Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

Keeping Pace

HealthKit will be really successful if you guys integrate Fitbit with HealthKit. Apple Watch 2.0 is almost getting the full revel at WDCC and people will really seem to want it because they want to be able to track stuff from HealthKit. If you guys do this, it will open more and more apps and people wanting to get Fitbit because Apple Watches are nearly $400, and your products are about $80-$200, or something along those lines. As of May 27, 2016, this has nearly 3,000 votes. I don't know how much people are in the Fitbit community, but people really seem to want this to happen. iOS 10 is also around the corner to revel what will be in that version, and that will think of what's happening next for their firmware to see where they are going. This almost has been 2 iOS versions (ex. iOS 8 to iOS 9) since this has an idea on this. If this doesn't happen, people will be dissapointed. I have a Apple Watch and use my phone to track my steps. It's about 500+ off from my phone to Fitbit, which is a disadvantage in the challenges. This will be great for people with mobile tracker & if they forget their FitBits. They have to track stells from their phone, and they have to try and log the activity from their dashboard on the desktop. With that being said, more people will possibly buy your product if you guys introduced this. It's nearly 2 years and this still is in the stage of still deciding & iOS 10 is expected to revel in June. So, it will be cool if you guys added this, like I said a million times, more people will buy Fitbit because the Apple Watch is nearly 2x cheaper tHan your product. 




- Brendan



First Steps

I use and love fitbit very much. I currently have replaced my traditional watches with it, which was a hard decision to make. However, I have no reason to continue with fitbit as it isn't adopting some of the major benifits of other wearable devices such as the Apple Watch. i don't care for all the apps that come with that, but i would like a better experience and more integrated device. 


I vote to move forward with the healthKit integration... please. 

Keeping Pace
I also agree on that. I think I went a little overboard with the apps. I mean, with people with MobileTracker on their phone, they will be able to track stairs climbed, log sleep, etc. I know that it'll be a little bad on that, since the Fitbit does this, but not available on the phone. I really hope to see this HealthKit thing. I just went a small overboard with the amount of apps that support HealthKit that people will be able to sync with Fitbit.
Recovery Runner

@Corconx wrote:


> “Anyone who has one [Apple Watch]. Is the information as detailed as on a fitbit please”


I’ve had the Apple Watch for one year now. I’ve switched due to Fitbit’s inaction to integrate with HeathKit. It’s the one and only device that I now wear consistently. My old Fitbits are sitting in a box waiting to be dissected and experimented with. I’ll probably also strap them on pets and update that data to Fitbit’s server.


After a year with the Apple Watch, I’m extremely happy with it. All info related to steps, pace, distance, time, heart rate, calories (active and inactive) is all available at a glance. Your daily data is viewable from the watch itself (via its native ‘Activity’ app). Integration with the iPhone’s HealthKit database is seamless. You don’t ever need to sync consciously or manually. It just happens on its own.


Your health and fitness data collected from the Watch over time can be reviewed via the iPhone’s native ‘Health’ app. It’s dashboard is highly customizable allowing you to view summaries on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Since all the data is in your iPhone, you don’t need to login to any third party server to view your OWN data. You decide which service can access YOUR data (e.g. Runtastic, Strava, MyFitnessPal, etc.) as opposed to having Fitbit dictate to you how YOUR data should be accessed.


And those are just the basic native apps that come with the Apple Watch and iPhone. Depending on your needs, there are many other apps available (coaching, sleep tracking, pretty dashboards to visualize your data, etc.) that should satisfy any specific need that you may have.


Aside from basic health data, the Apple Watch of course is a watch - has very useful chronographs, timers, alarms, and world time which I use on a regular basis. Notifications are superb and very customizable (e.g emails, calls, scheduling… you choose).


It’ll be interesting to see how Apple Watch 2 will evolve from an already super useful first set of features. Yes, you do get what you pay for: a superb piece of hardware that comfortably sits on your wrist, backed by well written software, supported by a company that cares and listens to its customers.


Another note is durability. After wearing the Apple Watch following a hard workout, I can actually wash my Apple Watch under running tap water to wash away the sweat and sunblock. Let’s see how long the Charge, Blaze, Flex, or any Fitbit will last under frequent tap water washing. Would any current Fitbit users care / dare to try?


Once you get the Apple Watch, you’ll never look back. In a way, I’m thankful that Fitbit has not integrated. Otherwise, I would not have considered switching to the Apple Watch and would have continued to be deceived and locked into their closed ecosystem. So the earlier you can let go, the better off you’ll be from Fitbit having a stranglehold over YOUR fitness data.


Keeping Pace
I honestly agree with that. I've got the Apple Watch for Christmas 2015, and I wanted one ever since it came out. All of my siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. all have fitbits and I felt left out because they do some challenges every week, sometimes. I like the Apple Watch of tracking everything, but I have 500+ or around those steps not synced into Fitbit, but I know that you can log it in there, but sometimes you can forget. With HealthKit, it can take care of that for me and putting those steps in there for me, and not constantly reminding me to put those steps in a log. I'm not sure if it will go to challenges, though.

I'm about 50/50 with this decision, but I still think Fitbit will make more money if this HealthKit happens.

It's their decision, though. Nearly 3k votes, though. That's what gets me.
First Steps
Please add Fitbit to sync with Apple health! As a healthcare provider I want this for me AND my patients!!
First Steps
More integration is needed to join Fitbit plus apple health!
First Steps

DYING to have this -- especially since I stopped using Sleep Cycle app on my phone since I got my Fitbit but that app syncs my sleep data over, and so I'm losing all that data now 😞

First Steps
As a new Fitbit user and one who is already used to using the Apple iOS health app, I was hoping the Fitbit worked with it. Please release an update! Thanks!!!
Not applicable

Lack of integration with iHealth is the #1 reason I have not purchased a FitBit yet; and I know I'm not alone in that train of thought. I've been waiting for this feature for 2 years now. Currently, I am eager to get the new Blaze, but I will not until this issue is fixed. This thread dates back to June 2014, with 136 pages containing 3380 comments, and is the most voted-for feature sitting at 2860 votes. Yet the status is barely "Under Consideration" with a statement of "no plans to currently integrate" and "we'll watch as it matures." Really? What this instead makes me question is the real dedication of FitBit to its customers and whether I should consider a different smartwatch instead. 

First Steps

Would love to see my apple watch feed into fitbit so I can compete with my friends. I have a fitbit and the scale, so I have paid into it already. However I like the apple watch better and will have to look for alternatives to fitbit.

First Steps
Needs to sync with iOS health app!
First Steps

How long do we have to wait,,, how many people have to vote ??  


Please add some integration, I have the Aria scale and am going to get an iWatch, it would be great to be able to just hook the Aria up to the health app...


Come on fitbit, listen to your customers !!!



First Steps
Please work on this integration! May purchase a different fitness tracker if this never happens 😔
First Steps
YES!!! I have wanted this so bad without having tonget and use a third party app just to allow syncing with apple health!!!
Recovery Runner

Does anyone from Fitbit bother to read these posts?


Thousands of people have requested this feature, that EVERY other major health tracker supports.


It's just rude when companies ask customers to write comments, and then just ignore them.


I have had 2 fitbit devices, never again.

Cross-Country Runner

@colabottles We do read these posts and everyone's feedback. I've compiled feedback from this thread and am working to forward it to our development team for more information. As soon as I have something new, I'll let everyone know here. 


Thanks everyone. 

Would really app it asap. I am on. Point of buying apple watch as v2 comes
put which is expected imminently



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Apple provides a simple sollution to store my personal data in a safe way on my device. All exercise apps and devices support this, with one exception: Fitbit.

Fitbit Inc is priveleged to support whatever system they wish – just as we consumers are privileged to support whatever company we want.

As long as Fitbit won't support HealthKit, I won't support Fitbit with my pruchasing power.


And this is sad, as Fitbit really do have great products.

First Steps
Returning my Fitbit now that I have learned iOS HealthKit integration does not exist. Ridiculous.
Recovery Runner

@colabottles, Fitbit has been claiming to read these posts for the last 2 years to give the illusion to new users that they are being listened to. Fitbit has not acted on this essential request and will not for the foreseeable future. How much time, how many votes, how many comments do you think Fitbit needs before it acts, or better yet, be honest with its hopeful clients waiting for integration with HealthKit to happen?


Invest your money elsewhere. There are much better products and companies out there.

Base Runner
this is overdue. There's a lost for fitbit given competitive alternative TRACKER. This should be a top priority of the corporation.
First Steps
Please sync Fitbit with iPhone health.
First Steps
Add my name to the list. I am willing to pay a subscription fee. I've been wearing a blaze but the functionality is simply nowhere near the level of an Apple Watch. Either come out with a Fitbit with comparable functionality to an Apple Watch, or integrate your app with Apple.
First Steps
I am very confused two years since ios8 and still no intergration, should I just get an Apple Watch and leave my Fitbit on my dresser? Having to buy second party apps to get this kinda thing together and still not all the data syncs. Please rectify this.
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