Let Menstrual Health Tracking Sync with Clue

Female Health Tracking is a great addition! Also, being able to use your existing Clue account on Versa/Ionic through the app is amazing. What would be ideal is to have the ability to combine the two so that Clue data is synced with Female Health Tracking (just like My Fitness Pal is heavily integrated with Fitbit). This would also take care of another request to include more tracking in Female Health Tracking - Clue has plenty of things to track. 


Moderator edit: Clarified subject and Labels

First Steps

Is there any chance we can have female health tracking information pulled from the Clue app? It is one of the top period trackers and it already integrates with Fitbit (it pulls data from Fitbit for its predictions I believe).

First Steps

PLEASE can we have this - I've been tracking in Clue for about 2 years and don't want to lose all my data.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for taking the time to share this idea @sirksenia.


Let's see what other users have to say about it.

Tempo Runner

Do it. It'd add in a lot of things that are necessary but missing, and maybe even fix some problems, such as not being able to select your luteal phase length. They're already linked, and I know that Clue has done research using Fitbits and found that there's a rise in resting heart rate at ovulation. Right now I'm using Clue but have had to disable the female health tile in Fitbit as non-functional.


(For what it's worth, I have to use the following extra apps, and wouldn't have to if Fitbit extended its functionality. Water tracking app, sleep tracking app, cycle tracking app, energy pacing app, food tracking app, meditation app. Some of these would be very simple to improve and there have been requests for years.) 


 Yes, please! I completely agree with Sirksenia. Clue and Versa are the best of both. 


Clue goes well beyond monthly menstruation. It's applicable to daily health. There are more than 200 symptoms related to female hormones and biology that impact weight, sleep, energy, wellness, and water use daily.


Clue also covers pre and post menstrual ages. This would help teens/preteens with Ace and peri/post menopause users. 


I don't have any commercial connections to Clue. I'm just a grateful user who has experienced - along with my partner and doctor - improved overall health.

Yes! And flo too perhaps?


Yes! Having them communicate would be a huge help! 

First Steps

Yes! Much like how I track my food in MyFitnessPal and the data then also appears in the FitBit app, I wish that I could do the same with Clue. While some have suggested adding more tracking features to the FitBit app, Clue already has many helpful tracking options and features. Rather than essentially trying to “re-create” clue by mimicking its features in FitBit, it would be more helpful if data written in Clue could just transfer to the FitBit app, starting with the essentials that it already offers like bleeding and ovulation. Especially since period tracking apps get better with time, it’s hard to “restart” with a new app, and a pain to log data in both. Using Clue to write data would actually be my preferred method, since it’s already so detailed and I don’t plan to stop using it in favor of FitBit, but i would like to see its included in my FitBit app like I can see my food data: sort of like an overall summary.

First Steps

The element Clue has the the FitBit women's health tracker has missed is the option to turn OFF fertility tracking. Those who have experienced infertility (as I have) may find this to be a sensitive topic (as I do!). We have the number of children we'd desired, but the many months of living and breathing fertility/ovulation are a painful memory. After a hard pregnancy and a traumatic false-positive on the genetic screening test, I was more than happy to have my tubes tied. I don't need or want fertility information.


Also, as an option for birth control, I find "sterilized" to be offensive. That words sounds like I've been steamed to remove all germs. Or reminds me of mental health patients in years past being "sterilized" without their consent. I'd suggest perhaps "permanent birth control" (which could potentially cover for both female and male procedures).

First Steps
I do not pretend to be informed on the topic of infertility, but Clue actually does offer the option to turn off fertility tracking. It’s in settings, under Fertile Window.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
Yes, it does. That's why I use it! I'd like top use something integrated
with FitBit though. Clue is not. And the FitBit app doesn't allow you to
turn off fertility tracking.
First Steps

Whoops! Sorry, I misread.

Tempo Runner

Condoms are not "feminine" or "masculine" either, while we're talking about the birth control options. 

First Steps

It would be great if we can fetch data from Clue to Fitbit with a single touch instead of logging all of the details one at a time. As well as the app called ”My study life”, for a student who used this smartwatch, it will be very convenient for them. Reminds us to get ready for classes, complete our task, shows our class schedule, etc...



Moderator Edit: Updated Subject For Clarity.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there @Romdoul, welcome to the Fitbit Community. My apologies for the late response and great suggestions you have shared here.


There are tons of apps that use our Open API to integrate their service with ours. The best way to tell if an app is compatible with Fitbit is to go to the third party site (or app) and poke around their settings to see if you can connect Fitbit. You can also browse their site for information or contact the app owner and ask if they integrate with Fitbit.


Also I would like to invite you to visit our Feature Suggestions board to share your app integrations suggestions, If you find that a similar suggestion that has already been made by another member of the community, you can vote for their idea and add your comments. We look forward to reading your suggestions.


Stay awesome and keep suggesting more ideas.

First Steps

I am able to see my Fitbit data in the Flo app but not vice-versa. I would like to see Fitbit partner with Flo so that what I enter into Flo and all of the historical data is imported into Fitbit. At present I have no plan to use the Fitbit Female Health Tracking function as Flo is more than adequate and has all of my previous data for prediction.

YES! Exactly, flo is perfect!
First Steps

Yes, I would also love Clue to be a partner app for the feminine health! I love the addition to the newer watches, and hope it will be available for all the fitbit accessories soon. But most **ahem** bearers have been using Clue or Flow for years, and it would be great if they would be able to sync info back and forth to help with my health.

First Steps

I've been using Clue for years and would love to be able to properly sync it with my Fitbit

Recovery Runner

I have not heard of Clue until I started reading about it on these Fitbit blogs.  There is obviously a great number of requests/needs in regards to female health for the fitbit series of watches.  It appears to me that including Clue with the whole fitbit family of watches including the alta and others that are not smart watches would be a great solution to meeting most of the needs out there; otherwise all the features and requests to improve or alter "Female Health" will keep coming.   When will it end... you can't please everyone or have everything under the sun on each device.  I hope to see this integration soon as the female Health card is not really "female health" it is menstrual health.  

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.


Instead of trying to re-create the wheel in what is already a crowded app market (menstrual cycle tracking), why not use one of the dozens of well crafted APIs that already exist?  


The most curious part is that Clue (one of the most popular such apps) is already a connected app, but the data isn't used in the "Female Health Tracker".  



I have a few apps on my phone that integrate data from other apps, and it hasn't made me delete either app since they both offer some thing unique, and it makes both apps better.  Instead, FitBit should instead focus on how it can incorporate this data into it's app and make data input more polished.  They could continue to develop standalone period tracking and then roll that out later when it's ready for prime-time.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @marmitecake, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. At the moment there are no plans to release this feature. 

First Steps

I have been using Clue for years to track my female health, and would love to make it possible to import that data into the fitbit app and have all of my health information in one place. I have been using the fitbit app, but since I just started it, there is less information for it to predict information about my cycle.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @JackQ! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

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