Indicate exact restless/awake times during sleep tracking

Is there anyway to indicate the exact times the fitbit is recording us as being "awake" or "restless" throughout the night? I know there are bars on a graph to show, but it doesnt indicate the actual time I am waking up or being restless. It would really help me better see my sleeping patterns throughout the night. 






The sleep part of the mobile app was nicely improved in the last release.  It would be yet interesting if a night with more that one period of sleep would be presented as a single line, not in multi records.


On IOS for example:




Today I was 2 times awake.  The app gives me 3 apart records for the same night.


On the web dashboard, the layout is far more easy to read:


Untitled picture2.png


The 3 sleep periods are on the same line.


Thx for paying attention,






 Moderator Edit: Added Labels

To be truthful I want to see both in the app

Good idea.

Maybe a single line, with detail for each period, when selected.

Yes please!
First Steps

Would like to sleep chart have more time tics on it, that is hourly divisions.

First Steps

It seems the iOS app gives a different sleep representation compared to the Andriod app. In the Android app, I would see the initial graph showing onlt 2:32 of sleep, as it only shows the longest sleep period for the night. It should at least have an option to show the total sleep for each night on the initial overall graph.

First Steps

On the sleep chart there should be hour markers to indicate the hours between the time you go to sleep until the time you wake up. The you can see when you are awake, asleep or restless.


Moderator edit: Labels

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Thanks for your suggestion, this will make it easier to read and to undestand.   


I agree.  The app only shows start and end time.  The web dashboard shows the tic marks.  It makes it much easier to see when I am awake and not have to guess at the times.

First Steps

Add back the detailed hour sub-divisions on the sleep chart. Right now you only show the time you went to bed and the time you got up. You canot easily tell how long between your restless periods.

These sub-divisions used to be on the old Dashboard.


Moderator edit: Labels

Recovery Runner

I was using the new dashboard while it was in beta, so I'm used to it. Before the update, you could expand the sleep pattern screen and scrub along the screen to view the time you were awake/restless/asleep. This feature is not available since the update.


I used the scrub feature to see patterns in my waking time, which can be useful in TCM. Please consider bringing it back.



First Steps

I agree - it is critical to place actual times to sleep events. 



First Steps

Please!!!!!  I loved dragging my finger to be able to tell how long my sleep was between my rest fullness.




I think having more details on the sleep aspect would be fantasitc.I know you can expand the individual nights and the red means awake and light blue is restless..but it doesn't allow for you to see the exact times that you were awake. I think this would be very useful, especially for people like me, who struggle when it comes to sleeping. Being able to see the exact times would be so great because it would help me to maybe figure out if there is a certain sleeping pattern and this could possibly help fix my sleeping issues. When I first got my charge, this was somewhat available, you could get a pretty good idea of what time it was, but still not exact and now even that is gone, all it shows now is when you fell asleep and when you woke up in the moring. Please bring this back..and perfect it even more than before!


Thank you!

I used to be able to check detailed sleep log my Charge HR sent to Fitbit app. It allowed me to see when each sleep/restless/awake period started and ended just by touching the graphic in the app. Can we please have it back?
Tempo Runner

was it more detailed than this? Touching the graph will give me details on whatever time I touch.




Hmm I've never had such graphic in my sleep log??  This is how it's always shown to me but the difference before was that I could touch those pink and light pink bars on the screen and they could tell me what time it was they started/ended. Now touching the graphic doesn't give me that detail anymore.


I'm interested in this mainly because when I wake up to feed my baby boy I cannot remember the times in the morning anymore and I would like to track the amounts of sleep he/me have and if he's sleeping more hours in a row 😄


Tempo Runner

The pic I posted is from the website, not the app. Here is one from my app which looks like yours. I don't know if you are tapping to try to see the detail? You have to touch and hold to get the little detail balloon to show up. Maintain pressure and you can slide your finger down the graph. If that's not working maybe try re-installing the app as it works on mine. Are you IOS also? And it only works if you full screen the graph.undefined

Ah thanks a lot! It had changed a bit it seems and I didn't realize to try adding pressure while tapping on the graph.

Thanks again 🙂

Up until the last update, I could click on the graph for sleep and get specific times awake, asleep, or restless, but this went away.  Please return it!   Yes, I can get the details online, but I generally just use the phone app and don't want to have to look elsewhere for the data.


Thank you!

First Steps
The sleep diagrams should be displayed with a horizontal time scale graduated, e.g. in hours, to help correlate events with C-PAP data.
Base Runner

Thank you for this Q and ...A. I thought this was missing in the update.


AND im glad they've made the touch a little more precise. Previous app version was so annoying to click on and have it registering a time 2 inches from where i tapped!



Recovery Runner
Please put back the facility to see what time my sleep was interrupted thru restlessness and awake... On my iPhone you have removed this ability with the latest s/w version. Please return it

You know this was part of the orginal app and selling points for the sale of the fitbit.......a lot of people don't understand the need for deep sleep....the app used to help so much to see how much sleep you got between those restless or awake periods and thatwould help in determining whether you reached a deep sleep or not.  I too hope that Fitbit will restore that portion of the app......I'll give up my water cinsumpution to get it back.







The feature was returned with the latest update -- just press and hold in any area on the sleep graph and you can see the amount of time.  Yay!

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