Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

First Steps

+1 for integration with Health

First Steps

 I would love to have the FitBit app on my apple watch! I was using FitBit for years, but was gifted an apple watch for Chirstmas. My dream would be to have FitBit on my apple watch. I can join chaleenges with my FitBit friends, see my total calories burned in a day, be told to stand up and move becasue I need to take more steps within the hour. I would love to set an hourly step goal on the FitBit app and then be reminded on my apple watch to get up and move if I want to reach my hourly goal. Please integrate with the apple watch. 🙂 

First Steps


First Steps

Yes! Please sync with the Apple Health App!!! If not there's really no point. 


@hrnyc. The Withings scales do sync with Fitbit, I've been using one for a little over a year.  I also was on Jawbone's app for quite some time.  So I feel your pain there.  I haven't figured out a way to get Fitbit data to Up.   But I have found that Garmin trackers write to HealthKit and HealthKit will write to Up.  (Works well for steps, but for sleep- it is better to stick with the old beat up Jawbone.).  I think The smart thing for all of these companies to do would be to allow shared data through HealthKit and make data easily transferable between apps.  This might allow people to actually buy MORE wearables so they can wear whatever suits the day (maybe they have a fashoinable Fitbit, a Garmin they like to wear while working out and a Misfit for swimming..... etc.). HealthKit can aggregate all of it and send the combined data back to all the apps.  😀   I love my Fitbit for friend challenges, the fashionable bracelet looking band, but I like the Vivosmart HR while at the gym.  So I either wear multiple trackers all day and look silly, or each app is an incomplete picture..... 🤔

First Steps

+1 for this feature, as well.  


I actually cannot believe in 2017 that I need to add to the 170 pages of people asking for what amounts to Mr. Obvious integration but I'll throw my opinion out here, too.  This needs to be done.  


I don't want my data locked in a fitbit silo.  I'd like it integrated with everything else.  I am tempted to buy an Apple Watch, anyway (I have a FitBit Blaze right now) and this is one more nail in the FitBit coffin.  Another nail is that FitBit doesn't integrate its heart rate data with RunKeeper (iOS app for tracking my running).  This is nuts.  To think I'd give up these integrations because I love my Blaze so much isn't true.  There are too many other health tracker hardware options out there and prices are getting better ($230 for an Apple Watch Series 1 at Christmas time).  This lack of obvious integration is, indeed, causing me to rethink the Blaze.  




Just unpacked my Aria. To say I am disappointed is a bit of an understatement. Apple health data is the cornerstone of my records. If I'd known of this neglectful arrogant omission on Fitbits part, I would not have purchased! I may send it back to Amazon yet, I'm pissed.

First Steps
I've been following this thread for a few months now and its beginning to fill my mailbox 😬 It's also become very clear to me that fitbit will not integrate with apple health. So on that basis I'm going to upgrade to something that does. And I suggest anyone else in the same position do likewise. It probably won't make a difference to fitbit but on the other hand they neither deserve our loyalty or data.
Base Runner
I look at it this way. Why buy a Blaze when you can get so much more with an Apple Watch for a few dollars more?

Apple Watch offers Apple Pay. It has a superior heart rate monitor. It has a built-in life alert system that will call 911 or other emergency service numbers depending on what country you're in.

It has notifications that you can actually respond to. It has Siri to answer questions, make appointments, and timers etc. You can change the face of the Watch as well as the information displayed on it. It has an App Store for further expandability, and you can load music on it.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I have been using my Aria scale aand I love it! All my data, measurements, etc. are in Apple Health.  I, as well as many others, would LOVE  to have the Aria connect with Apple Health  so my weight and BMI and such can be tracked. Please please please take this under consideration. Thank you 


@wazza2222.  I have the Withings scale.  So far, it has integrated with almost every app I use for fitness (past and present).  Jawbone Up, Fitbit, HealthKit, Argus, Addapp,  MyFitnessPal.   I have not found it to work with Garmin however.  I have a slightly older model than the ones they currently have, but it is similar to the Body Cardio scale.  I have found mine to be extremely accurate.  When I was working with a personal trainer, I always knew what my weight, BMI, and fat mass would be because I had already weighed in at home.   :-).  

Base Runner
Once my taxes are done, Apple Watch!! FitBit tells me nothing if it won't charge and the dashboard is short on the info I want in a format I can easily get too.


I also use the healtapp with my apple watch 2. So please add the apple health app!!


Okay Fitbit, this has been out there for more than two years now. Third party apps have bridged the gap, so it's clearly doable. Please stop annoying  all the iPhone Fitbit users for no gain, and make the HealthKit integration happen!


Keeping Pace

I'd love for my Apple Watch steps count towards challenges. In not doing so, you alienate a lot of users. 

First Steps

I was in the decicion of buing a fitbit or withings smart scale, but when i'm not able to sync to Apple healt, I wont buy the fitbit scale...

PLEASE FIX ASAP ! What's the reason you don't support Apple Healt ?

The Fitbit works well but getting them ingratiating is not good

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Please integrate with the iPhone Health app. It amazes me that this function isn't available and was very disappointing to discover when everything else about the FitBit is awesome. 


Please fix!


Just to be clear, the Fitbits and the Apple Watch are very different things.   Apple Watch does many things and does steps, heart rate and activities, but it does not do elevation or sleep.  I use my Fitbit for those.  I also note a siginificant difference in the step count measured by my Fitbit One compared to the Watch.  The watch counts a lot more steps.

Fitbit make excellent devices and an excellent app, which is probably why we are all still here begging for integration.  I have had my One for some years and it does all I want except to integrate with Apple Health.  I have looked at other devices and apps and have to admit that they don't seem to be as good as the Fitbits, which is why I still keep going back to the One.

However, a lot of people keep talking about having Apple watch data exported into the Fitbit app.  I do not think it is reasonable to expect Fitbit to include data from other people's gadgets to the Fitbit app.  Why should they?  Please let's just concentrate on getting our Fitbit data into Apple Health.  Like a lot of people I use the Fibit app to see the detail, but use Apple Health to combine data from the Watch and other sources.

PLEASE someone from Fitbit, you must be reading this, it is high time you posted a response to this forum.

Base Runner

As others have mentioned on this thread, you CAN use the Apple Watch for sleep. I have a Series 2 (upgrade from Series 1) and the battery life is such that I use mine for sleep everyday. I'm kind of a gadget junkie so I also have an Oura ring for sleep and my Oura Ring and the Autosleep app I use on my watch are pretty close daily. I use to track flights, but that is an arbitrary construct and the watch monitoring your heartrate as you climb steps is better that a number that is supposed to correpond with stories.


Jawbone allows information to be read in the watch and as such I don't think it is unreasobanle to expect any fitness device to do the same. If you invested in the fitness device and are already using the app, what difference should it make to the hardward manufacture the input source you use? Granted, not all the hardward devices read and write from HealthKit, but that is the next step.

First Steps

I agree with everyone here integration between fit bit and Apple Health Kit would be awesome. 


I only use fitbit, becaise I took the 30/30 challange from my Curves fitness-school, which only works with the fitbit-app. 

So I really want it to connect with the iOS health-app. 

Fitbit counts my steps from my iPhone, which is mostly in my bag and not on me. 

So the counts are very incorrect :-(. 

Recovery Runner

Pleassseeeee integrate Fitbit with Apple Watch! Make it a Fitbit pro app and charge or ask for a monthly fee for it. As many people who love the Fitbit app I'm sure they will pay, I know I would!!!! 

Recovery Runner

Admin, isn't it time to close this topic?

Consumer purchasing, or lack of, is the only way Fitbit will ever change their position on this topic.

Let's face it they haven't even acknowledged this topic. We are talking to the wall hoping it will respond.

First Steps

Please integrate. It's been years. And it's ridiculous. 

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