuff. I subscribed for a year but barely used it after the first 3mos.
The Recipes section currently shows short videos but these do not include the actual recipes. I've found the recipes on the EatingWell w/site but it wd be much easier for yr customers if you could include quantities on the vids. Also, the EatingWell w/site only has cups as measurements not grams so are useless for anyone outside of the US.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @VanillaJoan, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about including the full recipe for the Premium videos with us. I noticed this product feedback was already requested in this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

First Steps

I agree. Having recipe videos without the actual directions is useless and irritating!  Do it right or don't do it al all. The current user experience requires a Fitbit user to leave the app and search for the recipe on another site after already watching the video.   You can do better. 

Recovery Runner

Why does Fitbit keep saying "thanks for the suggestions, the more people that make the same suggestion, the more likely we'll do something with it"? This recipe issue isn't a "nice to have", it's a "your premium feature isn't providing what it's advertising" (ie the recipe) and it's been years (!!!) of users telling you this through this forum. They clearly don't care and this is such a basic issue (not providing the actual recipe), that is just ridiculous. I will not be paying for premium when my free trial is over.

First Steps

my sentiments exactly. This was why I cancelled, too.

Base Runner

100% agree that if my health insurance didn’t cover this then I certainly would cancel as well! 
currently I can also say I use the app far less for tracking now even as it makes no sense why this feature changed to absolutely only videos. 
again I don’t want to have to go look up elsewhere what it is and it should also be linked to tracking app do ease of use. 

it’s sad day to continue to say that after many people complain… nothing gets done! Many people have complained 

First Steps

I wish I could have “ liked” so many of the comments. I also can’t believe this hasn’t been resolved! Maybe they should just remove the recipes if there are no instructions or info. I contacted customer service via chat about this. Was directed to a general recipe blog but no info about the videos. Should have read this first. I’m completely blown away!! 

First Steps

I agree that the premium upgrade is a bit deceptive if you are expecting a recipe and nutrition information but only get a 1 minute video!   It’s pointless to post it under nutrition if you aren’t providing instructions and nutrition. 

First Steps

The recipes is a great feature, however, at the moment can't make real use of it!

At the moment it's all a guess work to figure out measurements for the recipes. Who has time for that 🙂  It makes me think, your product team missed the key experience when developing this.   

First Steps

I think it would be really helpful if all the videos had macros (including calories) and measurements for the recipes and a written version rather than just a video. I much prefer written so the option for either would be much better for me.

First Steps
It would be great if the video recipes included measurements, calories and macros as well as written instructions in addition to the video. It would also be helpful if the was a "quick add" to the recipe so if you've made it you can add it to your tracker.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Han1989, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.

Why has this request for actual recipes been ignored for 2.5 to 3 years? How many votes are required to implement this obviously necessary feature? All I see in the whole forum is form/bot responses that the request has been received and sometimes moved elsewhere because other people have already made the same request! It defies logic to feature videos of recipes without actual recipes. People — including me — are reconsidering or have decided against Premium because this feature is so pointless, yet there has been no response other than, “Hey, thanks for your suggestion!” There are four pages of them, dating back to June 2021. This is absurd. Please include RECIPES!

Stepping Up

They have completely ignored us. Shame on you Fitbit.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

First Steps
Yes they did ignore us. I got so fed up with nutrition in Fitbit that I moved on to My Fitness Pal. It is free and far superior in its ability to track nutrition and integrate recipes etc.. it also pulls in data from your Fitbit to calculate remaining calories based on activity level. I loved my Fitbit for many years but moved on to Apple Watch because they just weren’t listening to their customers and investing in their platform.
First Steps
I couldn't agree more! ­­
Not applicable

I had to laugh when I tried to find the recipes and realized they weren't available. This is so basic. So much about the FitBit app is convoluted. It's like a Frankenstein application. Each part of the app seems to be developed by a different group that isn't talking to the other groups, or at best, minimally. Different layouts, fonts, look and feel. No one is looking at things holistically. 

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