Let us delete in-app notifications/messages

This is clogging up my iphone. I have a year or more worth of useless Fitbit notification messages I'd like to shed. I saw a 'solved' notice in here from a year ago stating it was resolved by stating there is no solution. This is simply ignoring the myriads of request/votes of customer requests/concerns to fix it. Fitbit should have had a REAL solution by now and apparently do not. In reality this problem has not been resolved but simply is being ignored by the company/moderator. The solution 'solved' to put a vote in ideas does not address the real concern or issue at hand. What's the point of a community forum if Fitbit does not listen to its customers? The thread should have flagged Fitbit/moderator to produce a real fix, we're still waiting.

Join the club, we’ve been begging for this for a couple of years now and without any success. But keep trying.

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

I think it is criminal that you do not provide a way to delete old notifications.  I have hundreds that are over a year old.  I have moved from a Flex to a charge 2 and only the old notifications from the flex are still listed. You have my request to delete them all, and contact infor for my phone, so you should be able to remove them.

The key words are could and should, but they won't.

Sent from my iPhone
Not applicable

Please add my displeasure to growing list of others who want to cleanup the Notifications in the iPhone APP. I sure hope the notifications are using up the memory on Fitbit’s server and not on my phone. 

Recovery Runner

Just remember how FitBit treated us if you consider their new Charge 3! I already sent FitBit asking if they will let us delete notifications and I did NOT respond! No Charge for me!!

I’m pretty sure they add to memory on my phone, because when I try to manage my phone memory there seems to be more being used by my Fitbit than the week before.
But I have been hearing from Fitbit users that use messaging that they receive inappropriate messages and can not delete them either. That is quite disturbing and needs to be rectified ASAP.

Sent from my iPad
I chuckled when I received the notice to pre order the Charge 3, not going to happen.

Sent from my iPad
First Steps
Have you turned your notifications off?

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
You can turn off your notifications, so no more accumulate.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

I have two (2) years of notifications that FitBit will NOT let me delete them!! That is why a LOT of us Charge 2 devices are NOT going to buy the Charge 3. Revenge is sweet with time!!

Yes, have you? But the ones I had until from 8/17-11/17 I can’t get rid of.

Sent from my iPad
Just remember nothing can be deleted, check all the categories and the data goes back to the day we downloaded the app.

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Not applicable
Yes but all the old ones are still there.
First Steps
Yes I have, but have 6 months built up!!

Sent from my iPhone
And they will be,until Fitbit deems it possible to be deleted by the customer.

Sent from my iPad
I’ve heard some people have more, all the more reason for Fitbit to listen to us and enable their removal. Have you checked to see if you can delete other data from the app? For example, I have all my exercise data on the app from the day I downloaded it and I can not delete this, and that’s over 2 years!!
If anyone knows how to remove that please tell us.

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner

I noticed that people have been complaining over 18 months about the inability to delete Notifications.  When I inquired to the Support Department they said "While we duly acknowledge and understand that this is not what you want on your app, this is an expected behavior."   


I, and thousands of others, do not think it is "expected behavior" that new notifications do not replace the old ones.  I have not gotten a new notification for four months and do not intend to do anything to get "push notifications," whatever the heck they are.  If I go to the Notification tab, I expect no less than the most current ones, with the old ones deleted to make space.  Any programming that does not allow this is FAULTY.   You have had at least 18 months to work on it.  Until it is corrected, I will not recommend a Fitbit to anyone that asks.


Please put the notification deletion function back on the mobile app. I’m tired of looking at all the past notifications I am not able to delite

When was the delete function present?

Sent from my iPad

It appears when the app was last updated the function to delete notifications was eliminated 

Now when was this? We've been complaining about not being able to delete notifications since February 2017. Surely Fitbit has updated since then!

Sent from my iPhone
I did not begin to use the app until September 2017 and just noticed the problem after the last update version 2.77 8/22/18. I would like to be able to delete but it seems to be a problem the developers are unwilling to solve.

Wayne J. Lettieri

Sent from my iPhone
We all believe you are correct Wayne. But why the developers are unwilling is unknown.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Yes, please consider an option to delete messages and notifications in the next update. It would be very helpful. 

First Steps
That would be so helpful. I am not getting any more notifications because it is all fulled up.
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