Make sleep score optional

Suggested idea is to have the sleep score optional ! 

We should be able to choose if we have the score or not , I hate feeling like I failed my sleep!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

Not applicable

Just got this update today. What an utterly useless feature!


Please change back to average sleep time or at least give us the option to see actual sleep time in addition to the score. 

First Steps

I bought my fitbit so I could track information, not so the software could grade me every night on how well I slept. Who thought forcing people to opt-in to that kind of judgment was a good idea? I want to opt out. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @jsnbrooks. Thanks for your suggestion about having the sleep score an optional feature with us! I've moved it into a similar request. You can also check this other suggestion, post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Base Runner

Making the sleep score optional would be a perfect solution.  Based on the comments I have read people either hate it or love it.  
Making it optional would also help to make for a customizable feature.

First Steps

Please, please, make this optional. It’s so depressing and illogically prominent. It has little relevance to me when after a sleep described as poor, I have actually felt quite good. Please revert. 

First Steps

The sleep score is now being forced on me. Thought I had successfully escaped it, but I opened my Fitbit app and there it was. I already have sleep anxiety issues and now to judged and graded on it makes it even worse. It should be an opt in/opt out feature. Please please please make it stop or update the app so it can be turned off. Please. I cannot stress how anxious the sleep score makes me. Make it go away. Please.

Base Runner

Please give us an option to hide it. The way the app is grading and judging me adds so much more anxiety and headache to my already not-so-perfect morning.

Recovery Runner

Please remove the score.   I bought the watch to help me understand my sleep issues.  And now my first fail of the day has happened before I even get out of bed!  


Okay, so all anyone from Fitbit Support has to do is look at the two screenshots side by side. Both were taken seconds apart. For whatever reason, when I close the Fitbit app and reopen it goes back to the old (and better) format showing the "average" amount of sleep for the week so far. (Probably because my forced upgrade just started this morning.) The screenshot on the right was taken seconds later after it switched back to the new (and useless) view that everyone here seems to loathe.


First thing I noticed is that it doesn't even count today's afternoon nap, and the average score of 69, is what I was given this morning after 7 hours 8 minutes of sleep. You'd think after another hour of nap and now 8 hrs 20 minutes of total sleep today the sleep "score" would change to something better or at least change at all. But the fact is that the number given is useless because unless you add up each day of sleep yourself and divide by the number of nights so far this week, you will never know what your average for the week is. People have started threads on this months ago and nothing yet has been done about it. It looks like we are all being forced to accept this new and far inferior Fitbit Sleep Program. Just take a look at the two screenshots and anyone can see with their own eyes which version is far better, more useful and helpful to the user. Like I said earlier, I use the average numbers of sleep for the week to often make decisions on how early I go to bed, if a nap is needed, when I need to reel it in etc. And the old view does that. The new one is truly useless!



Base Runner

They ignored thousands of complaints and requests to revert their terrible forced update to the "improved" dashboard. And I fear that this topic will share the same fate. It's going to be simply ignored by Fitbit.


I strongly recommend everyone to go ahead and leave a negative review to the app in Play Market and App Store, for reasons very nicely described by someone in the "new dashboard" topic:

"... Instead, I recommend that people take these quick and easy steps (steps 1-3 take under a minute):

1. Go to the App Store.

2. Search on Fitbit App.

3. Give it a 1 star rating.

4. Optionally, write a review expressing your dis-satisfaction. Let your frustration flow!

5. Optionally, go on Amazon and write a similar review.


The thing is, Fitbit Corporate already has our money, so it is understandable that they don't have much corporate motivation to care about us or what we think.


Nobody new looking to buy a health tracking device (potentially a Fitbit device) is going to go searching through these forums anyway. But they're going to look at reviews in the App Store, though; and seeing a bunch of 1-star ratings is going to make them at least somewhat less likely to buy a Fitbit device.


I really don't want to see Fitbit fail; I actually really like the product (currently, a nice slim Alta HR) and really liked the old Dashboard. And I'm sure there are many good designers, engineers, and product managers there!


But there's no short-term reason for Fitbit Corporate to respond to "feature requests" like this, because Internal Politics: some V.P. pushed hard for these changes; and that person is not going to lose face and back down simply because their existing customers think they made garbage design decisions.


On the other hand, there is a reason for them to respond to a sudden slew of negative reviews on the App Store. I mean, it's the sort of thing that gets tracked very closely; whereas I think these forums are seen more as a place for "the sheep to let off steam".


I 100% guarantee that 500+ 1-star reviews on the App Store will get a much bigger response than 500+ votes on some obscure "feature request" mechanism in these internal forums."

First Steps

I always thought it was very progressive of Fitbit not to have a sleep score. Over the three years that I've been using sleep tracking I've become very familiar with what's a normal pattern for me and I learned not to judge my sleep - that's a lot harder now. Please let me turn off this horrible scoring system it is giving me anxiety

First Steps

Get rid of the sleep score.  It was more beneficial to me to see my average hours of sleep.

Base Runner

I can see that people have been complaining about this for two months already, but we still don't see any changes, meaningful replies or any sign of any f*** given by Fitbit employees whatsoever. Just like they ignored community feedback on their new dashboard.


I see how it's easy to brush off current customers on some internal forum no potential buyer would ever visit. So, to provide Fitbit's higher ups with more incentives to pay attention, I recommend everyone to leave 1-star reviews on App Store, Amazon and all other places easily accessible by people who haven't yet given their money to Fitbit. I hope this way our voice will be harder to ignore.

Not applicable

I would love to see Sleep Scores being made opt-in/opt-out please! I live with a disability that causes me to experience intense physical pain pretty much constantly. I manage it as best I can (and the details of that aren't the point of this post), but it's still the main factor in determining how much sleep I get. Being able to see the length of time I slept for, as well as the sleep cycles showing time awake and in different stages of sleep, is super useful because it helps me to understand how my sleep is affecting other symptoms at any given time.

My Fitbit app updated recently and this morning I woke up to a Sleep Score of 57, which is apparently Poor, and the condescending suggestion that sleeping 'smarter' would raise my sleep score. Seriously, Fitbit? Insults at 8am now? I appreciate my perspective here might not be a very common one, but honestly I could do without being graded on how well I managed to sleep through feeling like my spine was climbing out of my body (which, let's face it, has absolutely nothing to do with how smart I am about anything).

If opting out of Sleep Scores altogether isn't an option, could there at least be the option not to show that figure on the dashboard and/or only to show it in the sleep section when you swipe to it intentionally? At the moment, there's no getting away from it. I could do without feeling like I've failed at something the second I wake up, so I've just stopped tracking my sleep with Fitbit, making an entire feature (half of which was genuinely helpful) utterly useless. I'm not saying get rid of Sleep Scores altogether or that they aren't really useful for some people in some situations, but please give us the option to not see it if we don't want to or if it isn't relevant or helpful to us.

When the Cardio Score was introduced, it was put on the second swipe-able screen in the heart section and doesn't show anywhere else in that section or on the app, so people who find it useful can see it and people who don't find it useful and prefer to simply view their heart rate can ignore it. Also, after a long thread of support on this forum for being able to opt in and out of showing fertility and period predictions in the Female Health section, that was made optional. At least do that with Sleep Scores, please?


Base Runner

That beautiful Sleep Score that appeared on our Fitbit devices today was a brilliant idea to make people not feel bad about themselves first thing in the morning. Without a possibility to opt out! Yaass!


Seeing someone grading me according to some abstract " ideal sleep" and showing me that probably I should be feeling unwell and not very productive during the day because I haven't hit someone's made up standard tonight, was such a great and motivating start of my day today, that I came up with an idea - let's go further and introduce Weight Score! Or better, fat score! Let's show people this Poor or Meh label not only on the sleep screen, but everywhere across the app, preferably at the top of the screen and with some giant flashy number, authoritatively confirming how Poor someone did and how Meh they should feel. Preferably every morning!


Just like that brilliant and forced sleep score you can't hide from, Fat Score would motivate people work harder and reach their goals faster, to finally hit that standard put out there by someone at some glossy FIT-the-standard-or-die-BIT magazine.


Right? What do you think? Great idea?


Amen please let us turn it off!


Stop! Stop fixing what isn’t broken. I don’t want you to rate my sleep!


i felt pretty good this morning but you are telling me that I only got a 72% sleep score!


Bleep off! Why do you need to keep changing things that are working perfectly well? 


Job security? 


This is another blunder. 


I fully agree! I keep checking the App Store and negative reviews are flooding in though some think it’s a place to review the Fitbit itself and leave 3-4 stars because of that. No need to kiss butt. We need Fitbit to know that they are making very big mistakes and they need to correct this and come up with a different strategy. 


Yes, the sleep score sucks. I’ll decide how I feel about my sleep. It’s all psychological. I have to go to work and do my best today. If you tell me I got crappy sleep, then how am I supposed to psych myself out of it? 


Another feature that was good before, down the drain. 

Recovery Runner

I'm not a fan of scores, and I would rather have the Relax feature that you have put on cheaper models. I think that would help my sleep more than a sleep score. Also, I don't care for the new step icon. Bad color choice for one thing. It's not east to see the color difference.


I want my average hours of sleep back. The sleep score is the worst idea I’ve seen from FitBit ever. If I can’t get the stats I want to see then the device isn’t worth wearing. I have plenty of nice watches. I want the sleep tracker that I purchased this watch for back. 

Recovery Runner

Everything should be customizable. Sleep score should most certainly be opt in.


The sleep score number does come across as judgmental, but also, it blocks the much more useful information about deep, light, and REM sleep. I want to turn it off.


In general, a Fitbit layout should be completely tailored by the user. 

First Steps

I am a person who has a tremendous deal of anxiety around sleep. And, when I was a student, I had a tremendous deal of anxiety about grades. I work a lot and do my best to fall asleep (and stay asleep) but struggle. I suffer from anxiety and can depression and got a Fitbit because it helped me feel motivated and accomplished. I look at my sleep hours and patterns to try to understand how I can do better. When I woke up this morning, already feeling tired and displeased about having to go to a long, challenging day at work and saw what amounted to being given a “C” on what now felt like an assignment, I felt horrible, demoralized, and like I wanted to throw in the towel since I’d already basically failed. Please remove this feature or make it optional ASAP. 

Base Runner

After a severe bout of insomnia today, I started my day with enough stress, anxiety and headache, to see some little piece of crap making arrogant remarks about my health and grading me based on my health issues, ruining my day beyond repair. Please fix it! It's very damaging to some users' mental health and psychological well-being.


Please also consider that there are perfectionist people without sleep issues (so far) who may get stressed about not getting that "above N" grade, so that they start having sleeping problems!


If you don't listen to your users, please speak to at least one sleep specialist or a psychologist and they will tell you what your users been telling you for almost 2 months! Make sleep score optional or hide it under other stats the same way cardio score is buried.


First Steps

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First Steps
I have not read that people love it. I hate it !

Sent from my iPhone
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