Make Heart Rate Data export in Excel/CSV format

Please add the heart rate data to the reports that can be downloaded/exported.  The ones for the activity and sleep are perfect but since I have a pacemaker I really need to have one to print out for my cardiologist showing how often I rise above the set pace.

Thank you


Mod edit: Title

First Steps
The main reason many people buy a smartwatch is to track their health, for many, track their heart rate data. However, there's no such data included in Export. Please include the heart rate data and graph in export!
First Steps

From what I've seen, it's included however it might contain fake data. I've made a post about it here:

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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @TabbyCatMeow, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about including heart rate data in the export data file with us. We found two similar ideas already posted on this board and you can see them here:

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