Let us delete in-app notifications/messages

This is clogging up my iphone. I have a year or more worth of useless Fitbit notification messages I'd like to shed. I saw a 'solved' notice in here from a year ago stating it was resolved by stating there is no solution. This is simply ignoring the myriads of request/votes of customer requests/concerns to fix it. Fitbit should have had a REAL solution by now and apparently do not. In reality this problem has not been resolved but simply is being ignored by the company/moderator. The solution 'solved' to put a vote in ideas does not address the real concern or issue at hand. What's the point of a community forum if Fitbit does not listen to its customers? The thread should have flagged Fitbit/moderator to produce a real fix, we're still waiting.

Stepping Up

Seems like I'm not the only one wanting to delete notifications on the fitbit app. I've had notifications since I started using fitbit one. Someone from the fitbit company should be working on this as part of the updates

First Steps
Easy fix, I'm sure! Don't like all the storage space it's using up. I have an older phone!!

Sent from my iPhone
Fitbit does not care.
They are not. Do you know how to stop them?

Sent from my iPad
Obviously motor they just don’t want to. Remember everything on your Fitbit can not be deleted.

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner

I would like to be able to delete old and unwanted notifications.  This would keep your notification folder from getting cluttered and allow you to find older messages easier.  It would also help with server space.  Sometimes every bit helps.

Maybe the messages can have an auto-delete feature? We can all agree on a time, right? Say, 2 minutes after the notification has been read for example. Or certainly, a job runs that cleans the messages out say 7 days after it has been read - it could coincide with the weekly email I get telling em my stats for the previous week. Now that would be useful - and a step in the right direction.
First Steps
Sounds reasonable.
Stepping Up

Seems like everything that customers are talking about these deletions are falling into VERY DEAF EARS. I was even thinking of upgrading, but I'll just wait until my Blaze totally dies, and get a different tracker from a different company. 

Sounds good to me. But can and Fitbit do it?

Sent from my iPhone
Me too!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
I finally just turned them off, but would love to rid my phone of the last year and a half of notifications.

Sent from my iPhone
I did the same, and I still have notifications from 11/17. Can’t get rid of them, but I don’t get new ones.

Sent from my iPad

So here are my questions: I wonder if...

1. ...the  Fitbit folks have their own version of the app where heir notifications no longer take up real estate space on their respective phones?

2. ...Bots monitor the threads for the number of entries and only respond on occasion when some threshold is crossed?

3. ...this is the Matrix?  



First Steps

I know this has been suggested countless times with no resolve, so I have no hope that this will go anywhere, but I figured it was worth a shot.

Why is there no option to be able to deleted messages people have sent you on the Fitbit app.  We have no control over what people might send us and being able to delete something we don't want is such a basic feature of anything with messaging.  I've seen posts going back over 4 years of people asking for this feature which shouldn't even have to be asked for, and certainly not ignored once it is!  It would be such a simple request to fulfill, and make so much sense.  I don't want to have to wait 30 days, I don't want them to disappear when they feel like it, i should be in control of that, just like everyone else should!


Please Fitbit, listen to the community that supports you and enjoys our products and just give us this simple thing.

First Steps

Why is there no option to be able to deleted messages people have sent you on the Fitbit app.  We have no control over what people might send us and being able to delete something we don't want is such a basic feature of anything with messaging.  I've seen posts going back over 4 years of people asking for this feature which shouldn't even have to be asked for, and certainly not ignored once it is!  It would be such a simple request to fulfill, and make so much sense.  I don't want to have to wait 30 days, I don't want them to disappear when they feel like it, i should be in control of that, just like everyone else should!


Please Fitbit, listen to the community that supports you and enjoys our products and just give us this simple thing.

I could not have said it any better. But obviously Fitbit does not care. They have had ample time for this to occur, and yet they have been unable to accomplish what should be so simple. Why???

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
Sent from my iPhone
Please clue me in what happened?

Sent from my iPad
First Steps
Nothing happened, just agreeing with your post.

Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

I am getting repeat messages and people asking to meet when I don't want to. I really want/need to delete these messages. How is it that deleting messages is not an option? It's kind of crazy to me. I really hope you can fix this soon.  Thank you  

Ask the moderator why this has not happened

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Yes, we need to delete the notifications on the app.  I have not received any motivations because of all the notifications.  Please do something to help delete them. 


A year later and the problem still exists. Sad, so sad.

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