Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

First Steps

I've been considering purchasing a fitbit but no healthkit support was a dealbreaker since that is how I sync all of my other fitness products together. Just wanted to let you know.


Going to have to keep buying jawbone up... 😞

Recovery Runner

@Corconx, I was fortunate to have been gifted an Apple Watch, which I wear on my wrist day in and day out. It helped me train for my first marathon which I have completed this last Sunday. The watch provided valuable pace and heart rate info as I ran with it. As a watch, it was also useful for timing splits. At the end of the run, I could also see a nice summary of my workout data on the watch itself (not something you could do on a Charge HR). Other products I had been considering were ones made by Garmin, Jawbone, and Withings. Their products all play nicely with HealthKit.


@SunsetRunner, the data export feature in the link you posted would only be useful if you were an expert using Excel or a database program to generate useful reports that one can use. I doubt any regular user would find this useful other than downloading the data for backup purposes. Additionally, not all data like heart rate gets exported. Also, it would be highly inconvenient for most users due to the manual process of downloading the data, a process that could be automated had Fitbit agreed to implement this much requested feature of integrating with HealthKit.


Not applicable
I see. But what I was thinking is if an app might be written to take the exported data and automatically format and import into HealthKit. That's beyond my abilities, however.

Marc R. Hoffman

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
I was going the other direction....into Fitbit because the dashboard and
challenges appeal...
Recovery Runner

Check out inKin Social Fitness Challenges by Minnova.MED LLC
Recovery Runner
Back before my glucose meter app linked to HK, I needed a way to get it's data into HK.

There is nice app, Health Importer by Paradox Customs

It is sad that an app that needed FDA approval got HK integration and is still sitting on the fence.
Not applicable
That's quite a nice app! But I'm noticing that Fitbit doesn't allow exporting of heart rate data. So bummer.

Marc R. Hoffman

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

@HopefulRunner, the app you mentioned is a nice concept. However, it does not solve the problem of getting Fitbit’s data into HealthKit. The app seems to consolidate data from different fitness devices into it’s own server so that it can be socially shared through Minnova’s servers and website. If social sharing is important to you, then that might be an option. However, you’d need to get your friends to buy in as well (i.e. subscribe to Minnova’s services). It does not solve the problem at hand: getting Fitbit data into HealthKit seamlessly.

Recovery Runner

The inkin app was suggested for challenges, because @kpelliss was thinging about challenges.

Folks in family don't all use the same brand of tracker. My little one has misfit flash that runs off my phone and I have jawbone.
First Steps
This is a need, not a want!!
Thank you. Very useful. I am waiting for v2 of the watch, especially as
FITBIT TV and it's CEO have decided to ignore my emails, along with
thousands of others


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So, as I read some of these comments and see that everyone is asking the number one question... When will Fitbit integrate with IOS Health? I'm new to having this device and so far I love it. It has truly motivate me to get my steps on. It'll just be better if it integrate with IOS. The Garmin does. Why not Fitbit?
First Steps

When will we see integration of fitbit with ios health?


Hey guys, thinking the integration would really benefit the fitbit community members with IOS devices, especially when the battery runs out. I use the phones own tracking capabilities for times when my fitbit charge HR has run out of battery life or in the instance i have forgotten it at home. Currently i have to turn the healthkit tracking on when i do not have my fitbit with me, and turn it off when i get my fitbt tracker on so that it would not double my data. Would love it if fitbit data could be synced to healthkit and the healthkit data back to fitbit. In this case it would be handy to give fitbit data priority if there is already data on healthkit for the same time, since fitbit trackers are more accurate reflection than the iphones tracking capability.


Thanks guys

First Steps
Integration with Apple Health would be fantastic! Massive shame this has not happened already
First Steps

Please integrate with Apple.

First Steps
Please integrate with Fitbit using HealthKit so that my Aria weight measurements are captured in the iOS Health app.
First Steps
Ditto! I too would love to have my Fitbit symc with the Apple Health app!
First Steps
Team Fitbit, reflecting on this further, could someone in the organisation (preferably the CEO) please advise when this will happen?

I see two paths:
1. Clarity on a date being provided for iOS Health app integration
2. You losing another customer - Aria goes on eBay and I buy Withings superior product
First Steps

I enjoy the layout of iHealth and being recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, I use iHealth to log my Blood Glucose readings. I own a fitbit Charge HR so I can monitor my heart rate, and would like to be able to export all my data into iHealth. I don't know why this is such a hard decision. I've always liked fitbit, but I'm not sure how much I'll like them if this does not happen.


I'll say this, I will not recommend fitbit to family and friends till this feaure is added.

It's a darn shame that I had pay for an app that cost me $2.99 to sync my Fitbit data into my Apple Health. If anyone wants to know the app it's called "Sync Solver".
Recovery Runner

This is why I want HealthKit integration. CareKit.



First Steps
Sync Solver would be great if it was also able to pull HR data @clancaster. If it supported that I'd never think twice.
Recovery Runner

Sync Solver is as good as Fitbit will let it be. They will not give the app developer access to the Partner API, so they do not have intraday data.

Not applicable
Which really is a bummer.

Marc R. Hoffman

Sent from my iPhone
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