Integrate with Apple Watch

The options available for wearing your FitBit with business casual clothing is extremely limited. Please partner with Apple & allow us to use the Apple Watch to track our steps for a premium subscription. I love the APP & currently proudly wear my flex daily, but would really like the option available when the Apple Watch is released.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

Yes, Yes, Yes to all of the above.  My Flex is now relegated to tracking sleep and daily calories. I love the app but already looking for alternatives.  I would also pay extra for integration with Apple Watch.


up ! Apple Watch rules, make it your friend please.

First Steps
This would be so awesome! I recently wore a Surge daily and loved being able to check my progress without reaching for my phone. Also being able to start a run from my wrist was amazing. After switching to the Apple Watch I didn't realize how much I missed those abilities. I now wear a Flex daily and would LOVE to see the Fitbit app integrated on the Apple Watch, would make life much easier :-)~
Stepping Up

Upz for the integration


I think most people are going to transition to the Apple watch for all the Iphone intergration. If Fitbit can't find a way to intergate with Apple I'm afraid many users will reluctantly more away from the superior Fitbit app.

I love your product but there are so many things that need re-charging, laptops, phones, tablet, Fitbit, and now a watch to mention a few. I'm looking for ways to reduce the and consolidate this task and intergation with Apple Watch would help.

First Steps

I would love for the Fitbit app to sync with the apple watch.  Like others have said, I would even pay the $49.00 a year for the premium if this was an included feature.  The fitbit app already syncs my workouts and even my food (entered into myfitnesspal), it just doesn't get the steps.  Myfitnesspal gets the steps from the apple watch, but the fitbit app does not.  Fit bit could either sync from the apple watch directly which would be preferrable, or just pull them from myfitnesspal so that the fitbit app would have everything, plus my steps would be taken into consideration in my calorie counts of what I have left to eat.  Thanks.

Not applicable

I would also renew my Fitbit Premium subscription if I could use my Apple Watch for tracking steps and taking part in Challenges. I've owned every single Fitbit model out there, but now just use the Mobile Tracker for the iPhone so I don't wear 2 devices on my wrist.

First Steps
I would love to see an app for the apple watch that would allow me to access my Fitbit data in glances on my apple watch.

It needs to be able to work in glances.
First Steps

I too would really like to see Apple Watch integration.  I have the Aria scale, so I would prefer to keep with the Fitbit dashboard and scale/weight integration along with the steps obtained from my Apple Watch instead of from my iPhone.  


Right now my FitBit App says I have taken 2,398 steps for the day, but on my Apple Watch it has recorded 3,293 steps in the Activity app so far.  The higher step count also matches what is displayed in the Health App's Dashboard on my iPhone, which I would assume is a combination of the steps recorded with the iPhone 6 and Apple Watch.  It would appear that the FitBit App only picks up the steps from the phone?


Having FitBit on the watch in Glances with my current step count / miles / calories burned would be really helpful as well.  If integration doesn't happen by the fall I will most likely have to sell my Aria scale and purchase one that does integrate with Apple better, moving to a totally different fitness app in the process.



Recovery Runner
Hello is it possible yet to use my Apple Watch to track my steps in Fitbit challenges similar to what I can do with my iPhone? My Fitbit bands keep falling apart but I would love to stay with the Fitbit community vs using a service like
First Steps
Please create a basic version 1 app for the Apple Watch. Even an app that could only read steps would be a great advantage to those who enjoy Fitbit and have already invested in a device or who suffer from allergic reactions to the Fitbit range of devices. Don't make us feel we have to leave!
10K Racer

You can carry the Fitbit One or Zip without it making any contact to your skin.  Have you tried them?

First Steps
Ok, I accept that Fitbit already offer basic non-contact products, but I thought that this was a forum for suggesting innovation in product development, rather than a user help forum and I guess my post wasn't clear enough or imaginative enough and sounded a bit like a user needing help. Let me clarify..... I have been using Fitbit for nearly two years, first with the Flex and latterly with the Surge, which has proven itself a huge disappointment because of the skin irritation issue. I bought an Apple Watch and am aware that it has all the potential of the Surge and possibly more and dermatologically speaking, so far, so good. In the interest of moving forward I DO NOT WANT A FITBIT ONE OR ZIP. Furthermore, I don't want to buy any more gadgets. I am happy with the Apple Watch. I just wish it could link to Fitbit. I can't be the only person who wants this!!!! I also can't see how this would be a threat to Fitbit's device revenue stream. It's about choice. Many people will continue to choose Fitbit products first because of the price point. So, to re-frame my development suggestion: I want to see an Apple Watch app that uses all the Apple Watch features to their fullest potential and makes Fitbit even better. The following are essential features: Step counting Floor counting Sleep monitoring Heart rate Food log on your wrist Eating habit tracking (time of day - because regular meals are just as important as healthy ones) Exercise tracking In-training feedback (where the watch talks to you as you progress towards your goals) There is my suggestion. I dare Fitbit to give it a go, as I did with the Flex 🙂
10K Racer

That's fair.  I just didn't know if you were aware.  Smiley Wink


You may be able to import your activity through other services, like IFTTT.  Though as a point of observation, many of the services that you'd like enabled (like participating in challenges) likely won't work.  Manual activities don't contribute to those totals (or badges), nor does, I believe, even MobileRun (tracking steps on the Fitbit App).

First Steps

Please add support for Apple Watch.  I have been a die hard fitbit user for over three years.  I have a flex and a one.  I wish I could see my steps, etc., on my apple watch instead of always having to pull out my phone.  If you won't integrate with the Health app, at least make the information available as a complication to the Watch.  

Not applicable
Alright, so I have the fitbit app but not a fitbit. I would like to keep track of fitness, and I absolutely love the fitbit app and everything. However, I would like to get a smartwatch with a fitness feature and more features like calling, texting, weather, news, music, etc. So far, fitbit is the best fitness app for me, but I can't use it. Please make a version for smartwatches. Just to let you know, if thus has anything important to do with the subject. The smart watch I'm getting is a Samsung smartwatch.
Recovery Runner

I agree with the others posting here!  It's time to start at the very least pulling in the data from the Health App so we can compete with others without using our iPhones or Fitbit devices.  


The Fitbit app is nice and the community is very good as well but if you wait to long many more people will start moving over to companies like so they can compete with their families and friends.   


It makes no sense not to support the Apple Watch when the Fitbit devices don't hold up well and keeps falling apart.    At the very least you will keep the people coming back to Fitbit and with the new family of Fitstar the roadmap could be very interesting to allow Apple Watch customers stay customers! 


Please provide a fix soon!


Integration with apple watch is absolutely necessary to record the dream. It is a very important fact that the application "Health" could take Fitbit source. Please consider it

Tempo Runner
Will Fitbit develop an app that can sync with the apple watch?
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey @JustMe1234 thanks for sharing your ideas with us! I think it would be interesting to have this integration. 


If you have any other great idea like this, don't hesitate in visiting our Feature Request board again! 


See you around! Woman Wink

First Steps

The apple watch currently records steps the same way that the phone records steps - and when wearing the watch, the watch steps appear to take precidence over the iphone recorded steps.   Simply stop filtering the watch steps out and bring all of them into fitbit.  I love the apple watch and the iphone, but I like the fitbit software better than most of apple's.  I also own a fitbit and use it for sleep tracking.  Let me bring ALL of my data into the Fitbit App.


Watch recorded steps


Fitbit synced steps (the 16 step difference are steps recorded on my fitbit flex)


First Steps

While I have an Apple Watch, I continue to use my One.


I'd love to have a FitBit complication (with my step count) on my watch face.  So, requesting an Apple Watch app (with complication support) to display stats.

First Steps

Even though I love my fitbit Charge HR, I dont like to wear it and my apple watch together.  Sometimes fitbit is too causual. Could you please make an app for apple watch?  Maybe combine the app when you buy a fitbit product.


Tempo Runner

I have the Charge HR that I always use for roller ski exercise and sport.

I enjoy listening to the distance covered, time elapsed and the time on the last km when exercising and study the logged information on my iPhone afterwards.

However, I have bought an Apple watch and would like to set it up synchronized with my Fitbit App.  I am used to get the information presented in the fitbit screens and would like to have all information available in the same app.  I would appreciate if the Apple watch could be set up as a device in the Fitbit App.  I don’t mind paying a charge to get the app upgraded.

Please sync with Apple Watch. I can't wear both devises all day every day. I work in courthouses and it looks a bit silly.
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